Avatar of Pundii
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    1. Pundii 9 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Getting new RP ideas is agonizing when you realize you need to shelf them until you're less busy.
7 yrs ago
The Owls are not what they seem... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Oh hey now, I just passed 1000 posts. Good god.
7 yrs ago
Exams are done, Thesis is done, alright let's get back into this 'RP' thing, huh?
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7 yrs ago
Thesis is finally complete, now to curl up and die (but probably rp a bit first)


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Sorry for the delayed response, there's no need to finish your CS before the actual OOC goes up, though people are welcome to if they'd like.

For everyone else - I'll be putting together the proper OOC ideally by this coming friday. ^^
I'm about half-way through a post but I'm beyond exhausted at this point so I'm going to finish it tomorrow, ideally it'll be up before I have to head to uni tomorrow, otherwise it'll be up soon as I'm home.
Darren Andrews

Location: Coventry Circus Grounds, Main Tent
Interacting With: Everyone in the Circus Tent

Darren's attention was rather quickly directed away from his questioning and back towards the Demon when he was thrown up against the wall. He groaned first at the pain of suddenly being slammed, but then grit his teeth hard and hissed as he felt the pain of the knife through his arm. Oddly, he appreciated that this was not the first time that he was stabbed, and he managed to recover from the pain quickly enough, the adrenaline starting to pump through his veins certainly helping with that as he shook his head, reaching up toward the blade. "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." He repeated himself again and again as he took hold of the blade, slowly trying to drag it out, though the force pinning him back was too strong.

He had figured he needed to get free, he still had the chalk he'd been using with Aloise back at the shed, wherever, or however long ago that had been, he could use it to make a Devil's trap. If they could get the demon into that, then he could have exorcised it. It was at that moment, while these thoughts were going through Darren's head, that he was caught by a flash of light and looked over to see Seraphina, her blade embedded in the demon's gut, killing it. His eyes went wide for a moment or two, seemingly amazed - this was, technically, Darren's first encounter with an angel, not even sure what she was as he watched the demon fall.

Reaching up, he finally pulled the knife from his arm with a groan of pain, tearing part of his shirt to wrap up the wound like a bandage as he moved over to the girl on the ground with her. He watched as the others approached, his eyes locked on Seraphina as she knelt over Emmie. Staring at her, he couldn't help but ask; "How the hell did you do that? What are you?" He paused then as he waited for an answer, pointing a finger vaguely in Millicent's direction without looking when he heard her speak up. "That's also still a good question."

James Murphy

Location: Coventry Circus Grounds
Interacting With: Olivia Johnson, @Nallore Aloise Zamora @Morose

Turning his gaze away from Olivia as he saw another woman approach and quickly run past his truck, James' interest, and caution, was piqued at her words. Watching as the two quickly ran off toward the fair grounds, James considered strongly driving away. In fact, James had never perhaps considered anything more in his life. While these people were talking about the possibility of people dying - and he had the fairly strong inkling that this was related to his case, they had just run into a circus. For all he knew, there could have been a killer clown on the loose, or just a normal one, handing out free balloons - equally terrifying.

Sighing, he forced himself to pull his car over to the side, getting out as he ran after the girls, pleased for his gun holstered under his jacket, hoping desperately that if necessary, it would put a swift end to any big red-nosed monstrosities they came across. He caught up just in time to watch Aloise seemingly run into a magic wall, raising an eyebrow as he came up behind the two of them, reaching into his jacket to pull out his badge, not knowing what else to really do as he held it up.

"Uh... FBI... Hi? What's uh... What's happening? What's the uh... What's the happs?" He said nervously, trying not to betray his intense unease standing in the middle of the fairgrounds, a few beads of sweat running down his forehead as he glanced around occasionally, on the lookout for any killer clowns attempting to sneak up on him.

That's my bad, rp's start date is June 14, 1990.
I'll be posting when I've got a break between classes. ^^
Updating mine now ^^
Aedan Merryn

Location: Abhainn's Ballroom
Interacting With: Julianna Hardin, @HushedWhispers Prince Antoine @vFear

As he finished his drink, Aedan sighed as he handed it to a passing servant, clasping his hands idly behind his back as he looked over those enjoying the celebration, as well as the guards around the outside of the ballroom. There weren't many, so as to not spoil the mood, but he did appreciate that there were at least a few Slibahnian guards along with the Abhainnian ones. He also appreciated that King Jack had thus far seemed disinterested in attending the ball, the less of an incident which could be caused, the better - at least in Aedan's mind. His own concerns over safety in Abhainn did not need the addition of Jack's antics.

As he caught sight of Julianna approaching in the corner of his eye, he turned his gaze toward her, bowing slightly before he looked back up toward her, letting her speak first as he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "I wouldn't be doing my duty if that were the case, my lady, after all, I should be here to ensure your safety." He spoke plainly, as if stating orders, only noticing a moment or two later that she had been teasing him, before she continued on with her questions. Reaching up, he sighed as he took hold of his mask, lifting it up and removing it from his head, already having had enough with the visage as he glanced back up toward Julianna.

"They saw fit to decide upon my dress, though - I still feel, strange I suppose, having others dress me." He commented with a nod, looking over the mask in his hand for a moment before he just shifted it behind his back, turning his gaze to follow Julianna's, spotting Antoine as he approached. Aedan had no quarrels with the young prince, and in fact, enjoyed his company far more than that of his father's. He occasionally had found himself lamenting the fact that Antoine had not been born to the late king, he would have made a far greater heir in Aedan's mind to the despot which now wore the Slibahn crown.

Bowing again toward Antoine as he neared them, Aedan remained low for a moment longer before he straightened up his stance again, looking down toward the Prince. "Your Grace." He greeted simply, halting himself before he spoke further, still very much locked in the idea of not speaking less he was spoken to.
I'd say that probably sounds good.

I'm working on a post as well at the moment, should have it up soon.

There's no need to have a really in-depth knowledge of it, it's there for reference.

Glad to see you guys are interested! You can feel free to get started on CS's if you'd like, I'll be giving it some time before setting up a proper IC, but if you have any questions while you work on your characters, I'll be happy to answer any.
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