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    1. OfWindAndRain 8 yrs ago
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Current This account old AF
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You heard 'em, chaps, lock the gal up! No marriage here! Freedom! Single Pringles only! Vivia la baguette!
6 yrs ago
If the Earth is flat, then how does one explain tens of thousands of people all across the globe in various space agencies not ONCE leaking that it's all a lie and everything's flat?
6 yrs ago
Got myself Overwatch's Pink Mercy skin for charity!
6 yrs ago
Did you know that baby cheetahs are given Labrador puppies to bond with because they need a stress relief buddy.


I'll be honest, I don't wanna put a bio up cause I'm afraid I'll scare people off by writing plainly, but not really interested in taking a bunch of time for am that formatting.

So if ya wanna chat, do send a PM!

If you're a friend of mine and wanna see the bio filled, and wanna write a truthful description of yours truly, lemme know! A description from a third party is alwayd the best kind.

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A ping appeared on the minimap of Savannah's head directly behind her, just as she had already begun turning to deal with the telltale disturbances in the air- phase shift wasn't without flaws. She had already spun up her power shot for close range when, just as she fired, the Ronin was blown to the side, its sword raised. A burst of fiery rage shot through her, and she glanced to the side to see Jager trying to powershot from a hundred meters away.

Legion's more effective if you use close range for close range and long range for long range, she thought to herself, frustrated, before turning back to the scratched Ronin. He doesn't even have any damage taken!

The Ronin had sheathed its sword in favor of the shotgun, dashing to the side before the Legion Captain could get a shot lined up, still swinging her gun around as a spray of shrapnel started flashing across the Titan's titanium hide. Gritting her teeth as the Ronin dashed around her again, she dropped the Predator cannon in favor of more agility, and dashed towards him. She just barely managed to grab his arm when he phase shifted again, bringing the her with it, and instead of dashing away from her grip, she kept him anchored.

The moment they came out of phase shift, exactly where they were before, Severrence pulled and threw the Ronin against the wall she had been taking cover behind, using her heavier chassis and more powerful arms. Slamming her other hand into the Ronin's shoulder, she ground the Titan against the wall, ignoring the swings from the other arm with his sword. After a moment, she pulled, slowly tearing out the arm of the Titan, and then throwing it to the ground.

Ronin struggling to get up one-handed, Savannah stepped forward and crushed the Titan's midsection, before grabbing onto the top of the light mech and raising it into the air. Forming a fist, she punched the cockpit of the Ronin once, twice, three times, finally dislodging the cockpit door, and pulling out the Titan's AI core with it.

Reaching in, she gently grabbed the stunned IMC Pilot- a rookie, though probably from a wealthier family or went to some fancy school- and pulled him out of his Ronin, dropping the useless piece of scrap as she retrieved him.

Opening her own cockpit, she stepped up to the edge of her command pod, and reached forward to unsling the man's CAR SMG. She checked the magazine for ammunition, and then emptied said mag at the hip into the man's face, while incapacitated and stunned.

Tossing the SMG inside, she took control of her mech again and dropped the headless body. Retrieving her Predator Cannon, she reconnected the belt feeding it from her ammunition stores, and went back to pushing with the rest of the group, adding one more to the tally of IMC pilot she's personally executed.
Some constructive crit:
1) Several times throughout your post, you shift perspective. From "He did" to "They did" to "I mean." Might wanna work on that.
2) Dialogue. One person's dialogue is in ONE paragraph, period. There should never be two people's dialogue in a single paragraph. Your last post had your character speaking, then an NPC speaking, in one paragraph. That's a no-no
I figger Severrence doesn't know his past, or if she did, she'd give him a high-five. She's all about crushing the IMC for how they're wronged the people in the Militia- the IMC has wronged Alms, and thus he's Militia. Therefore, gaining her compassion, sympathy, and herself as a shield-sister, to dip into the Norse.

Also, [@everyone], anyone against maybe one of the last Titans to be taken care of being a Ronin, sneaking up on Severrence? I got a scene set up in my mind, demonstrating how little she sympathizes with the human beings she's fighting.
Taking a spinning step out of cover, Severence dropped her Titan to one knee and and spun up the barrel. A moment later, fire sparked and sputtered from the six barrels of the Predator Cannon, droning out lesser sounds on the battlefield with it's lethal brrrrrrrrt! It took several seconds for her target- an IMC Scorch- to turn towards her, one of its legs already sparking and shaking from the armor-piercing rounds that were lighting its 'hip' up. A single round of its heavy grenade launcher spiraled over her head, fired reactively instead of carefully.

It took a couple more seconds before a couple other Titans started firing on her- first an Ion, then a Tone. Lucy the Legion shuddered for a moment, taking a few hits to the heavy armor of the cockpit, before Savannah activated the gunshield. Ordering her Titan to continue firing until the gun began to overheat or the Scorch was down, she climbed out of the cockpit through the top hatch, protected by the gunshield- shuddering, shimmering, but still blue.

Unslinging her Archer, she took aim at and locked onto the Scorch. Detecting the lock-on, the Scorch immediately used his fiery defensive ability, spewing out tons of thermite in the hopes of pre-detonating the warhead... that never came. As the system overheated and he dropped it, Savannah fired.

She didn't check to see if it hit or not, simply slinging it back onto her back and sliding back into the cockpit. Glancing up, she saw the impact.

The Scorch could hardly move, since ones of its legs were shredded, and so as it turned to try and take cover, the Archer missile slammed into the lesser armored hide of its side, and detonated. Flames shot out of the Scorch's exhaust, and it paused, ejection sequence initiating. Nope, too late- the thermite stores inside the Scorch caught fire, and the Scorch's engine blew out the back, while the rest of the Scorch melted from the inside, toppling over.

Staggering up to her feet again, Savannah ducked the Titan back into cover, having taken light damage on heavy armor.
No I didn't.

That's my character referring to his mechanical body- Reapers, Spectres, Stalkers, "same thing" she would say.
@superservo27It's been like ten minutes since the siren went out for them to drop, probably took 4 minutes for them to drop.

They've just gotten boots on the ground. No one's gonna have more than five kills, especially since this isn't the mad brawl that you see at the end of the get-to-the-chopper mission in Titanfall 2. People are going to be playing to stay alive less than to decimate everything not friendly. Half an hour into the fight, and someone might have like half a dozen kills. Someone ultra aggressive might have more, at the cost of their own titan.

I mean, just... think about it.

Yeah, how DO we know he's got 25 kills?
Seems like a bit of a big jump to go from Titanfall to three hours into a siege, but I’ll work with it.

Didn't realize the battle had been going on long enough, considering it had only just begun.

And the way it was phrased was the phrasing often used for sarcasm.
Don't know if you're mocking me or not?

As far as I know, Powershot-close is loading all the barrels with rounds and then firing off all of them at once. I never really understood how it worked tbh. Powershot-long must've been something like Bulletstorm- loading the barrel up with rounds, and them firing them all at once. I dunno, Powershot made the least sense out of everything Legion.

Also- you realize Jager's gonna get shit from like, my character for example. "He's got 25 kills!" "Yeah so what, I got over a hundred?"
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