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hello everyone! hope you're all well. :)

Perrie's intent gaze on the young girl facing her faded into a smirk. The sassy remarks from the girl caused a boisterous laugh. Her hand clenched then rested on top of the knife sticking out of her pocket. She could not believe the words she had just uttered. Was she joking? Had a death wish? Wanted to leave? That wouldn't happen. Perenelle sauntered over to her with a grin and took the young girl's chin in her hand. Her sharp blue eyes gazed down at her with ferocity and amusement. Before she could say or move, however, the rest of the Wolves arrived. Perrie pulled her hand away roughly enough to leave a mark and moved over to see Xander and the others.

The kneeling and bowing Wolves before her made her grin. This was all she had ever wanted. Loyal, faithful servants; Xander's devotion and kindness; the people at her mercy. Her heart fluttered. It couldn't be anymore perfect, could it? Devon had told her that it would be wonderful. He wasn't kidding. Perrie looked down at them and then over to their haul. The three deer must have been from Vanitas - his hunting skills were impeccable. Of course, Xander had helped. She nodded her approval at the weapon and supplies. The jeeps and truck were remarkable to come by in this age. Most of them were hidden or too damaged to use. She couldn't be prouder of this group. They had learned well. Then, when Xander mentioned the dress, she let out a gasp. It was a deep purple - one of her favorite shades, and was v-neck with a lace back. She smiled broadly as she picked it up and looked at him.

"Thank you, black-wolf. I appreciate it." She turned to address the full group. "This is an amazing haul. Way to go, ladies and gent. You all can take the night off except for Amelia." She moved in front of Xander. For a second it was if she might kiss him. Then, she patted his cheek with appreciation and looked over at the others. "We'll definitely enjoy our feast." Perrie gazed at Amelia and stared at her without blinking. "Except for you," She gestured for the Wolves to stand and then crossed over to the girl.

"This one," she told the others and glanced at Xander, "decided to sas me off." Laughter filled the room as a result of knowing what happened if that occurred. There had to be an extra step in this process. The regular punishments weren't working as properly. "Not only will Amelia not eat tonight, but if she does it again, we'll whip her pretty little face." Perrie pointed to the supplies and deer with a grin. "Set these away, ladies and gent, then clean up for our feast that Amelia's going to prepare in a half-hour. I hope the chicken's ready right now, Amelia. Also - Black Wolf, why don't you join us?"

Perenelle sat down at the table once the deer were removed and waited.
hi everyone! sorry for my absence. i was sick and unable to do anything. i'm back now though :)

The mansion with only one usable side as was a castle to Perrie. It was an improvement from her shitty little two room bedroom with no escape. Here, she had all the room she would ever want and more. The mansion was evne kept in semi-fancy condition, too, despite large chunks of rubble. It had long winding hallways with wine carpet and marble floors. The windows were adorned with gold curtains with frill hanging down. The grand staircase was half blown apart but the right side of it worked. The stairway had a smooth feel to it, despite its' old age. The mansion had plenty of bedrooms with boarded up windows. It was large enough to accommodate the Wolves and more. She had thought she was dreaming when she found the mansion. It was in decent condition and abandoned. The owners must have died. Not that she cared, anyways, as she would kill them if they ever came back for it.

It had three stories, so it was organized by that. Perrie and the beta wolves were on the top floor and the subordinates on the second floor. The mansion had a medium sized road leading to it. There was a high iron gate around it with barbed wire and an electric fence. Whoever had lived here had installed high security that fortunately wasn't too shabby to use after the war. It was kept relatively clean despite half the left side of the mansion being blown off. Perrie had assigned Amelia to clean their base. If it wasn't kept clean and she found it dusty, she wasn't given food for a week. Next, Perrie withheld water. Failure to respond by then warranted her to be stuck in the freezer. Perrie sighed. She had spared the child despite her lack of skills. Her farming was useful. For the most part she was in charge of cleaning and cooking. Before Perrie ever tried to eat, she had a subordinate wolf she didn't care about test her food out for her.

Still, Amelia was young. The younger they were the more they could be molded into what she wanted. Normally she was could to everyone; despite it, she showed rare acts of kindness to her and wasn't as hard on her. Perenelle folded her arms and looked down from the third floor. She watched as they performed their duties; whether it was training, gathering food and water, torturing and interrogating people who came too close- the list went on. For the most part, she had Amelia sit and watch these acts so she would become accustomed to it. Perrie had taught most of the wolves, though some came in with their own set of skills. Those were the wolves she appreciated.

She sighed once more. In the mansion wasn't Xander. She had sent him out in the town to gather supplies and find more followers. Perenelle missed him. He was so loving and devoted. On top of that he could fight and was catlike. She grinned and leaned her arms on the marble railing in front of her. The day she had found him in the university and brought him in was one of the best days of her life. Perrie flashed a toothy grin to expose her fangs. Build them to believe then tear them down. That was one of her greatest skills that nobody knew about. Nonetheless, she treated him especially kind. Deep down she had a soft spot for him though she never let anyone see that. As for as she was concerned: this was his family now. Not that cowardly bunch at the university.

She smirked and adjusted her white wolverine mask. She had pulled her hair into a low ponytail and cracked her knuckles. She hoped for Amelia's sake their was a hot meal ready. She was hungry and she was bored of waiting for Xander to return. Perrie sighed and adjusted her pulled her leather gloves on tightly. She wore them to help stop herself from accidentally contracting her claws. She would sometimes cut herself from doing so and hated how long it took to heal. Though she struggled with them on and off (especially when angry), she would also use them to her benefit. She would travel into town with security and without her mask to trick people. After gaining their trust, Perrie would quickly kill her prey with her claws and then she would raid their household with the wolves. God, she enjoyed the thrill and utter disappointment from the people she betrayed. The sight of the light leaving their eyes.... The blood... She let out a hushed chuckle so nobody heard her and continued down towards the kitchen.
@Penguin Hi, I'm working on my character(s) because this seems really interesting. I have one mostly done, but for the other, I was wondering how long the Wolves have been in existence (in their current form)?

I'm thinking that they have been around for a few years (3 max) and only recently they became notorious.
boom boom, fireee <3
Willow Goldstein

The sunlight pouring through the window shined brightly the young girl's face. Her chestnut hair was illuminated, causing it to appear darker than normal. Soft brown eyes focused on a book gripped tightly in her hands as if someone would steal it. She let out a peaceful sigh and leaned her back into the the couch. The book helped her forget the devastating year her brother and she had experienced. The fantasy drew her in, and the romance comedy made her laugh. It were in these moments that she felt calmest. That, and being with her brother - wherever he had gone to. She stretched her neck and yawned tiredly. Despite feeling content, she had not slept well the previous night. Being alone in the house caused her to feel agitated. It was weird being in this mansion alone without anyone with her. It had too much space for little Will to fill. She wanted a pet but she hadn't discussed it with Cameron yet. She desperately wished to buy a dog more than anything right now. Even fish would do - just something.

Willow rubbed her eyes and glanced over at the candle burning on the table. The flame hadn't gone out despite the gentle breeze drifting through the cracked window to her right. She didn't know why, but lately candles seemed to burn longer than normal around her. She had accidentally knocked over her tea and her hand nearly hit the flames. However, the flames had bent away from her much to her surprise. When she had been cooking a meal earlier, the stove's burner had lit up immediately. She had thought it was coincidence, but a nagging feeling in her stomach told her otherwise. Willow had also felt warmer than normal despite Atlanta's hot weather. She had also been angry earlier when finding a photo of her parents. Their deaths had caused a bitter taste in her mouth despite her devastation and grief. As a result of feeling angry, the edges of the photograph had burned and melted. Willow had gasped and dropped it, thinking it was the candle's fault. Nothing had been around her. Spooked and figuring she was hallucinating from sleep, she had quickly left the room and dropped the photo.

Now, as the memories replayed in her mind, she felt a twinge of grief and fury. Their parent's death, then their aunt's, had been too sudden. She stared in shock at the flames, eyes narrowing. She wanted to find out if they had died the way they had. or if it had been setup. Why, she didn't know, but her gut told her to investigate. She watched as the candle's flame expanded and began to dance haughtily in the sunlight. She watched it with confusion and rubbed hr eyes, but it was truly moving. Willow dropped her back and quickly backed away from it and over to the window. She slammed it shut and locked it and turned back to find the candle wax dripping onto the table. It was quickly spreading everywhere and the flamed were licking up everything around it.

"Oh my God," she whispered and quickly ran over to her phone to call 911. Willow listened as the operator picked up.

"Hello 911, what is your emergency?" The woman asked her but Willow was frozen. The entire living room was catching fire. The noise was deafening and the fire crackled and sparked all around her. Smoke was billowing around her. She started to cough but found that despite being close to the flames, nothing was touching her. Subconsciously, she was willing it away from her. Smoke was consuming her house and causing her to cough hard. Her vision was blurred and tears stung her cheeks. Was she next? Oh God, what would Cameron do?

"My house..." She began and let out a cry as she raced down the hall as everything caught fire now, ignited by her anxiety and fear. She blinked away tears and rubbed at them hastily. "Is on fire! Help!" The woman responded to her but Willow couldn't hear her asking for her address. After a delayed pause and repeated questions, Will blurted out her address. She darted down the steps, taking it three steps at a time and raced for the front door.That is, until the fire rapidly consumed the second floor. Willow inhaled and darted for the front door and thought of Cameron. Thank God he wasn't home. Thank God.

She was reaching for the doorknob when the smoke around her consumed her. Willow pushed it open and darted outside. She inhaled sweet precious oxygen and passed out sideways on the front step. In the distance she heard the woman speaking to her but Willow couldn't comprehend her words. Sirens were wailing faraway. Her last thought was of her brother before her eyes closed and she passed out.

Moments after she collapsed, the fire extinguished itself. The house was not completely destroyed, though evidence of the fire remained.

Yay this is awesome. :D

Shay excitedly pulled her purse over her shoulder and cleaned up her room. She hated coming back to a messy dorm. If anything bothered her, it was clutter. Most people thought she was a slob but it was the opposite. She may have acted off now and then (or most of the time), but she tended to be neat. The party tonight was going to be a blast. Mike was going along with most of their grade and the senior year. Even Jason was coming. She was so excited. The parties were so much fun and she looked forward to them. She turned to her iPod which had been blasting music while she readied herself. She bit her lip and wondered if she looked ready enough. She paused and evaluated herself.

A dark curly mane trailed along her back and over her shoulders.It was styled with the notion of mimicking ocean waves. Winged eyeliner, along with blue eye shadow were prominent in her face. She had on dark red lipstick with silver hooped earrings. Her nails were painted red to match her lipstick. She wore a lacy black bodysuit with an open back and high waisted shorts. Underneath were mesh leggings. She grabbed her combat boots and then slipped her leather jacket on. It was her signature.

The voices of Rose, Alex, and Jason filed her ears and she felt her heart flutter. She hadn't seen Rose, Jason, or Ariana all day as a result of having AP classes. The classes were dreadful; the homework list was three times the normal amount in regular classes. She had begged Alcina to help her and offered to pay for all her lunches and also shop with her to help her buy clothes. She quickly left her room and shut the door behind her.

Moments later, she had joined the others and smirked as she leaned against the doorway. "Wow Jason already flirting with Alex? Isn't it a little soon? I mean you haven't even left our dorm yet." She came over to Alex and pulled him into a loving embrace. God, she wanted to spend eternity with him. It was so rare to find someone this young as a teenager. She knew she would rather be tortured a thousand years than to ever have anything happen to him. She wasn't aware how realistic that was going to be within the next year. "How's my boobear doing?" She glanced at his outfit and blushed redder than her lipstick and nails. If he looked handsomer earlier, it was nothing compared to now. She rested her head against his shoulder and stared up at him. I love you, she thought to him, you look amazing.

James cleared his throat as he came in with his hands in his pockets. His brown hair was smoothed back and spiked at the top. He wore an expensive pair of designer jeans with black boots. He wasn't sure how to dress, so he'd pulled out his nicer clothes. He was shuffling his weight from one foot to the next. He was shaking inside, his throat dry. By now, he must have drank three water bottles. Jason was going to find his room to be messy and disorganized as he scrambled for coping mechanisms. James glanced at his brother as he thought it. His twin was always the more social one. He tended to be more shy and wasn't socializing with many of the students. For the most part he stuck with Rose and Jason.

Then he looked over to Alex and Shay, then finally to Rose. His jaw dropped as he stared at her transformation from earlier. Her beauty never seemed to change. She could only become more and more gorgeous- which he already thought was impossible. He swallowed hard. He had to try having fun for her. He forced a smile for her sake and hastily marched across the room to her. "Rose you look amazing... Wow... I didn't know you could be anymore gorgeous then you already are." He hugged her tightly and took deep breathes. Maybe it would be okay. Rose and Jason were both here.

Shay snickered, not taking her gaze off of Alex. James continued to hug Rose and glance at everyone. She noticed his pupils were dilated and he kept clenching his fists. What was wrong with him? The kid needed to reflex. She felt sorry for him nonetheless. She bit her lip and looked at him gently. "Rose and I tend to be the life of the party. I hope you'll have fun." Then she added, "Are we ready now? And did you hear that Ariana and Alcina were invited to some special academic award dinner? Weird.." She shrugged and excitedly headed to the door. "I think if I were ever invited to one, that it would have to be national news." She laughed and waited for Alex and the others to catch up.


Ariana sat on the couch in the living room of the dorm. She had her head resting over the arm rest and was watching TV. Gilmore Girls was playing. She loved this show so much. It was so cute. Before that, she had been binging on Boy Meets World. After she had taken her Xanax pill, she had managed to relax. Her anxiety had decreased and she felt loose. Hopefully Alcina wouldn't know. She was keeping them hidden in her dufflebag under her bed. She had hung out with Riley all day today since their schedules were identical. It was weird to her, but perhaps it was a mistake. The only class he wasn't in was her healing one since he didn't ave that power. Her heart ached just thinking of him. She was so used to him being around her that not being by him felt unusual.

She reached over and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the coffee table in front of her and groaned when the bowl toppled to the floor. "Son of a gun," She groaned and sat up and moved onto the floor to clean it up. After tossing out he small pieces and regathering herself a snack, she sat back on the couch. Ariana curled up on the couch and rested her head against a pillow. She pulled the table closer to herself this time and ate her nutella and grape jam sandwich. She had cut a banana and set thin slices on it. She was halfway done when Alcina came over to her. She smiled up at her twin. "Hey, do you want to watch Gilmore with me?"

Ariana frowned when Alcina told the news. Her stomach swooped though with excitement. Academic awards? She had qualified for that? She grinned, sat up, and then paused the show. "You mean both of us, right? Me too?" Ariana crossed over to her and took the envelope. After reading it, she stared with wide eyes and stared at her. "Holy crap, I was invited. This is great!" She nodded hastily though her gut was telling her otherwise. "It's weird though why is it today and we weren't told sooner?" Ariana bit her lip and looked at her nervously, awaiting her sister's opinion.
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