Avatar of OtomostheCrazy


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I decided it was time for a new look. How do you like it?
8 yrs ago
Weekend was busy, hot, and tiring. I have stuff to do, and this week is looking to be a difficult one. This is going to be a VERY uncomfortable part of my life.
8 yrs ago
DAMMIT! SON OF A-! One of my favorite fanfics is stopping, because apparently it's breaking rules. Not only that, The fanfic I'm working on will have to stop too, since it's similar! This sucks! T-T
8 yrs ago
Must...finish...fanfic...Must...not...look into the YouTube comment section of Death Battle...Must...not...get...sidetracked...
1 like
8 yrs ago
I got into another online argument about shipping again! I said that I ship Blaze with Silver, and they said that she'd be more likely to be in love with Sonic. I can't see how.
1 like



I've got a handful of years experience Roleplaying here and elsewhere, so don't think me a rookie! My Avatar once looked like a part of some sort of time-theme, but that's just Chronos after he was brought back to life and upgraded! My more favored avatar is either Dimentio or the Azure Flame God, but how does one resist a clock face?

But that's in the Past. Now it's a pic of Gwyndolin, the Dark Sun!

Prepare yourself for the Persona of the week/Month/Minute/Whatever! Try to guess which Persona it is when you see it in my Signature! This little tidbit starts within a week!

My return to The Guild could mean many things! A new RP, a revival of an old idea, my participation in the arena as a Low-Rank Grunt, but most likely my return means that I'll participate in the more recent RPs!

With that said, remember to eat your porridge and limit your fire usage (we are drowning after all)!


Most Recent Posts


I’m guessing that means I can’t start helping the captain repair his ship?
@Lauder No, but even if that happened, I doubt the character I used for that particular campaign would care much.
"You would discard her so easily?", asked Autumn.

While she would appreciate a guide to help them throughout this new place, she couldn't help but feel a little concerned. She was somewhat dissappointed that a person whose occupation had led her to believe that they loved their sea-faring vessels as close companions. The way this one spoke of his vessel...It was as if it was meant to only be a tool, and nothing else. Honestly, she could not help but feel a bit of offense to that.

"Can she not be repaired as she is now?"

Well, I did have two guards turn against each other, then force one of them to question their own identity...Oh, and a friend and I had our characters intimidate each other, but we both got natural 1 on our rolls...I'll let you imagine how that turned out.
Man, I should’ve invested a bit into Charisma. Persuasion can be scary sometimes.
Name: Jeremiah the Mountain

Age: 58


Race: Human

Height: 8'0"

Build: Large

Skin: Lightly Tan

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Grey (Bald)

Backstory: Despite what most think, there are bandits that are smart. These ones are the strategists or leaders or something more important than a simple killer. Why, some bandit groups even went so far as to plan to move operation to the land of Khoyee. After all, what better place to start anew than the land with the smallest amount of military power? By the time any kingdom finally lays a proper foundation for a colony, multiple bandit clans could very well be rich enough to make their own little kingdom! Truly, a smart bandit has what it takes to become something more.

It's such a shame to be reminded how easily they can die. The brain behind Jeremiah's group of bandits died with pretty much every other member when they arrived at the godforsaken place. With no idea what to prepare for, setting up a camp within the land proved to be more than difficult. The beasts of the land claimed the lives of all but Jeremiah himself. It was to be expected, out of all the fighters in their outfit, he was the strongest. He had earned his name from several battles and raids, where many would witness the immovable Jeremiah, who crushed his enemies without remorse and moved unhindered by the injuries he sustained.

It was only natural that he would survive the beast attack as well. Of course, without someone to guide him, he became a bandit of the wilds. He attacked travelers and the like whenever he could, knowing the basics of robbery, but every time resistance was shown, the man would immediately resort to killing. If left unattended for too long, he may very well become but another beast of Khoyee...

Primary Role: Combatant (Brute?)

Secondary Role: Beastmaster

Starting Weapon: Pillar

The Elfheim had been surprised when she first met one of her kind. She did not know that there were others like her. People of nature, who were once one thing and were now something else. When she had first ventured into the places that person had come from, she was met and taken care of by others. She was informed of everything she needed, and took up a name of her own. Autumn. A season that the world ventures into once a year. It seemed like a nice name. Some had complaints about it, but she had already made her choice.

They had spent some time to get her used to actual interaction, having her practice with them as partners, but she nearly always spoke in such a way that normal conversation was impossible. Furthermore, her preferred occupation was...strange for their kind. Autumn wished to build. Not just to push walls together or craft wooden equipment and machines, but to work a forge, get close to flames and mold metal into a shape. Given what they were made of, it was dangerous...but Autumn wanted it. She had the knowledge of it, gained from the one that gave her feeling in the first place. She knew how to do it, and insisted on the practice.

It was only after they had suggested she use her knowledge to help others in a new land that she had gotten on a ship. The people were...different from the one she knew first. They were quiet and loud. Eager and awkward. Concerned and disinterested. They were not the same. She knew to expect that, but Autumn still felt uncomfortable around them. Of course, the feeling of a ship being tossed about wasn’t really good either. It didn’t help that it not only got worse, but proceeded to throw everyone to land. Autumn corrected her positioning when she finished skimming across the sand. After recovering, she looked up to find people singing to the injured captain, and a stranger walking into what was left of the seafaring vessel.
Name: Autumn

Age: ???


Race: Elfein

Height: 6'0"

Build: Skinny

Skin: Wood

Eyes: Green

Hair: Wood

Backstory: There was once a tree that grew from a skylight within a cave. It was a lonesome thing, growing as the only living thing aside from insects crawling around. If it was simply left alone, it would have eventually withered away. Of course, as many stories go, something happened. A person wandered into the cave and found the tree. A smithy that was looking for proper materials to hone their craft. The moment they found the tree, they had decided to visit often. It eventually became that person's favorite spot. Under its branches, they would design new things, read notes on their findings of the materials within the cave, and occasionally play an instrument or take a nap. For the first time ever, the tree was not alone. It began to feel comfort in the visitor's company.

Eventually, however, the visitor disappeared. They had simply stopped. The tree felt loneliness because of this. It was familiar, but new. Before, it knew nothing but loneliness, but now it could feel it for what it truly was. It hated the feeling. It longed for the visitor's company again. So much so that its will was heard by the forces beyond, and allowed a new form. The tree was no more, but in its place was a woman made of magic and wood. Wasting no time, she left the cave in search for the visitor...She found their corpse in a small shack. In that moment, she learned of despair.

In her sadness, she buried the visitor in her former spot, hoping that they would one day return as one of her own. She would dream of the day that would happen. The day where she would visit them, read to them, play to them, sleep on their branches. But that would take time. She would need to do something in her wait...

Primary Role: Laborer

Secondary Role: Beastmaster

Starting Weapon: Greatbow


Role Skills:
- Bind (Daily Skill 1/1 Left)
- Tame II
- Carpenter (Civilian) II

-Tier I Wood (50)
-Tier III Stone (2)

Level: 4
Next Level: 1600
Ability points left: 1
@Guardian Angel Haruki Is all that’s left, right?
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