Avatar of OfWindAndRain
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 562 (0.20 / day)
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    1. OfWindAndRain 8 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current This account old AF
3 yrs ago
You heard 'em, chaps, lock the gal up! No marriage here! Freedom! Single Pringles only! Vivia la baguette!
6 yrs ago
If the Earth is flat, then how does one explain tens of thousands of people all across the globe in various space agencies not ONCE leaking that it's all a lie and everything's flat?
6 yrs ago
Got myself Overwatch's Pink Mercy skin for charity!
6 yrs ago
Did you know that baby cheetahs are given Labrador puppies to bond with because they need a stress relief buddy.


I'll be honest, I don't wanna put a bio up cause I'm afraid I'll scare people off by writing plainly, but not really interested in taking a bunch of time for am that formatting.

So if ya wanna chat, do send a PM!

If you're a friend of mine and wanna see the bio filled, and wanna write a truthful description of yours truly, lemme know! A description from a third party is alwayd the best kind.

Most Recent Posts

@Lady Selune
'pparently not
you look fine to me
Super super pretty.


Absolutely. I'm just here to be part of the roleplay.

Eyy, Nerevarine, you might want to add 'quality control' to Russia's weaknesses. One of the greatest problems with Russian equipment was it always malfunctioning.
That being said, it's not right to drag us into a conversation that they didn't give us any time to be part of.
Okay, so are you just ignoring me or have you not been getting any of my PMs? I would really appreciate an answer, even if it's just to tell me that you don't want to rp with me.
Britain's Home

America watched the argument, impassive even at the rising tension in the room. Germany, at this point, was discarding former friendships and outright insulting everyone around her. Great Britain, as usual, was getting angry after having his superiority complex tickled. The usual, really, with him, but this was normally unlike Germany. As a new nation in the world, their political power was somewhat... unstable, and unsure, but they nonetheless pushed it very hard. They were also very good at most things they tried, which begged the question to be asked- why was Erika suddenly flipping her shit?

The answer was all too clear. She no longer wanted economic or political power- she wanted to be absolute. Letting herself into someone else's home, doing her best to piss everyone off... getting others to make the first move, he supposed.

America clasped his spear all the tighter, frustrated with his 'family's inclination towards anger.

"Calm yourself, Britain. You make mistakes when you get angry, and you'll never win if you keep getting riled up so quickly. I thought you would've learned that by now.

You all know that she's going to start a war. There's no other reason to alienate and anger us so- she clearly doesn't think our thoughts will matter in the long run, especially considering that she insulted the most powerful nation in the world."

America paused a moment, before smirking slightly and adding, "And the rest of you as well, Britain, Canada." His smirk came from the knowledge that his economic power easily overtook Britain's, his political power quickly rising, and knowing full well that if needbe, America could likely prevail over Great Britain's military.

"No, there'll be hostilities soon. I'll be in touch later- I think I'll be switching to war production as soon as she makes a move. Let me know what any of you need, and I'll begin shipping it." Nothing like a war to jumpstart the industries that have been starting up lately, and innovation. He had no doubt that whatever Germany was planning would undoubtedly improve his own situation, even if Germany tried to invade him.

"Speaking of zeppelins... they're just really big targets. Nothing impressive about building a giant target around yourself, to travel around at the slowest pace possible."

Three things, for the both of you:

A) You both automatically put America (and Japan) into this scene, without us ever making that move.
B) You're controlling the entire scene, without waiting for us to reply.
C) Because the both of you just played out the entire scene, I can't reply to Germany. Nothing at all. And so now I've been left out because of your enthusiasm. Come on, guys, that's just assholish.

Apparently, America and Japan who were just dragged along don't have a voice. Slow it down, and don't control our people, yeah?
America don't take no shit!
Home of Serbia and Montenegro

@bluetommy2@Dannyrulx@SillyGoy@Lady Selune

"Watch your mouth, Serbia," snapped the eagle. "You would do well to remember that every guest in this room you call a home is more powerful than you, economically and militarily. Especially myself." A warning note rang in his voice- no senile country of power long lost shouldn't be so foolish as to insult him alone. Who was Serbia to insult all Western countries? Their poor excuse of a home was more than enough indication that they were far better off.

"I would've been far more willing to supply the both of you in your fight, should you have started it, had you not been senile and unable to properly lead and negotiate. You'll receive no help whatsoever from us, for as long as you believe in yourself to be far greater than you are. Learn your place, Serbia, Montenegro."

This freedom eagle was ruffled, angry, hating their long-held self-righteousness and blindness to reason or negotiation. Silly, childish fools, they needed to be reformed already. If only he wasn't so set on isolationism, he might teach the insolent crones a thing or two about modern strength and power.

Turning to leave, America paused at the decrepit doorway, addressing his father and sister.

"Anne, my sister, and father Britain, we should meet soon. I have heard rumblings from Europe, as I'm no doubt you're aware. You too, Japan. We have business to discuss if we are to remain on top of the world's events."

With that, the eagle shoved his way through the door, leaving the meeting with the Balkans without a goodbye. They were not important, powerful, or clever enough to warrant any respect, in America's eyes.
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