Avatar of Perpenheimer
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 204 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Perpenheimer 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
I'm ordering pizza.
6 yrs ago
Roses are red / night black as soot / in the quest for the Queen's treasure / the Game is afoot.
6 yrs ago
when you get to the treasure and it's just a single bagel youtube.com/watch?v=pJvuVg4…
6 yrs ago
Alvirstein Bros Bagels.
6 yrs ago
tfw when u can't even find 2 peeps for ur roleplay thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/sad…


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- A Swashbuckling Sci-Fi Mystery -

Space is a fickle thing, prone to mystery, deceit, and secrets unknown.

One-hundred-fifty years from now, humanity has spread throughout the vastness of space. With Earth at the centre of it all, a small Empire has spread from Sol, reaching many nearby stars and emboldening conquerors to reach further.

The reign of Earth did not last, however. Amidst increasing climate issues, Earth became clogged with choking smog and r̸is̷in̶g t̷id̵e̶s. The poor spilled out into the streets while those in power worked as hard as they could to keep themselves from being smothered under the pile of the rigors of mother nature and her chosen downtrodden.

Then, the Harbinger Migrant Crisis began. Extraterrestrial aliens began pouring into Human systems by the hundreds, seeking refuge after having escaped the clutches of the Harbinger: a cruel, interstellar empire, built on the backs of slaves. In a massive revolt, swathes of alien slaves escaped to the Orion Spur, and discovered the Human Empire within. Initially hesitant, humanity allowed the alien races of the Havikka, the Erkani, and the Golon, to become part of their empire, in return for their alien technology.

The aliens agreed, happy to be anywhere but the Harbinger. Humanity began to adopt Migrant technology, applying it wherever they could - steadily strengthening and expanding their own empire. For Earth, however, it was too late. Runaway climate change, even up against the Migrant terraforming technologies and techniques, slowly rendered the Earth inhospitable. Instead, humanity turned its gaze to Mars.

The terraforming of Mars began, under the oversight of the Addison Corporation, who had acquired a great portion of alien technology after the Migrant Crisis. Within years, Mars became greener and wetter, building up atmosphere. Soon after, Mars was livable, and those on Earth began migrating to Mars, where the new centre of the Human Empire was born under the Grays: A wealthy family from Earth who had headed an all-encompassing private security service.

Over the years, the Empire of Humanity has been softening its rule, becoming less militarized and encouraging expansion and terraforming over strictly enforced law and far-flung bases. The Grays, who have been ruling for over a hundred years, have seen to it that the Human Empire becomes a paradise for all as the dynastic heads become needed less and less...


The Sol System, 2207.

The last Royal Queen of Mars, Emily Gray the First, has died. In the wake of her death, her last will and testament was leaked to the public - none of her family were to inherit her fortunes, but instead, the document told of a series of clues that would lead those who could follow them to treasures beyond imagination.

Of course, Lady Gray’s heirs were not pleased by this. After much infighting, and the accidental leak of the will, which contained the first clue, they sought to act as soon as possible lest someone steal their treasure. There are two familial sides to this madness - the Grays, of course, who seek the fortune in order to divide amongst themselves as the true heirs of Lady Gray -- and the Addisons, who are solely motivated by growing their corporate empire. However, there is yet another shadowy party - a single man named Alvirstein who represents an unnamed organization, bent on finding the treasure in order to solidify the creation a new dynasty in nearby Alpha Centauri.

They have hired you, dear players, said to be the best of the best. A raggedy bunch, for sure, but undeniably resourceful. For a cut of the spoils, you will follow Lady Grey’s cryptic clues in order to return it to its rightful heirs - whoever that may be. Only time will tell who makes it to the end first - and who gets to choose what to do with the treasure.


Players will be divided into three groups, based on both player choice and necessity of balance. These groups may create one ship apiece to use as a home base, using a sheet that will be provided. The three groups will be assigned a family that they will represent, though player preferences will be taken into account. Once the game starts, available spots will close until deemed necessary by the GM.

You will all be provided with the necessary clues to begin your trailblazing. Answers to clues will be provided either by PM or in IC, depending on the circumstance.

Good luck, travellers. Whether you choose to work together or go it alone is up to you. Happy seeking.

* * * * *

Character Sheet

[b]Name:[/b](Get as creative as you like)

[b]Race:[/b] (Human, Havikka, Erkani, Golon)

[b]Age:[/b] (You can spitball the alien ages if you like. Run 'em by me.)

[b]Sex:[/b] (Up to you.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Also up to you.)

[b]History:[/b] (Keep it brief.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (What makes your character interesting?)

[b]Allegiance:[/b] (If making a CS in the interest check, put down your Preferred faction.)

[b]Occupation:[/b] (What does your character do for work?)

[b]Personal Effects:[/b] (What belongings do you keep on your person?)

[b]Other:[/b] (Anything else you want to note.)

Ship Sheet

[b]Ship Manufacturer:[/b][/color] (Who made the ship?)

[b]Ship Designation:[/b][/color] (What is the ship's name?)

[b]Ship Class:[/b][/color] (What kind of ship is it?)

[b]Ship Size:[/b][/color] (How big is the ship in meters?)

[b]Ship Crew/Personnel:[/b][/color] (How many people, aliens, etc. crew the ship?)

[b]Ship Armament:[/b][/color] (What kind of weapons does the ship have? Plasma cannons, lasers, missiles...)

[b]Ship Technologies:[/b][/color] (What kind of extra gadgets is your ship packing?)

[b]Ship Appearance:[/b][/color] (What's it look like?)

[b]Other:[/b] (Anything else of note.)

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *

Here, the story's Arcs and Chapters will be summarized.

* * * * *

  • 1. No Godmodding, metagaming, powergaming, et cetera. Exercise basic common sense and be courteous to your fellow players, please.
  • 2. Please RP only in the locations that are available and readily apparent; only as the races listed; and only in the factions available.
  • 3. If you have trouble understanding something or otherwise need direction, please indicate so and I will offer assistance and/or direction.
  • 4. Player feedback, art, and expansions to the lore are always welcome. Just be sure to check in with me first.
  • 5. Adherence to a measure of realism is recommended.
  • 6. Please denote where exactly your character is at the beginning of each post. A simple Planet-Location breakdown is generally the best way to go.
  • 7. One player group finding out what a clue means or discovering the next step in a puzzle is not license for your player group to instantly know this information too. This counts as metagaming. Try to RP naturally into your own discovery.
  • 8. Try to have some fun.

"The game is afoot."

@pandapolio Yes


OOC coming soon.

OOC coming soon.
@DeadDrop hush now lil porgster I'm getting the kool aid ready
@Default Of course.
@Kipsateking Well the competitors are essentially the Addisons and Alvirstein. Subdividing each family into each person who has their own goals in mind will just unnecessarily complicate things.
@Kipsateking Looks good, though I'd prefer if George was a cousin instead of a brother. I pictured Emily as an only child.
@Genni A mixture of camouflage, full mimicry and form-shifting. They gain no physical abilities from shapeshifting, but can take on the likeness of any being of similar size and shape. This just happens to include Humans, the Golon, and the Havikka. They must have an extensive knowledge of the species they wish to shapeshift into in order to do it convincingly. This includes emotions, mannerisms, body language, etc. They can shapeshift into the desired form in a matter of seconds, but doing so and maintaining for takes energy and effort.
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