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Just Noodles who like eating noodles

Age: 22

A bit late to say this, but retired

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Bulls' Mast Tavern

The wolf Arafael’s pair of eyes glinted at the technique from the dragon. The set of dozen steps of the assassin’s technique. Arafael stopped on his paws to see on what that former marine was about to do. It was a surprise to see a person Bakuto using those techniques, but the direction is a bit off, he didn’t need to dodge that ‘shave’.

“You talk so much on the raw power of Devil Fruits. Didn’t you learn anything from that battle with my teacher?” Arafael taunted that dragon of his defeat against Shakar. Arafael kicked one of the tables, and it snapped into pieces from one of the gales and winds of Alesia’s blade.

The familiar sound, scent and wind reached his ears. The dozen refined steps of an assassin. A properly performed technique of ‘Shave’. That crew have been attracting those dangerous sort. Arafael the wolf howled at the Nightblade Adrian. Hidden in his mouth was a loaded pistol, as the sound of gunshot rang out at the same time as Adrian completes his dozen steps.

The bullet burned a hole in one of the confetti of cards, as it soared headfront to that Nightblade in his top speed. The wolf have his cold snarly eyes on Adrian, watching on what he will do next.
Following the lead of the group, Selovia thought that the talking survivor was a trap of some sort. She had a bad vibe on the field of traps and corpses regardless. So, it might be rude to cover her face in the eyes of the dead, as the companion warned. Had it been not he job that she was tasked to do, she’d rather leave the place sooner or later.

The dreaded sound of the Orc warhorns echoed along the tomb ruins. Have they been tailing them all this while? She wasn’t sure of the numbers, but the previous night was a skirmish as far as she knows. The traps of the tomb become the least of her concern. Following the leader of the band, Selovia watched to see the warboss showing up with his band of orcs. The depths of the tomb were eerie, especially from that smell of the rotten miasma of the tomb.

Snakemen emerged to fight off the orcs. But she doubt the snakemen would be able to take the orc warlord that easily, not especially with that size of his.

“Sounds like a decent plan, I’m going forward with this.” Selovia tapped on her powers of her soul stone, forcing the magic into a rough shape of lightning. Her magic wasn’t well-refined, and seizing magic was a better term than casting magic. Holding her cast of magic, sparks of purple and blue surrounded her spear. She was ready to send lightning at that orc army at any moment.
Bulls' Masts Tavern

“I know, that is what I’m planning to buy, the seas of the Grand Line isn’t easy to cross,” Alesia got up and moved to the table of fortune telling. That cold brown eyes glinted towards the pirate Captain.

“You know its impolite to look at others’ fate,” That fortune teller flipped the cards face down, then revealed one card on the center of the table. “Interesting, yours is the sign of Ravens.”

“Putting that aside, I can see that the wolf is a ‘human’ that ate the Canine Canine Fruit, of the Arctic wolf subspecies.” That fortune teller stood up and let out a familiar smirk. “I go by the name Arafael.”

Alesia had no idea what that fortune teller been going about. Scruffy? Impossible… She glimpsed an oddly familiar shape of an outreached hand, slowly descending upon her head. “I didn’t get to see you clearly from the last time, but you’re really short.”

“Get your filthy hands away from me, Scruffy!” Alesia slapped Arafael’s wrist away with her full force.

“You were much nicer with those headpats of yours,” Alesia’s cutlass sprang out from the scabbard almost immediately after the last few sentences of Arafael’s mouth. She grasped on the sword so tightly that her hands turned white, she was going to make those words his last. Arafael drew out his swordbreaker from the reaches of his leather cloak, slamming the edge of the blade towards the table.

“Ten tonnes,” Alesia leaned her full weight towards the mahogany table, as it collapses into plywood and splinters, Arafael’s deck of cards fluttering along the scene of the barfight. Just when she was about to break his throat with her sword, that tall man that called himself Arafael shrank into a very familiar creature, a wolf of white elegant fur, with the same brown eyes, ‘Scruffy’.

“I’ll be taking my leave from here, in courtesy with that ill temper of yours~” The wolf sprang forward with his four legs towards the edge of the windows, and it seemed that he was about to make another escape from the Scarlet Pirates.
@Eviledd1984 Always open & accepting!
Tavern Corner - The Great Fortune Telling @Jerkchicken
“Not even a sign of tamperings, to think that you would deliver this letter,” The fortune teller gazed at the seals of the letter, then pushing the letter back to Flint,” A surprise that you pirates are so honest. But I already figured out what this letter is about, something regarding Duke Benniad.”

The fortune teller drew out a sign form the deck of cards. The symbol of the Marshes. “Should you want to challenge the man that hides under another name, it won’t be an easy voyage for you and the crew.”

Breaking the waxed seal, the fortune teller pulled out a small letter, placing it at Flint’s side. There it reads:

I’ll skip with the formalities as you requested, I’ve confirmed this from the Rumours of the Brown Isles. Duke Benniad of the Kingdom of Argin is indeed the pirate Rel’chunk.

A letter as short as it is, yet it conveyed what it needed. Rel’chunk the ‘Lord of the Evening’, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The second card that the fortune teller drew was the card of the Wilted Feather, then the sign of snakes, the sign of an oasis, and lastly the sign of a ghastly old man with a sword.

“Allow me to explain further, your captain has a liking to animals,” He pointed to the card of snakes, “And I can see that you have raised an Arctic Wolf. Seems like it escaped recently.”

The fortune telling was accurate, as he pointed on the wilted feather and continued, “Your Crew have a few interesting people. That is in the news, but you fought a Marine Lieutenant, one that is stronger than his own rank. The other two cards are more relevant to your crewmates. So any further questions to ask?”

Tavern – Alesia @Genon
Another person, a man in a black suit joined the table. Alesia felt that she had been getting all the unwanted attention lately. She should’ve gotten a copy of newspaper beforehand, as she pondered on what the news wrote about. Perhaps not of something pleasant. She replied without showing much expression, “Sure, go ahead.”
Bar of the Bulls' Masts

A woman taller than anything that she had seen before in her life entered the tavern. Looking up at her, that tall lady makes her look short, not that she was already short to begin with.

Blood flushed away from her cheeks when she saw the bounty poster. One with her own face and name, with eight large numbers printed on it. “Higher than Valar…” She expected an eventual bounty, but not something as high as that one. Taking a deep breath to maintain on her composure at such situation, she noticed another person entering the bar. Bakuto, but with thick layered cloaks. She couldn’t hardly recognize him from the way he was right now, as she couldn’t tell how many layers of those cloaks he was wearing. If this is what he call ‘disguise’, he is doing quite a good job in it…?

“Yes, you’re right, you all are honest merchants,” The bartender eyed on the gold coin that he was holding, his mustache was the only thing that was hiding his thick green. Alesia was just being generous on her payments, and that bartender seemed to take it as a ‘bribe’. To each to her own, she supposed.

“Ahem… ‘Alesia’ is quite a common name. We’re just ‘treasure hunters’, and those damned marines are the ones who attacked us first,” Alesia dragged a chair from the nearby table, “But the Scarlet Pirates is recruiting, and we’re still deciding on how to split our spoils. I’m thinking of an even split of 10 million, and the reserves will go to a new ship after we reach the Grand Line. The Reverse Mountain is a bit troublesome to cross…”

Bull’s Mast Tavern Corner
At another corner of the Bull’s mast, the fortune teller drew out a deck of cards. One by one the signs are revealed: The Card of Ravens, following the Card of the Clouds, then a Wilted Feather and the symbol of the White Cross. The last card shows the Skull Symbol. “Huh…” The young fortune teller muttered, creasing a frown.
I would have like it to be longer, but here it is.

Accepted from the PMs, you can post on the Char tab and the IC tab.
A tavern is a good place for pirates to meet up, so that would work ~
Colour me interested
Loguetown Back Alley @BladeSS4
Amongst the posters that Bakuto torn away, was one that have the same bounty as the marine captain Bakuto. One that wore a familiar grey cloak, the Captain of the scarlet Pirates was on the freshly printed poster. Alesia ‘the Gale’, a bounty of 27 million. A blurry image from the surrounding smoke and mists, but of a recognizable print.

Streets of Loguetown
“Damnit!” Alesia let out a long line of cursings upon losing her pet wolf, ‘Scuffy’ amidst the crowd. She was going to consult with that Flint on why he didn’t buy a leash on that ship pet. And as of what Bakuto said earlier, she had one more thing to worry aside from the Marines. Nets of Sea Prism Stones She’d be rather fed to the sharks than to meet such a fate. She had doubts that the old man would reach this port so quickly, that ship is well damaged enough to delay them for a day or two. Also, she wasn’t a pirate like Valar, she wouldn’t attract too much attention to the Marines. So long as they don’t send those seagulls at us….

Bar of the Bulls’ Mast @Jerkchicken@KiltmanBagz@Genon
The Bar of the bulls’ Mast is mostly deserted in the middle of the morning. With only a bard playing music of melancholy, and a group of people playing around a deck of cards. One such table was of a Shady, Yellow haired man, with a scar that reaches from the forehead down to the eyebrows. He looked young, appearing around his 20s. The sign on the table is written with ‘The Great Fortune Telling! ONLY 10,000 Berys’. His brown eyes glinted at the potential new customers, shuffling a deck of cards before placing it beside the placard.

That’s no wonder his table is empty, Alesia settled the bulky treasure box in the middle of the Mahogany table. “I’ll be reserving this table, bring me your best ale & food.”

Alesia dug the treasure box and handled a gold coin to the bartender. The gruff bartender, his face creaked out what she could barely describe as a smile under his thick mustache. “You truly have our best interests in our hearts, worry not, I won’t blutter out a word on your arrival, Captain Alesia.”

How did he know my name? Alesia snorted, as the mug of the best ale of the morning gets served to her.
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