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Silas Sloane

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi (he/him)

Nomadic or sedentary: Depends on the day.

Weapons: Remington 870 12 Gauge Shotgun, .375 Double Action Revolver, Glock 43

Skills: Literacy, Hunting, Tracking, Fishing, Firearm maintenance & repair, has one hell of a silver tongue, and is quite the brawler.

Unusual Abilities: Has a heightened sense for smelling blood. He uses this to pinpoint the locations of any living creature around him. It makes him extra perceptive within a spherical range of about 30 yards. When he hones in on the scent his sclera fill with blood. Due to this his eyes appear quite bloodshot even when he isn’t tapping into his ability.

Appearance Description: Please see above image. Dirty up that pretty face a bit, throw some scars on it, and change that perfectly white shirt for a set of more tarnished and practically (apocalyptic) traveling clothes. His hair is cut very similarly to how it appears in the photo, but it’s not as well done seeing as he does it himself with a pair of rusty scissors. He's 6'4" and about 215lbs.
Brief Personality: His sarcastic smirk makes it difficult to read him. He seems gentle and kind but despite this his crystal blue eyes always possess a sadness to them...as well as an intensity that makes him feel dangerous.

Brief Background: Silas is a Texas boy. Moving to New York found him out of his element. He missed the open plains and the quiet. There's plenty of quiet now. He often thinks about heading back to the Lone Star State to see what's left of it. Though he knows how dangerous a journey like that would be. He doesn't talk about himself or his past much, and in fact gets angry when he's pushed to. There's something he's hiding and it's eating him up inside. Anyone with a perceptive eye or a certain level of empathy can tell as much.

Alone or with someone?: Alone.

Other: He draws everyone he meets in a journal that he keeps in his jacket pocket. His artwork is surprisingly detailed.

@Penguin Here he is waiting for your approval :D.

Approved. I enjoy the sense of mystery around him.

Non-main characters that will be brought into use:
Leaving all information about them to be found out IC
They will never have their own written perspective.
People interested in taking up or playing the characters are welcome.

Name: Abel

Age: 32

Gender: M

Sexuality: Straight

Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic

Weapons: Double action .45 pistol
12 gauge sidexside double barreled shotgun
Serrated hunting knife

Skills: Basic survival skills

Abilities: Slightly heightened reaction times. It functions almost like a watered down version of spider sense. This has allowed him to get the jump on most people he comes across and has saved him from certain death time and time again.

Animal Empathy (Can sense animals motives and vice versa). Having had a natural affinity to most forms of wildlife, he now can predict most animals actions. While he cannot communicate with animals, he can impart his intentions to them. This has allowed him to avoid many possibly deadly encounters with the new wildlife that now inhabits this world and has caused a few of them to come to his aid.

Appearance: Has a slight paleish hue to his skin and multiple scars due to him almost constantly attacking anyone he comes across.

Brief Personality: Originally a very timid and soft spoken individual, his physical changes have turned him into an egotistical self-serving individual who only looks out for himself and animals.

Brief Background: Being a park ranger at Yellowstone, Abel loved his job. He got to be out in nature and around wildlife constantly. Being so far out in the wilderness caused him to disconnect farther and farther with the modern world. So, when war started and the bombs dropped, he was caught completely off guard. Maybe he could have sought out shelter sooner and avoided what would befall him. Somehow, he was far away from the point of impact to avoid the lethality of it. Although, maybe what happened to him was worse than death.

He walked in a daze for months eastward. Originally he hoped to find any other survivors or even the military in hopes of being recused. With each passing day the radiation seeped deeper into his body and mind and changed and twisted both. Now, he looks to enact his own sick psychotic version of justice to anyone he comes across.

Alone or with someone?: Alone


>> Credit for gif: Rookery <<

More details to be added

In 2019, the entire world was pulled into warfare as World War 3 began. Nobody wanted to use nuclear warfare so many countries decided to use biological and chemical warfare as means of annihilating the masses. One country attacked another and that's all it took for others to retaliate, creating a back and forth war that managed to leave humanity at about a population of a million worldwide. It never officially ended due to the massive loss of life.

Twenty years later, it is a fight for survival. Laws and morals have been long forgotten. Many have resorted to becoming bandits, killing others for everything they own. These bandits sometimes group together and live nomadically, constantly killing anyone else they can find. Those of us who cling on to some idea of morals, we try to stay away from them as much as we can and fend for ourselves. Those that live sedentary lifestyles either live in random, abandoned places or in small, forted communities that often kill those who try to enter on sight usually due to fear of disease or of spies looking to expose their location. Other people aren't the only ones we have to worry about.

Animals have been mutating faster than the world has ever seen before. The exposure to extreme chemicals has caused for change in their DNA. They are bigger, faster, and definitely more hungry. There have been cases of flying snakes and even wasps bigger than your fist. It's possible that mutations have begun to appear in humans as well.

- This roleplay has 18+ themes.
- Be polite to one another in OOC. No drama in OOC. Listen to GM.
- Humans can mutate and have abilities but nothing extreme or without limits. Stick to one or two abilities unless they are small and not valuable in a combat situation.
- Post as frequently as possible and comfortably as possible for you whether that be daily or weekly. I will update you if need be. If you're going to be on a hiatus that lasts more than a week or so, just let me know.
- It is of course not 100% accurate scientifically. Please don't Bill Nye us.
- The RPG takes place in the US. Try to keep the characters all there.
- No Mary-Sues. You're not just going to walk down the street, defeating everything in sight like it's nothing. It's a difficult world to live in.
- Make as many characters as you are comfortable with.
- Please be at a decent writing level where you can comfortably write a coherent paragraph. If you want to do a few sentences sometimes when you are in a rush or have a writer's block, as long as it still carries the story along, then that's fine.
- No god-modding

Feel free to create your own or join. Please just have short description.

The Wolves
A group of 50 that is known for being unmerciful and selfish. They take what they want from everyone and attack anyone in sight. They have mercy only for people who look strong enough to join or good-looking women.


- Will add as suggested or as people want to add their own.
Feel free to name, create and describe locations or request locations. I am just adding a few key places. Generally in Northeast

-New York City, New York:
The Big Apple is now rotten to its core. It was home to a lot of attacks and the air quality isn't so welcoming. The stench of death still surrounds the eeriely quiet city. It's generally abandoned at this point but a hot spot for scavengers and bandits. Very few people reside here.

-Brooklyn, New York:
Brooklyn is very unsafe. From Brooklyn out to Long Island, bandits and gangs are galore. Most people are too afraid to step foot. People are killed very frequently. However, the eastern part of Long Island into the Hamptons is generally a bit tamer and has a lot of boating ports.

-Newark, New Jersey
A large gated settlement of survivors at a population of 1000 reside here. There are plenty of homes and even a small structured government. Many nomadic people come here to do trade. They have a large militant force of protection and no shortage of guns.
They are more of the more welcoming communities nonetheless. There are several smaller villages around Newark in a twenty-mile radius then the rest of New Jersey is overcome by nature with the exception of the popular Jersey shoreline, which many people still live.

-Camden, New Jersey
This is another gang activity area. It is super dangerous here.

- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
Another large settlement with a population of 2000. However, they are a lot more strict and gated, with a much larger militant force. Some say they shoot armed people or overly mutated people on sight.

-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
One of the smaller, less controlled settlements of people with a population of 500. A gang of bandits controls this area known as the Wolves. They are known for being rather unfriendly so to speak. They take from people, kill whoever they want and do as they please. People who are not in the 50 person gang tend to stay inside out of fear. They are quite ambitious and want to grow, seeking out mutated humans to make their group stronger.

-Washington, D.C., Maryland
Completely overrun by what's left of the military. They train their sons and daughters to be the same way. Anyone who lives in that area of Maryland is under good protection but strict laws. A lot of Maryland is in similar circumstances. The population is between 4000 and 6000. There are some attempts at trying to unite the country under a federal government but none are successful. Television, electricity and phones are working within this community. They continue education, a college system and the old job system. They are the most civilized in the country currently.

-Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore is in a similar, military situation but less populated.

Rearrange and add things as you wish.


Nomadic or sedentary:
Weapons (Don't go crazy. People can't carry 12 rifles around.):
Any unusual abilities? What are its limitations? Does it show physically?:
Appearance Description:
Brief Personality (Try to show most of your character's personality IC instead of giving it all away):
Brief Background(Please reveal your current location):
Alone or with someone?:
East coast, eh? Anything in mind for settlements and/or factions? Military hold outs in the naval bases? Return of Native tribes? Someone trying to revive the American dream? Figured to toss out some ideas because surely not everyone is "shoot on sight".

I am going to create a bandit group and name some known settlements/villages and their locations. Military hold-outs is a good idea, thank you. I'd like to definitely incorporate some sort of military still existing in place. Native tribes I don't think will be returning. I am going to type up an OOC with much more details. This was more of a interest grabber.
Got some stuff to do but will keep an eye out. Some questions, though:

1) Post speed? 1 per week or more than that?

2) Where in the US is this located? West coast? East coast? Midwest? etc.

1) 1 per week is fine but if you can do sooner than that, it'd be appreciated, otherwise I am more than willing to catch you up to speed if need be.

2)I think East Coast will do

Very old idea that a lot of people seemed to like except I'm changing the reason for the mutations. Would anyone enjoy this?

(Thanks Rookery!)

In 2019, the entire world was pulled into warfare as World War 3 began. Nobody wanted to use nuclear warfare so many countries decided to use biological and chemical warfare as means of annhilating the masses. One country attacked another and that's all it took for others to retaliate, creating a back and forth war that managed to leave humanity at about a population of a million worldwide. It never officially ended due to the massive loss of life.

Twenty years later, it is a fight for survival. Laws and morals have been long forgotten. Many have resorted to becoming bandits, killing others for everything they own. These bandits sometimes group together and live nomadically, constantly killing anyone else they can find. Those of us who cling on to some idea of morals, we try to stay away from them as much as we can and fend for ourselves. Those that live sedentary lifestyles either live in random, abandoned places or in small, forted communities that often kill those who try to enter on sight usually due to fear of disease or of spies looking to expose their location. Other people aren't the only ones we have to worry about.

Animals have been mutating faster than the world has ever seen before. The exposure to extreme chemicals has caused for change in their DNA. They are bigger, faster, and definitely more hungry. There have been cases of flying snakes and even wasps bigger than your fist. It's possible that mutations have begun to appear in humans as well.

Are you still accepting characters?

And do you enforce real life face claims?

Yeah I am. You can put a cartoon/anime if you really want

"Hello there."

Cecily felt chills go up her spine. She squinted in the dark van but the light from the windows illuminated the pale face with blue eyes. She could have sworn it had been empty. Where had he come from? She had pinched herself quite a few times already but this was no dream. there was too much nonsense for this to be real. Maybe she had been drugged. In the few moments of silence to digest, she had come to the conclusion her family had been murdered and she was part of the attempted targets. She could remember the painful force of the bullet piercing her body then sudden blackness. A memory surfaced from the back of her mind. As the cops had dragged her away, she had felt the small bead-like object in her dress fall down to the floor with a faint ring. She had been shot. There was no mistaking the bullet going through yet it fell out.

She rubbed her temples, overwhelmed. Tears had been brimming in her eyes throughout the whole ordeal but it felt like she forgot how to cry. "Uh, hey. Where are we going?" She asked, deciding to accept that maybe he'd been in the truck and she hadn't noticed. Cecily had no room in her mind to try to decipher another nonsense event.


Alex sat back against the bedroom wall, his reading glasses pirched on his nose, his blue eyes dimmed by the despair of studying the laptop before him. The television was blaring on low volume nearby him and a bag of chips to on the blanket to his left. It had been mere background noise. He had been studying day and his eyes felt like they were going to pop out of his sockets as he forced them open a bit more to read each line twice, struggling to take in any information. The house had been still the whole night with the exception of the occasional crunching of chips.

A surge of euphoria began to fill him as he realized this was the last page of his study guide. "Fuck it."he said to himself and shut the laptop, pushing it far away from him as if it had been the most disgusting thing in the world. "I'll finish tomorrow."He muttered to himself. With little interest, he let his eyes wander to the television with the idea to turn it to something interesting when a face on the news caught his eye. The girl, that always at next to him in his creative writing class and gave him a pencil every time he forgot it, was on TV. Cecily Bellemore. She was pretty well-known for wearing really nice clothing and acting more polite than necessary. He was sure Shay and her had become friends at one point.

"Dr. Peter Bellemore and well-known clothing designer Melissa Bellemore found murdered in dramatic scene in their dining room. Daughter Cecily was found alive and now missing. If you see her, please cal-"
The news anchor was briefing the situation when a loud sigh startled Alex from his focus. His favorite voice in the world was soon ringing through the house.

He scrambled up to run to the kitchen before she got into the bedroom. He picked up a bouquet of her favorite flowers and moved quickly back into the bedroom once she was done changing. "There's my girl!"He greeted her, presenting her with the flowers. "I've missed you too! How was work today?? I'm so proud of you." He quickly grabbed the remote, turning off the news. He wasn't so sure what she had heard but he decided it'd be best not to depress her after a long day. There wasn't much they could do.

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