Avatar of NinaDivine
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 240 (0.10 / day)
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    1. NinaDivine 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Duct Tape can't fix stupid... but it muffles the sound.


I'm probably going to be one of the older members of this site. I've been roleplaying since Dungeons & Dragons had a Saturday morning cartoon on television. Yeah, I'm that old. I've been roleplaying online since 2001. I started in Yahoo chat rooms, and then around 2011 I was introduced to online forum roleplay. I tend to favor forum roleplay with multiple players than one-on-one games.

By this site's definition I am a Casual roleplayer as I may type anywhere from a few lines to a paragraph or two. It really depends on the game and the scene at the time. I tend to type less when my character is in a friendly conversation with another. Occasionally I may write three, four, or five paragraphs if so inspired.

I enjoy multiple settings with Modern/Slice of Life, Supernatural/Horror, Fantasy, and Superhero-themed being my faves.

Outside of roleplaying I enjoy television and movies, expanding my songs list on Spotify, and since last year, for better or worse, I've been watching a decent amount of cable news. I enjoy watching WWE, Supernatural, Arrow, The Flash, and The Daily Show. Animes I've enjoyed have been Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Parasyte: the Maxim, Tokyo Ghoul, and Sailor Moon (haven't seen the entire series). When it comes to music I'm mainly into Rock yet I will also listen to some Metal and Pop, and I'm a fan of 80's music.

I used to be really into comic books, but with today's prices a may just pick up the occasional graphic novel here and there. I'm more knowledgeable about Marvel characters than I am DC I believe. My favorite superhero is Spider-Man. Other characters I like are: Batman, the original New Warriors team, the original Thunderbolts team, the original Young Avengers team, and Young Justice (both the original comic & the animated series).


Lost my job of 25+ years in February.

Got a new part-time job in June.

August 18th - Had to put my best friend of 15 years to sleep. Rest In Peace, pup.

Most Recent Posts

How many street-level characters do we have so far in the coming rp? Cause I was thinking about writing one that at least in the first part (and probably for the longest time) was one.

Edit: just in terms of teaming up and stuff.

If @Simple Unicycle does The Question that'll be one. And if if I do my Red Arrow that'll be two.

Possiblity of Grifter and Midnighter have been mentioned also.
@Omega Man
I was thinking of maybe either creating an Aquagirl/woman character as a primary and using my Red Arrow from the previous version as a secondary, or aging up Red Arrow so she could be a member of the JLU and then coming up with a different secondary character (perhaps one of the H Dial holders).
@Dead Cruiser

Crime’s gonna be on the rise in Gotham as well with a broken Batman and no sidekicks in our history to protect the city.

I can't speak for the GM, but I'd take this to mean there was never a Robin so there was never a Nightwing.
@Dead Cruiser Just in case you didn't see it in the original post, there isn't a 'Bat-Family' currently in the history of this game.
Sorry for the bit of a Green Lantern dry spell. I write to music, and part of my challenge with transitioning to this new story has been that the sound I have in mind for my Green Lantern has fundamentally changed and it took me a couple of days to nail down just what that sound was.

Now that I've got a playlist going, I should have more ring-slinging in the next day or so.

I've made soundtracks for a few of my characters in the past. It was fun.

Of course, the game would end for one reason or another soon after....
Is adamantium the strongest metal in this game's universe?

EDIT - In the Arrowverse (Supergirl season 2) Nth metal is described as unbreakable.
Meanwhile, in Simple Unicycle Land...

@Master Bruce

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