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Actually, i posted a mech earlier. You can get beefier than that, but its about what im after.
@The 42nd Gecko Basically my indifference to what they're called is mostly because I don't delve into this genra often. I will have better explination to what I have in mind after I post the main thread, but to give you close to what I am looking for, it kinda is that seriea Windel posted a link to. Minus the toy aspect.
Sorry, KoL-Senpai :3

Thanks for being here ^-^
Cool beans ^-^

Glad to have the two of you on board; I'll be working on the main thread which will go up hopefully Friday.

Any questions, I can answer until then. Just let me know.
@Quasi, so are the kids actually going around piloting giant robots? Or is it something more like Gundam Build Fighters?

Actually yea, that's not too far off. I was thinking more SAO type*, but that's not a bad comparison.


* with computers to connect them to their machines in a virtual space directly. There wouldn't be the characters physically controlling them like it seems they do the gunpla.
Firstly, this is more of a school rp. No particular reason; just a swing of a mood. Kids blowing eachother up with giant mechs sounds fun; hence the 18+ tag(?) I don't really want anything not allowed on this public guild site - guild rules matter. But I don't want to police anything more than I have to. Granted, this is my first Gm'ed rp. Sorry for any sloppiness.

But foremost-ly, this is a Gundam rp. I don't really watch the show, but the reference is kinda how I see them all. Like calling any soda a 'coke'. Because Coka cola became so successful in marketing. Whether its a gundam or a mecha or a super robot; its all the same here with minor differences that don't mean much between whatever you decide on.

The school is like any other four year school. I'll be simple and just include one class per 5 day week. I expect the classes will be largely skipped IC, but it will be in school or dorms that your characters will mostly interact. The entire student body will be split between three factions. Orange, Purple, Green. There's plans for story progression here which I'll get to in the main thread.

Between the students, players can commence in battles that will remain 1x1 for simplicity outside of any special circumstances. There's multiple deviations how your gundam can differentiate between another, but the basis is something to the idea of chess pieces.
Pawns are worth 1 point. Knights 2. Bishops 3. Rooks 4. Queens 5. More on this in the main thread.

I'm mostly just gathering interest and bouncing a few ideas; though most of this is set how I think would be fun. Like I said, this is my first gm, so thanks for reading. ^-^
Raula stayed mostly quiet. How easily the vampire's goals have shifted; though perhaps it was for the best. Not that she would say anything now that she was already in their little group with a handful of angry angels approaching towards them; but she had a hard time with her mixed feelings. Back to the scene in front of her, all she could do was scoff at the angel running in and acting the fool. Dealing with their kind wasn't her favorite thing in the world; but she has had her run-ins to those with similar stature.

As Azrael came closer, Raula melted into shadow. There wasn't much room to work with, so close to the luminous temple, but it would suffice to work her way around to the back. Reforming to appear ready to slam her hammer into the back of one of the watchers. Giving her all on the follow through, but melting back into the shadow rather than be caught on the rebound. This was probably the best she could do in this situation, but she wasn't deterred. Her shadow shifting away from the one she just hit to pop up and hit another with her next swing.
Raula put away her parasol. Such thoughts were out of place where there was so much left of it to go. It was still possible for them to meet, yet even then she wasn't sure if that was what she wanted. No, now wasn't the time to get lost in the thoughts of pointless scenarios that had nothing to do with the present. She was escaping; is escaping. That was what she had decided to do, and she was going to finish that first, before moving on to other topics. Raula took in hand the hammer she stole and pressed the head of it flat against her palm. The battle behind her had seem to come to its close and she could hear the charging of what could only be one of the wolves. A hit of terror as she cursed herself for being distracted with personal affairs and tightened the grip around her weapon.

The vampire would turn around too late; hearing the rabid snarls of the beast run up through the tunnels to mere feet behind her in seconds flat. She was prepared to swing her hammer around regardless. To fight back the beast despite the blow she was sure to take and hope for the best. But instead her hammer fell; slipping out of her grasp in her surprise. A black veil standing between her and the wolf, now with a sword sliding into the mass. A strike that would've likely severely harmed her at best had the other shadow not intervened; possibly saving her life.

She would stand there, a few moments to compose herself as she watched the sword slip out and the shadow take shape. A man forming to reveal a rather well put together monster given the state of this prison. She remained silent, letting the man talk and beat the dog into its place. A bit shy to speak once he started to converse with her but quickly regaining her venomous tone once the dog spoke once more. "How bold of a mutt like you to speak so crudely in your position. I'd imagine you'd be better begging to offer any information you had than to spit poor words to those with a leash around your neck." As calm as Raula's words left her mouth; she was still quite surprised herself at the man appearing from darkness the same as her.

"I don't see how any of their kind can be of any useful rank, save for the fact they're all just mindless, raging brutes. Perhaps this was simply the best of them. Though, if any of them would know anything; it would probably be this one. And perhaps the only one we'll be able to get anything from." Walking around the side of the man, she eyed him with great interest. Keeping the dog in view at all times, but confident he was keeping it held down safely. "I don't remember seeing you down there with the rest of the fleeing prisoners. But you have my thanks. It could've ended badly had you not saved me." Clearing her throat, she turned towards the dog. Picking up her hammer and swinging idly in circles to get used to its weight. "Did you want me to take a crack at this dog? To see what he knows? I suppose I owe you more; though, I don't have much to offer as of right now."
It would seem any time to strategize their attack had vanished. Now it was them who were on the defense; though it did seem to make things easier. No need to coordinate any plans between them or those at the far end of the cavern. Especially now that they did the wonderful job of spiting themselves up in small, manageable groups. Azrael had showed just how much he cared for these things anyways as he charged forth to take care of one of the patrols. Rushing in with a sword of out no-where that confirmed his inhuman heritage. Something that probably wasn't anything more than a pleasant thought for Raula.

The swordsman wouldn't be the only one charging forth as the vampire caught a glimpse of the drow running towards them. A mystery vial in hand; Raula was quick to slide out her parasol. An elegant lace pattern opening up between the vampire and the leaping drow. She wasn't sure what was in that vial, but she wasn't going to stand there in case she was the intended target of a splash attack. Her umbrella twirled to match the drow's movements; eyes keeping watch as the woman emptied its contents on the group of wolves coming beside them. A smirk rising as she watched the results to the drow's actual attack.

"Hmph. As if I'd dabble with creatures such as those mutated canines. But you're not bad for a drow." Letting Willowa dispatch the rabble on her own, Raula spun her parasol and turned to face the emperor. "Well, I suppose talk of the pack alliance will be as it stands. On pause as the situation has changed." Raula wouldn't be polite enough for a bow as she melted into the ground she stood. A puddle of shadow mixing with the natural darkness of the cave.

Slipping her way to the mutated wolves, her hand popped up to grab hold of a discarded hammer before retreating back into darkness. Careful not to mix too closely with the grotesque transformations bursting out. The weapon was something she didn't plan on using, but it could come in handy should the situation arise. It was clear to her that she gave these wolves too much credit; but her friends here should be enough to keep the dogs entertained long enough. The only other creature of note was the lady of the lake rising from the lagoon. Something she'd ordinarily investigate if not for the prime opportunity to let the beasts play while she made her escape. Traveling fast through the shadows, and past the incoming horde of troops. Making her way up a ways closer to her goal of freedom before turning back into her true form. She was well out of sight of the battle behind her though could still hear the clash of battle. Turning back to speak to those left behind. "Pathetic. Useful, but I doubt most of you will last much longer. All I need is power to get through this place, and the freedom on the other side."

Turning back up the path, Raula held tight to her closed parasol. There was a good chance that they were still down there, somewhere. But could she really wait any longer? Perhaps it has been enough time to just move on in general.
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