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@PyroDash888 since it's been a few days, I just wanna clarify before changing the username.

This was taken a couple of days ago, so if anyone needs clarification on whether he knows or not then here you go.

As for logging in, chances are that he doesn't need to log in at all to work on the forum. He is a programmer after all and he designed the site from the grounds up so unlike vBulletin or PHPboards it doesn't actually have a programming interface that is accesses from logging into the site.

If you also look at any of the features screenshots of past you may also notice some odd usernames and random limitations. That's most likely because he runs the forum on a virtual machine first before he rolls out any updates, ie: a different, intranet version of the site. All he would have to do is insert the logs into that and he may be able to replicate the same issues.

The problem is finding the issues... Just because you have an error code does not mean that you know where the problem is. Think of it as the engine light coming on in a car, it's a symptom, not the issue. Bug solving isn't easy any anyone who plays any videogames will know how a simple bug can cause the worse problems imaginable. In addition to this, he needs to find time to work on the site, away from the projects and jobs he has a the moment.

So yes, we ask you to bare with us but know we are doing all that we can.
(Moved thread to appropriate Sub-Forum)

At the time being, no. There is some development for email notifications but seeing as the Guild is a custom built website we will have to wait until Mahz has completed the coding for that feature.
So logging on today and it seems like the Guild is running smoother than the snail pace of a day or so ago. Still awaiting a response, and if the Guild does return to normal speed we at least have a day logged where we can ask Mahz to go back and find out what caused the hamsters to run out of energy.

For a request to anyone that had any issues, would everyone be able to link any duplicate posts/threads in here that need to be attended to. We had one person who sadly posted her roleplay 4 times and even myself posting this thread accidentally posted it five times.

Hopefully the last of the storm is behind us and we can get things back on track as soon as possible.
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