Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
4 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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With his blade in hand Magnixx felt immensely confident. He remembers the fallen beasts of legend that came to face him and threaten his people. Something he willed to only use on Dragons and the utmost of threats inorder to protect his people. Which was why he refrained from it's use. A weapon. No a shield for the people. Yet here it sat with him far away from his home. "Home." He spoke. "This blade was trusted to me to pass it down to the generations. You.. Are but in it's way." He spoke before sprinting toward Auz at a nearly just as great speed. Heading forward with his blade on his shoulder and held with his right hand.
I'm trying to get the idea together in my head. I'm thinking of joining for sure. Though I'll be outright that I'm thinking of joining as a androgynous character.
He took notice of her gentle pace and soft laughter. Yes it was familiar to him. Though foreign to his own people's customs he found the air of simplicity and the subtlety of nobility within her actions. He found this very close to those who lived in the land of light and forest. These people, they commune with nature and demand it's simplicity to be their culture. Yet she adorned herself in long flowing clothing like the Queen of the mountain he missed dearly. Though her demeanor was always analytical and stiff to him he found her to be a inexperienced girl in his hands and when alone. Now he sat alone with this new woman Hisame and her elegance did stir within him old feelings. It was when she obediently came over to his beckon and, in her own way, elegantly sat before him entirely pleased to be in his presence. Even within the dust and mold that was his momentary resting place. It was this that skewed his past and present and he instinctively resisted this. He sat with hands together, fingers intertwined, and elbows on his thighs. His eyes lost their luster for a moment. His mind wandered as he took in his own situation a bit. He was not home nor was this the one he loved. But her smile tugged his center, that is, the center of pleasure he felt from observing a new concubine.

It was the depth of his needs that he knew would plunge such a woman into a grime she would not rise out of easily. His search for new concubine was mostly filled by this desire. The desire to overwhelm, both in battle and in bed. So he brought his eyes to meet hers as she explained her lack of awareness of this land. Despite the topic it only bought him time to make peace with his circumstance. Though he had the life of a king he now felt more than ever how he truly saw himself. A warrior. But now he faced a test that he didn't know if a return to his luxuries was feasible. In the sadness of this thought he cast aside his caution and would fall into this moment entirely.

"Now that we're at rest, please tell me what it is you desire, O King..."

His fiery eyes appeared golden brown in the sunrays that broke through the ceiling and illuminated the dust particles like the stars in the sky. He looked somewhat seriously but a smirk rising on his left cheek could not leave his full lips. "Desire.. is not the correct word." His voice almost echoed as his vocal cords rattled through his honed mass. Now he slowly rose. His weight having clearly flattened the hay significantly and many pieces of its making falling apart with his gentle rise. Said pieces falling from his backside. His wings rose now, expanding slowly before extending out entirely like a stiffened cloth. The hay fell from around him like confetti. He stepped to her, only needing half a step to be only a foot from her. He brought a hand down in invitation to use it to rise. "We have a word called kindling. Its as you imagine, a fire. But it is made within." He pointed to his chest, his index finger touching over his heart. "The phrase being.. light my flame."
Same as before
When players neglect their surroundings and almost destroy your beautiful setting with their fireballs and lightning strikes. Geez
Sweet. Check my second post for updates on the first page of the ooc.

I'll post this above the CS NPC list.

You know what to do with that. But I'm working on a in-depth update once this part is over.

Missed these posts due to me getting too used to notifications and discord. But good work with keeping this going everyone.


He spoke after the waiter took his order. When the waiter returned to see if he had anything to order he had the bandana on which took her by suprise with a visible jump. He looked at the menu and asked for a banana split because, as he told the waitress, he hasn't had one since he was a child. It also would put his nerves at ease. All of his items were taken away and he was given a number slapped into his hand. 69. All those that were not carefully concealed. His cellphone and pocket knife was taken along with the chain to his wallet. Nothing else was found on him just as he planned. A sneaky smile on his face but hidden away by the bandana he had. He watched the people enter and go about the floors just as uneasy as everyone else. It was the ones who seemed fairly confident who caught his eye. Out of the few the most confident and outstanding one was a young girl dressed in a doll like outfit. Was she a doll? She had inhuman features that seemed beyond just plastic surgery. Her height was something to see also and though he did not fear her he thought it would be best to not approach her. Instead he looked on to the bartender and the woman who sat before him with her slender legs and even tone. A thought began to sprang in his mind from seeing two unique women amongst the hunters. "There might be some real dimes here." His smirk began to rescend as he focused on narrowing in on other people.

A brown coated man came in with little pause. He seemed as if the elegance of the place was his normalcy. Sitting with a clear view of the stage he seemed more of a customer than a exam entrant. The extravagance took Rain by surprise. He was happy to feel this way, meaning to him his life didn't get too good. He was not like them. The higher ups and aristocrats were his polar opposites. Yet his path always crossed with their kind and it usually was due to his skill. He dropped the bandana now, his smile dissipating. He watched as another man approached from the elevator. One who was marked by many days of sunlight and clothed as a tribesmen, beads and all. He was interesting, but not kindred in a way he knew.

Rain let out a silent sigh and took a long sip of his water before placing the half empty cup down. Looking into it's reflection he could see the elevator and who now emerged from it to enter the floor. His eyes lids widens as his pupils grow. Vsions of the past flooded his blurry memories into a trance of music and a night amongst flashing lights and drowning in poison. It was many a night like this he saw the walk. The posture and the sheer confidence of someone who was born high brow. But the colors did not match the top side of the wealthy pool. Colors matched the soul often and her soul seemed a tad near the twilight. He assumed this but was not sure, though his blood felt it was. He had neared many of this type in his dealings with mafia bosses and their kin.

Her hair was purple.. No pink. It was hard to tell. But despite her lack thereof Rain could imagine her strutting with accessories galore just as many of the haughty women of the upper class. He despised the attitude. But over time he grew accustomed to their nature and having been adored by many of their ilk he was and still is showered with their wealth's gifts. Could this woman be another utility to add to his belt? He watched her long legs carry herself up each step. He whistled a bit under his breathe. "My tastes exactly.. thank you hunter exams." He chuckled. His smirk beginning to grow again.

@Dusksong @Jin Of Mana@Mercurial@Demous
@Doc Doctor
Flames stopped and soon Magnixx was spreading his wings to slow himself. He rolled in the ground and stopped past his sword which later on the bridge past where Auz's torched bits were. He raised the blade with his right hand and stood up now holding it towards Aux with a single arm. He swings it and unleashes a gust of wind before raising it to lean on his shoulder. He was seemingly healed. "Now. Come and face my blade."
Or better yet you can edit them underneath a NPC tag in your character sheets.
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