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Cool, Cool. I will try to think of appropriate things. Also, I cant remember if you said if Fer could learn spells.
totally my bad. I forgot you had replied. I will try to post something on Tuesday. I am trying to wrack my brain on how to best ensure we all make it out alive lol.
I am guessing it is my turn to post since Whaomi is out on the field? Or will @Lunarlord34 wanna post her intro? I dont mind just wondering.

Also, you mentioned about levels. How applicable will this be in the RP. I am guessing the higher the level the stronger the monsters we will be able to take on but I did not know if this also meant the increase to our abilities or other such things. Do you mind explaining that a bit more @vancexentan?

Fer felt under dressed compared to Cole but his upbringing helped. The humble clothes that were repaired over and over until they either did not fit or were much to tattered to be of any use were common to him. During his time as a guerilla fighter, he had often had to repurpose the clothes of those who had died not hours before in order to remain clothed. More than once his shirt or pants sported holes that had been the demise of the item’s previous owners.

The shield hero heard his companion speak regarding the upcoming events. A nod was given back as response to the question. “Cole, I have do doubt that the king needs to be a sharp individual. As I am sure I have said before, we are one of the many tools in his box that helps keep the wolves away and inspire his allies. Even dressing you up like that is a good show of force.”

The young hero had no doubt that the king or somebody from his advisors, had planned for the success or failure of the heroes. While Fer was no stranger to the manipulations of men in power, he hated that his companion had to experience some form of it. The shield hoped with all his heart that the king did not just view the two of them, or actually the four of them, as disposable assets. Cole deserved better than that.

“My friend, people will like you because you are a good person. You are sincere and upright. The people need that, especially now.” The young hero offered his friend a smile. “They dressed you up like that to cement your image as a hero in the hearts of the people. That image will be used to inspire and rally. You will be the example to follow in the dark times.” Fer took a slow deep breath in. He hoped that Cole would not be used as an inspirational martyr.

The next statement resulted in a questioning look. It would not be strange to attract more followers, especially after a victory. But what would that mean for their team dynamic. Speaking of team, where was their feathered friend? Fer decided to ask Cole which seemed to be more informed than him.

“Cole, have you seen Auriel? Will she not be joining us?” He looked around. The young hero hoped he had not driven a wedge between him and their angelic companion. The purity in Auriel’s heart might have been troubled by Fer’s sadly pragmatic approach to life and death. The young Hero knew that mercy and honor were not always the best ways to win a battle.

“You say we may have new companions? I wonder if they are volunteers or have been ordered by higher authority?” The trio had already been spied on enough by those damned shadows. The young hero did not want to have to worry about spies in their own team.

“Yeah, more people would help. It would help you and Auriel at least more than I can. I still need to find out more about this shield Cole. If you can, using your new found direct connection to the king, could you ask if there is someone who can help us unlock our true potential faster?”

"Speaking of Rayla...she's in the dungeon right now. Hope the King doesn't expect me to kill her myself."

Fer hissed at this. He wanted to believe that this would not be the case, but what better way to showcase a heroe’s obedience to the throne than to have them perform a state mandated execution. “I hope that too, Cole. I would say I would do it in your stead but…” He pointed to his jeweled bracer which seemed to glow as if in reaction to the jive.

“You know, for what its worth, I think you did a great job. We got the bad guy. You prevented her death so she could be tried by a lawful court. The mission was a success. You do deserve props.” Fer smiled as he patted Cole on the expensive looking clothes. “Oh maybe I should not have done that. Hope I did not stain your regal dress Sir Cole the Magnificent!” He teased his companion hoping to help the young sword be at ease.

Also decided to put the fate of the kingdom in your dice roll and you did not disappoint there ;)
Though we're not out of the woods yet, you'd better watch your coming steps....

No more Castle at least and Olysium will fall and be overrun. Now let's see how many will survive.

I dont know if I should smile or cry lol.

I only asked for the mount because if they need to make their getaway lol I assumed that At least Alexa had some sort of whistle that could call her mount but did not know if you would allow this to be standard for all mounts.

I kinda figured about the small air ships. Ok cool Thanks for the info and believe me, I can totally imagine the current chaos. One can argue that it is much safe in the ground than in the air but potato potatoe.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time:10 am
Location: Helius between Ironhold and River Port
Interactions:, Rue @Potter Bowyn @Helo
Equipment: basic travel pack, medical pack, foot soldier armor, foot soldier shield and weapons. 779 Amas

Slowly, the nausea began to subside. The almost imperceptible motion of the exceptional Helius began to fade. The dwarf listened to the passionate recollection of the white haired lad. The love for his people, and land evident in Bowyn’s speech. For a second, the medic saw behind the walls that the winter fairy had put up to protect himself or perhaps protect other from him. Isolation was isolation. Apparently Rue felt the dissertation deeply as she sniffled back emotion.

Whether he agreed with Bowyn regarding seeking to thrown himself head long into war and killing as many dark elves as possible, it did not keep the young dwarf from validating the reason why the fairy wanted to protect such a memory. Arn knew firsthand that war had a nasty habit of changing people, and places. Certain locations where big battles had been fought in present or olden times had become dead zones. No matter, how stoic, nobody left the battlefield unscathed. War changed you.

I loved my home, and I have seen enough of Avalia that I know without a doubt I do not wish for it to spoil my home.
Arn nodded. “Your home does indeed sound like a worthy place to defend. There is no cause mor righteous than to take up arms to protect.” The young dwarf gave the fairy lad a nod of respect. At least now the medic knew that Bowyn was not just fighting for the sake of fighting. The flame that burned in the winter fairy’s heart would help him keep the cold grip of despair at bay.

The dwarven solider listened to the rest of the lad’s speech. A slight smile painted on his face as the lad explained
his position. The dwarf did not disagree or had issue with anything that was said. After all, they were strangers. Why should he expect these two to give up their lives for him? That was not something he would ask of them to begin with. Yet, in his heart, he knew that he would protect them, strangers or not.

When Bowyn finished Arn gave him an acknowledging nod. “I do not seek anything of you Bowy. If allies are all that we are meant to be then so be it. I welcome it. I shall walk by your side as long as our paths take us. If I am able to even in some small way prevent this war from reaching your village, then I gladly accept my role.” He offered him a weak smile because his body was stills suffering from the vertigo of the flight. “I promise you also that no harm shall come to you via my hand. However, I hope you do not begrudge me being unable to leave you to harm if any is to befall you. I will do it with no payment or repayment in mind.” The medic shrugged. “I am vowed to heal the sick and care for the wounded.”

“If your letter is from the dwarven king, and he is supporting the light elves in the war, why do you need to hide your position in his army?”

Arn took a deep breath. His mind weighing in the answer that he was to give the winter fairy. “Thank you for being so open with me. So I shall attempt to return the favor. A dwarven Legionnaire does not serve as a lone asset. While it is not strange for a dwarf to explore the world, it is done while on leave and in civilian manner. A single dwarf in Legion issued gear will raise some eyebrows for sure.” He adjusted his armor as if the weight of the things he was saying had become physical. “The secrecy was imparted on me by the king itself. I promise to reveal more when we have a less likely audience.” He looked around to drive home his point.

”You are a good dwarf Arn; I sure hope the others have your kindness and selflessness. The world could use more of it than the cruelty we saw yesterday.”

Rues comment actually caused Arn to break into a tender look. Her comment had truly touched him. He smiled in her direction and nodded to her too. “I am afraid you think too much of me Miss Rue but I am thankful for the sentiment regardless. I agree with you that this world would be a much better place if people talked before submitting to violence but unfortunately, that is not so. Therefore, I commit to saving as many lives as I can. If that be by my medical skills or by delivering this letter and its contents to the Princess of the Light Elves then so be it.”

There was a firmness to his voice that was not normally there. He did indeed want to save lives, even those of the dark elves. In the medic’s eyes, any life was important. He was just saddened that some people decided to cause harm and pain while living their lives.

”Bowyn’s right. Why are you trying to hide so much?”

Arn looked at the winter lass in a pensive matter. “Miss Rue, as I have promised. I will reveal as much as I can without harm. I promise I do not keep this from you to vex you but I hope you understand that in these times one must be wary. Also, I fear that you think I am holding some big secret. In deed, I feel that the truth may leave you with more questions. What I can tell you freely is the following. I was raised by my mother and father..” He paused a little at this but continued on. “My mother’s name was Vera and my father’s is Thur Battlehammer.”

He took a deep breath again as he alternated looking at either fairy as he spoke. “As required by our kingdom, I enlisted in the military when I came of adult age. I trained in the medical field as a combat medic but I am also able to perform certain surgeries and other type of care. As a medic, I hate taking life. That does not mean that I will allow my allies to be harmed.” He looked at Bowyn when he said this as if to make a point that the fairy could trust him on this.

“This also does not mean that I will not take life if absolutely necessary. I just believe that peaceful resolution should be given a chance. I was recently appraised of some information that I am not at liberty to share right now but I promise you I will. It is this new information that started me on this quest. Though I must say that despite the distress I felt when I first heard it, I am glad that it allowed me to cross paths with you two.” He shrugged as he did a flat slightly uncomfortable smile.

“A Legionnaire often forgets that there is a bigger world out there when we are looking at the world over the rims of our shields or the confines of a cavern. Perhaps one day I may be lucky enough to visit your village.” He offered the two a friendly smile.

It ate him up that he was not able to be fully open with them but his duty as a soldier still overruled his own feelings. Why was he such a good damned soldier. He was not part of the military machine. There was not rank structure to follow. Orders and regulations did not apply to clandestine operations such as these.

However, for a foot soldier such as him being thrust into the unknown on a mission he had basically no information about to do the gods knew what, his training was the anchor that allowed him to keep putting his foot forward. War was about to break over the world of Avalia like the fires of a forge. All the inhabitants would be pounded between hammer and anvil and only the gods knew what would be left over.
Arn returned the stare of the shadow man who had identified himself as Troumaline. The master mage’s eyes were devoid of any feeling though in the inside of him he there was confusion. History had recorded the man before him as a hero. There were a myriad of books in the library at the Academy that detailed exploits and even assumptions on the life of this mysterious mage who had appeared out of the shadows to become basically the savior of Ith.

The men who stood before him, however, felt nothing like the merciful hero that he had read about and even had courses on. One thing the master mage could not deny was the fact that the power that emanated from the shadow man lived up to the legends and stories.
The pressure he felt on the Aether was tremendous. It was almost as if the Thread itself was trying to escape from being too close to the man. What kind of fools or demented people would bind such a powerful being to a fragile girl like his Eilis, no matter how brave she was? He needed to find out more.

Arn did not need the ancient mage to tell him that they could not easily liberate his protégé. The warning regarding the danger of attemptin such a procedure weight heavily on the Mage’s heart. But he knew that perhaps it would be best for his blonde companion to die and be free than continue this life of slavery. She had on many occasions begged and had him promise that he would not allow her to become a tool of destruction.

He shook his head, no there had to be a way to ensure not only a successful transfer but also keeping the young girl alive. “Master Tourmaline” The battlemage said respectfully. Not because he wanted to sweet talk the shadow man but because regardless of the current situation of the man causing harm to his charge, Arn truly felt respect for the shadow figure in a professional level, especially if the shadow figure was truly Troumaline. “I will do all I can and all I must to see Eilis free…”

“I fear we have no more time to converse…for the now at the least…your presence is required as the Empire is closing in on its victory. Take my advice…take the girl and leave…there will be nothing but death for you and her here in this land.”

Arn was cut short by the shadow man. He nodded understanding and agreed that this chaotic battle sky was not the place to strategize or figure out how to proceed with liberating Eilis. “Very well, but you have my promise that this will not be our last talk and do not worry, I would not burned Eilis with worrying about the decision I already have made.”

It would hurt him to keep his lovely charge in the dark about transferring the shadow man unto himself but like Tourmaline had said, she would never allow it. Sometimes, it was more merciful to leave such things unsaid.

Through his connection with Eilis he felt the powerful presence slowly fade. The Thread stopped throbbing and instead resumed its even hum almost as if it was taking slow deep breaths after being frightened.

Regaining his senses, the din of battle was deafening. The mage even had to shake his head to shake of the shock. He felt the body of Eilis go a little limp. It made sense as the pressure that Troumaline had placed on not only her Thread but her body must have exhausted her. When she came to, her screaming reaction was understandable.

Arn leaned in close as she spoke directly into her ear. “Eilis, Eilis, its ok. You are safe. We need to get out of here.” The mage helped her sit back down and tried not to touch her open wounds. “WE need to get you healed up.
I know you are probably weak but are you able to draw power from me to heal yourself.”
He looked around not only to identify any threats but looking for specific people. “Where the hell is Tobi and Tryhallan…” he muttered under his breath as he prodded this mount towards the part of the sky that looked like it had the least amount of fighting on it.
Is Tyrhallan's mount dead? Also, If I remember correctly, you said that there were small, single person air craft flying around? I want to make it believable. I am worried our party may not survive the encounter lol. Are you sure you are not a DnD dungeon master who sticks to the rules like glue? lol
Tobi was used to free falling from the carrier ship unto their target like any other Shooting Star. However, this was usually done with jet packs or even fast roping. Being manhandled by the silver haired Knight Captain was not something he would call enjoyable. Alexa on the other hand was living the dream. Not only had she been able to fight alongside her hero on a daring and deadly assault but he was not holding her in his arms. The explosions and exploding salvo around them only seeming like spotlights for Tyrhallan's splendor.

The young mage uttered a grunt as the trio landed. He stood up shakily and nodded at the praise and apology from the Venray Lord. “We are all warriors Captain Venray. My lads knew what they were doing and the price that is often paid. It just sucks we they could not take more of those sons of bitches down with them. I guess that falls on us”

Alexa looked in Tobi’s direction and he made a face and shook his head. He might be cut and bruised but he would be dammed if he let the haughty blonde nurse him like some pup. He had his pride and he was also a bit jealous of the way she looked at the Knight Captain but he would not allow himself to acknowledge that.

Rolling her eyes at the rude grimace the young mage made the young lass popped tall and spoke clearly with a hint of happiness in her voice. “Captain Venray, we are both still able to perform. Please lead on.” It was Tobi’s turn to roll his eyes as he mockingly repeated what the girl said below his breath as he made sure he did not have any serious wounds. Other than some burns and flesh wounds he seemed to be ok.

As the pair stepped up to stand next to the taller man, they heard his gasping no. Both looked up to see him with question in their eyes and looked back at the scene. At first it seemed just like any other battle that was being fought around them. At least to Tobi who could only make out two armored men going at it. It was not until Alexa echoed Tryhallan’s gasp that the young mage figured it must be somebody important.

So Important in fact, that Tyrhallan boosted away, the ripple of the Aether almost pushing the young mage away from sheer surprise. “What the fuck?” Tobin said as he caught himself from tripping. “Where the hell is he going?” the young man said trying to follow the blur that was Tryhallan as he jumped the great distance.

Alexa was stunned for a second as she realized who the man was. She had studies and read books about Uilles Venray and her father had regaled her with valiant deeds. To see him so pressed in such a manner stole her breath. Add that to the shock of seeing the Knight Captain disappear amid the barrage of weapon’s fire and she went white as death.

Thankfully, Tobin’s spunky attitude came to the rescue. Alexa felt a descent slap on the back of her head as the young mage wacked her to try and get her attention. “Hey love bird, snap out of it. What the hell are we going to do? Master Mage Arn needed us to bring him back. It seems the Knight Captain has a death wish.”

Alexa pushed the young mage away. “You insolent fool!” She yelled at him anger and concern mixing. “That man over there about to be killed was his uncle Lord Uilles Venray! What else can we do but try to help both of them.” She pulled out a small whistle and blew on it. Hopefully her mount had survived the incessant air battle.
Sorry about my lack or Arn post. I was having mental fart. I will try to post something today or tomorrow. Also, I watched city of Demons where you got the voice of Tourmaline and It gave me a good idea how much of a jerk the dude is lol. If he is anything like Nargal that is lol.
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