Avatar of Rabidporcupine


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4 yrs ago
Current I eat negativity and shit out hopes and dreams. Like a tree, but for pessimism.
5 yrs ago
Good news, I'm not failing out of my cooking course tomorrow! Bad news, it's only because I nearly sliced a chunk off my finger practicing for it and needed stitches.
6 yrs ago
Desu before dishonour.
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6 yrs ago
It's days like today that I truly believe this ADHD is both a blessing AND a curse.
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I probably won't be able to get anything done until tomorrow.
Nope! Just

Not sure whether your planning to finish revelations or not at some point, so those actual relatives can stay hidden just in case.

Also, I'm very sad now, because I just beat the conquest Izumo mission last night. Why couldn't they just become friends there, damn it?! Everyone at that banquet together, they could've made it work!

Also, today I had a crazy little fanfic idea, what if Corrin ended up going with Ryoma when he wanted them to go with him before letting Elise get that medicine? Could it have led to another happy end to the war? We may never know...
@Jay Kalton
Oh holy crap, I just remembered that his sister is named Mari too. I was just going off the whole nearly matching personalities and hobbies thing, but that gives it a whole new level! Still, Igarashi Mari is kind of a tired office drone at the moment, so they're relatively different enough for Ren not to make that mistake.

Now, as for the possibility that he might just decide to consciously make her his unofficial new sister is another matter entirely...
Remember how we decided that the disease had a chance to mutate living things into basically monstrous versions of themselves? That. That'll be Al. It'll take his negative thoughts and turn them up to eleven, while also making him strong, fast and crazy looking.

So yeah, it'll be fun!

And yeah, I haven't finished Conquest yet, but I've played the other two, and I know how it ends. I'm not really looking forwards to killing all my Broshidos, but it is at least kinda flattering that as soon as I'm not on their side, everyone literally loses their goddamn minds...
Cool! Was one of those thirds Conquest though? Because when I say sweary Takumi route, I mean THAT one. Maybe with a happier ending, but hey, that disease has to mutate one of us...
So do you play much fire emblem? Because I think it's safe to assume you have a 3ds if you've played dream drop distance, so I may as well go down the rest of the DS weeb checklist...
@Jay Kalton
Welp, I don't think there's any possible way Ren and Mari don't become bestest best friends...
Man, maybe I should've used a Kaibutsu character too.
Alright, changed it to a light green. Is it alright now?
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