Avatar of Old Amsterdam
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1729 (0.67 / day)
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
6 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

Get better soon mate
[Redacted for glitch posting]
Work on the sheet and it won't be a problem. Y'all were being judged separately anyways.

@Mercenary Lord
Don't worry about it mate, we understand.
Looking forward to it.
It's quite alright. We'll pick you back up when you've got time snail.^^
@Mercenary Lord
Finch, Ace, Dragon and Spectrum kinda, soon Magus... They all are involved individually with things that connect on a greater whole.
@Mercenary Lord
Just wait. It gets better. (Worse?)

I've got an entire story line created for this, and several character arcs planned that directly tie into everything that's going on.

Ideally I'd like to get everyone a personal Arc going for this, but... That's been pricing difficult.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Double post>>

Anyways, post is up. Sorry it's a little short, I'm not feeling too well today.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Dia - Dorm Room


Dia bowed her head slightly. "I can do eggs," she said with a small smile. "But only sunny side up. The rest is always a mess and ruined when I try."

A short time later Dia had put down a plate for Emi, herself, and found some containers to take some for Felix. She was currently enraged with cleaning up her mess, still a little flustered over Emi's last request to know more about her ramblings.

"He's, uh, another first year. And, I don't know, there's just something about him that clicks. Err. Like there's this bit that makes everything feel okay and that I can not worry around him so much. If that makes sense?" Dia said softly.
Marksman - Down the Rabbit Hole

Liz shook her head, growing ever irritated at the rain. Even with runes to help, she could barely hear her own footsteps.

And she was soaked.

"Bloody weather.." she murmured.

It was then that she heard it. The giggle.

That was definitely her sister! But... Her sister didn't giggle. Her laughs were always unique, and she could never just have a simple sound like a giggle.

She was met with a conundrum. Did she travel deeper into the forest in hopes that she'd find her sister, or continue onward in her search?

She shook her head. There wasn't a choice. This was the best lead she had, there were no other choices.

Activating a rune to make her quieter and harder to notice, not that it really mattered in this rain, Liz set of carefully.

If she found a good spot to climb a tree and move from tree to tree, she would. Otherwise she was stuck walking through the ever muddier ground, keeping her eyes peeled either way for a sign of her sister.
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