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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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The group had chosen, through their own mundane methods, to head east. A route vaguely made out by the dirt roads ahead. Once they began steering off, the hooded man outside the ancient structure turned. He lowered his head and lifted the red curtain. Vaguely one could see the hooded ones inside toiling away at something. The heat dying down as their walk was elevated and the forestation ahead was visible.

Gaian Forest

The group would be traveling for merely thirty minutes before they entered the tall and strong forest within Gaia's boarder. It continued well into Gaia's territory and the sign posted at its designated entrance pointed to the town of Pearl. It was bright out, little clouds covering its glare. The trees only grew taller as they would pass within and the ground more elevated and less leveled. Tripping was growing more easy and even the sturdy ox found the ground to be taxing to navigate. With help it moved with ease yet the forest grew thicker. Its center having the highest congregation. The life would be more scarce. The chattering of birds more spread out within the tree tops. Yet as the forest grew thicker the mounds and stones began to look similar to scales and green hides. Almost as if a massive creature or a lot of them were hibernating beneath the ground.


Time Stamp: 12:30 PM
The City of Nero

The morning light shined bright. Bright enough to shine over the city of Nero. People were already filling the streets. The city was rather vibrant despite its mysterious visage. The buildings were made of different sized stone slabs and decorated their triangular rooftops with gargoyles. The air around the market was misty and was rolling from out of waterfall by the castle. A different atmosphere it seemed to have yet it breathed fresh air from the depths into the city keeping the humidity at bay. A cool breeze met the citizens as they kept to their duties. Keeping the economy running through open trade and fresh water flowing down their constructed river banks. Nero Guards, noticeable through their all black garb and white eyes, remained in the shadows, vigilant in their observation of the laws the royals have bestowed on all.

The walls that kept the castle entrance blocked was lined with gargoyles of its own. Petrified warriors and other important figures who dared face against the Nero Kingdom. Their mastery of the Basilisks were of legend. Now deep within the halls of the kingdom was a young Nayu named Lila. It took all morning but a scratching was made on her door. Though it was locked it was cracked open by a sniffing excited creature. Soon the door was opened and a young dragon can chirping towards Lila. Standing at the door was the Nayu servant who was working for the Aion. He looked somber as he laid eyes on Lila whose pet was returned to her. "I kept it safe for you. I'd hate to see it be torn apart for being connected with the Aion." He shook his head. "I suppose your turn on the Aion means you will be against me as well. This may be the last time you see me, if that's the case." He said. Keeping the door in his palm as he was stood halfway inside and out the door.

I forgot you on the last mention. I can't hide that I put it in late. xD
With Ami's gift the poison that stained their forest path was purified. It receded into the earth and formed into mushrooms, grass and moss. Pollen exploding from around it as the surrounding forestation began to grow quickly. Nearly covering the already dense path. But the decay was no more. The stench of death replaced with the vibrancy of life. The group saw no other decay of life and was no longer able to see a difference in their forest path.

Soon after going forward the group would come across a cross roads. One that led to the left was towards the north east, going directly to Fotia. Another led to the east to Gaia. Another led to the South east to Tearia. Once their choice to Fotia was made they would be led down the forest path for a decent amount of time. Enough to see the strange creatures that called Vrondi and Fotia's boarders home. Lizards breathing fire on their prey were seen scattering when the group approached. They were surely near.

The group was now out of the forest and going down a rocky sandy terrain. Vegetation scarcely existed around this area but it was not void of it. The path they walked was warm. The sun's intensity growing due to the lack of plants to shade the ground. The ground was rock and sand. The sun gave heat to the ground and the heat began to rise back up to meet it. It was quite like a low oven walking through the old canyon rocks long torn to rubble. Pillars marked the path and the old canyons made the path go around their curves. Up ahead, on the left side of the trail, was an ancient ruined building. A red flag was dancing in the wind above it. The same red material laid over its entrance and its single open window.

Soon as they made their way by a red hooded figure stepped out of the entrance. As they did so a fire could be seen inside along with various other red hooded people with others inside not hooded. The wind flowed allowing some to see the figures inside scarcely. Enough to know they were inside. The one outside looked at the group while standing near the entry way. Holding a ritual dagger they carved a piece of fruit gently whilst observing the group as they went along the path.

Time Stamp: 11:30 AM


Forgot ya on the last mention.
Time Stamp: 10:30 AM
With the burning of the dark effigy a fire was set alight. It burned with a terrible stench that climbed the sky in the form of black smoke. Its burning branches fell near its healthy kin. Though affected slightly by its brethren's decay due to proximity. The safe proximity that threatened to start a kindle on their fresh fruit baring branches.

The group successfully put out the flames. Water dripping from the branches and mist forming into rainbow light when hitting the beams piercing the tree tops. The ash of the tree was black and mushy once hit by the water. The surrounding smell was more toxic than before now. The burnt flesh now fused with decayed wood ash and mud. It was grotesque. Bubbles forming and popping around its mass. The black mud slowly spread around the ground. Hissing as it touched fresh grass and tree bark. Birds and insects left in droves as the stench spread further.

Time stamp: 10:00 AM

Vrondi City

The mornings light set upon the castle of Vrondi. It glowed with a brilliant aura from its pure solid white high above the lower city of pride and wealth. It was only a few hours within the lights early rise. Yet many crowded before the main gates of the castle. Trumpets were sounding as the members of the alliance walked in line and stood with backs turned to the crowd and their faces turned to each King and Queen who sat before them. All but one individual stood and it was the King of this land. His bright aura contained a fixation on his person as he presented the diverse warriors and healers to the people both rich and poor who stood in the crowd with various applause.

It was mandatory each sign their names on papers which indicated their will to be a part of this group. They all were told to stand proudly with their new or old equipment on. Vrondi raised a hand to weaken the applause. He then motioned for Ami to come before them. She stood before them all with her own gifted attire. She was mounted on a great white steed. Its flowing mythical hairs moved like the breeze as it stood tall above the group and the onlooking crowd. Only the Kings and Queens lined up in their seats were above them all. Each one looking at the assorted group with natural expressions. Observing this team for the first time.

"This is the beginning of a new age. One that has already taken many sacrifices to obtain. What we have before us now is a unified force for all descendants. Ones here to protect our and their own way of life. They are you, the common and the rich. The high and low bloods all stand together. The lands may have been poisoned and decayed but with the will of the Divine's will we will replenish the soil and the lands. A treasured child of this kingdom has nobly come forth with her desire to restore the lands with her gift. The alliance will aid her in this. To every villager and nomad out beyond the walls most affected by the battles that took place I say to you help is on the way!" As his glowing form spoke the fires around the stage began to light up. Changing colors as it continued to burn. Red, Blue, Green, White, Then led by black smoke as it was put out.

It was now time. With their steeds they would ride out with applause coming form all districts of the city as they made their way to the east gate. The guards will let them through without issue and a path was clear for them to cross far down even to a bridge over a river. However long the path was though it ended within the jungle. Beaten paths still kept travel clear for the meek but only one led to a certain destination. A wooden sign pointing towards the locations that each path led. North East was Fotia their given destination. They had with them a simple yet strong ox which carried a wagon full of hay for their horses and other essentials for travel.

Their true motive though not spoken was all the more immediate. They would travel to Fotia and go beyond the mountain to its east where the Wyverns have been seen. There they will find the entrance to ancient ruins where they will be find deep within... The Divine smith's hammer. Once its location is confirmed the group can send a message to Fotia's capital city through one of its towns or whatever means available. It will be claimed by the Fotians to keep it safe. That will be all for their first mission.

Czigani -

A clever male horse that has quite the jump and agility when moving at its top speeds.

Ami -

A Unicorn that is wise and fairly old. Yet its blood flows eternally. It can regenerate its wounds over time. It never runs out of stamina. Its horn is a magical conduit and can cast purification spells on water and heal others of their wounds and purify them of poisons.

Lynn -
A strong horse with feathers in its hair. It has the ability to climb rocky mountain like terrain and has decent speed. However its stamina is only at its highest when in high altitudes.

Metis -
A wagon powered by steam to allow it to travel for a decent distance. However it is not ideal for travel for long distances and is light weight enough to be carried by horse.

Siiga -
A horse that has great speed and stamina. However it is a bit wild and reckless and can easily be injured.

Vrondi Jungle

After about twenty minutes inside the jungle the air would begin to fill with a horrid stench. It was only a matter of time before their eyes or noses would find the decaying and poisoned tree with flesh coated across its surface and hanging from the limbs. Something was strewn about this tree and not just one thing. The tree was dying and its decay was spreading to others. These atrocious signs of Nuxta's mark on the lands were known as Dark Effigies. Symbols of a likeness unknown to nature's Divine will. A tree of death others would begin to call them. Many consider burning them. But the risk to the rest of the forest is great.


Lord Eros. The fair seraphim of Tearian royalty made his way down the halls of the many guest rooms. Tearians were filling up the rooms above. Some left their doors open and let the sounds of their pleasures spread through the halls as crying echoes of joy. In the lower more quiet halls where the alliance members rested he saw Siiga and a door closing, presumably another alliance member going in to rest for the night. "Ah I believe you are the one I am looking for. The one who had the swords drawn on her like a wild boar." He chuckled.

Oh, for the love of... Can't a girl get some privacy? It wasn't bad enough that Naked McLittledick had to barge in on her during one of the few occasions she got to study her books, but now this pillock too? Hellfire... "Whatever you're selling, I ain't buying" She muttered, without looking up from the pages of her spellbook.

"Do I look like a salesman? Please." He said with humor in his tone. "The King asked for me to help you in your experimentation. I believe it was specifically stated that you wanted a 'penis'" He said while looking to ceiling. Remaining nonchalant to the ridiculous conversation they were having.

Oh. Thats what he was here for.


The king had taken her seriously, apparently. Confusing crossed her face for all of a moment before she got to grips with what exactly was happening. By the look on his face, the newcomer didn't know how to take it either. Siiga grinned. Perfect~

"Oh, yeah, that. Well, you know, sometimes a girl wants a dick..."

"Perhaps. But achieving something like this is note worthy. I must study your conditions through out the process." He rubbed his chin in thought. "You will need to see me when you are free and it isn't so damn late. Here's a way to contact me." He handed her a palm sized orb. It was black and smooth yet its center hand a blue crystal reflecting within it. "This is a messenger orb, a fancy Tearian one. Try not to lose it. It may come in handy."

Siiga looked at Eros in confusion. "Thanks, I guess..?" Did it really require so much work? She thought it would just need a spell or a potion, not all this. Certainly not a study. What, was he taking it off a corpse or something?
Hikari Twilight Knight

The events unfolded before Hikari and she could only hold her aching head as she was forced to be a part of this mess, this was turning into a gang fight very fast. It was on the girls of light for entering their turf in the first place. She had only known nights with the dark ones until last night. This made her wary of the light magical girls. Their new auras frightened her. She was afraid not of their power but of her own. Something about them made her desire to fight them in some way. But her innocence still begged to be part of the light. So she was on neither side, which was worse than choosing a side some would say. This ate at her to the point her head hurt and she rested it on the table.

She knew from the magic they produced that they were strong in the forces of light magic. Even producing a protecting spell rather than a destructive one. Though she preferred healing she felt warmed in its aura, yet another part of her was hurt by looking upon it. Her own light was shrouded in darkness so jealousy festered within her. She was thankful when they left. But talk of finding a new place began and Hikari could only sigh. She liked this place as she was just getting more used to it as the seasons went by. Her solemn eyes looked at her cupped hands and then to Alex who chimed in after sitting down from her high position on the table. Hikari had no money and was surprised how mature Alex was when it came to it.

"I-I can have some people over my house. Since its empty.." She offered. "Until we get a new place."
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