Avatar of Otakuforreal


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3 mos ago
Current Happy birthday to me <3
3 mos ago
Took my first driving lesson today!! At almost 26 years old, I'm finally getting my shit together. Take that severe anxiety!
8 mos ago
My sister moved out today and I'm stuck at work instead of being there to help her move 😭😭😭
9 mos ago
Today I found out that Skype makes your phone number public! Had a guy text me on my personal phone after us not speaking to each other in 8+ years (like a fucking weirdo)
10 mos ago
A place to join new games! I've looked but I only found roll20, or at least that's the only one I found where some of the campaigns to join are free.


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Name: Eleanora Hawke
Age: 17
Power: Water Manipulation/Breathing underwater/Talking to fish
Bio: Since she was a girl, Eleanora had been in constant foster homes and orphanages. All of them were great, except they didn't cater to children with..'Special needs'. Her special needs were that of a different kind; her water-based powers. Breathing underwater and staying under for so long, the caretakers thought she had died, when in reality, she was just thinking of everything and nothing. Her manipulation of water, making it do what she wanted, whether it be freezing it, boiling it, making into mist, or just making it move were she willed it to move. She often used it to play pranks on the other children, or make them happy when they were sad. This, however, got her into trouble more times than she would like to admit. She talks to fish, which the caretakers thought was merely a child with an active imagination, but no, she talked to them and understood them. They had such fantastic stories to tell her of the ocean and their lives and their experiences. The water, the life that inhabited, all sang a sweet song to her, a song she'd hum on long summer days, and cool winter nights, a song that brought her comfort when she was sad or scared.
Like how she felt the day she came to the Orphanage for children like her.
She was only 8 at the time, but she new it felt different here.
"It sounds different. The water changes the song." She said,walking into the building, watching children laugh and play and enjoy their life and their powers. This place, the water in the place, changed the song she loved so dearly.
And she preferred it.
@KatherinWinter Cool! I'll make my character sometime tomorrow then uwu
Hiiiiiiii ;w; Is it too late to join? I'm not really new here, but I only was subscribed to one other RP ;w;
I'd be interested in it, though my posts for it might be scattered, since school's just started
I'm also here! I haven't been on lately cause school's starting up monday, so I've been busy.

If we did make a reboot of it, I'm keeping Cleo as he was-- A female with a male identity (cause I worked so hard with him and I love him alot lmao) and also as a kingsguard. Truth be told, I wanted to go on adventures, but didn't really get a chance to. I wanted Cleo to be given a mission rather than just shoving him in the middle of one, so it'd be a tad more realistic and give it a smooth transition, you know?
It's not letting me on the IC thread, so I can't post atm
lmao, they seriously posted the script from the bee movie?? Like the entire thing or excerpts from it?
Yeah, What did that guy post? O-O
Cleo Vauch
Corridor to the kitchen- Lightkeep

Seeing the look on the princess's face, Cleo sighed and followed her. His stomach still grumbled, wanting the delicious food the chefs had made for the party, but it seemed that he wouldn't get the chance to steal some of the delicious meal that he knew was just sitting there, waiting to be brought out and eaten by the people.
"My lady, as I know the Kingsguard surely must take a break and eat at some point, wouldn't it be wiser to let me eat now and not complain of it later? This way I could stand by and watch with out rest, and have strength in case someone should attack you or your family." Cleo said. Perhaps he'd be able to talk his way out of it and be able to eat after all."If I eat while someone attacks, then I risk being sick, and not be able to fulfill my duties as Kingsguard properly." He said with an air of confidence. He did have a way with words that usually got him what he wanted, when he wanted it, but then again..This lady wasn't just a mere commonsfolk, as were the people that usually did fall for such tricks. She was a princess, and most likely was more intelligent and well spoken than he was.
I can see how she'd find him disrespectful. Cleo doesn't really realize he's being that way, and actually has toned down quite a bit from what he used to be.
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