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It’s none of my business what people say of me and think of me. I am what I am and I do what I do. I expect nothing and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier.


“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”
- Mark Twain

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A collab with @Heat as Chief Investigator Raymond Conley

The Vibe Nightclub | 21:13
The Hub | Entertainment District

One of the newest and hottest entertainment spots that the Hub has had the pleasure of cradling within its bosom, The Vibe’s popularity among the younger crowd only outshined by the massive pulse-pounding sound system, multi colored laser light and glow effects indicative of 1980s synthwave pop clubs, and nonstop energy running through its veins. Eating, drinking, dancing, or simply hiding away in the many dark corners for a while to forget, were just a few of the draws. Like most businesses within the Ark, the opportunities to sell “distractions" from an otherwise stressful journey was rarely passed up, knowing that most citizens aboard would just rather be somewhere else, whether they'd like to admit it or not. Regardless of the methods though, the effects of the Devastator’s swift and indiscriminate attack against humanity and the decimation of the homeworlds was something that could never be erased in the hearts and minds of those who lived it five years prior.

As tensions grew over those seemingly short few years, so did the need for counteractive measures to ensure security and military personnel were able to do their jobs effectively by protecting those caught within the slow uprising of civil unrest from harming others or themselves. No matter the background, religious affiliation, political affiliation, or a number of other things that make humans who they are, there will still be the one asshole who simply lights a match and walks away just to watch the whole place burn to hell. It was a physical and psychological balance that both Ark Security agents and military police forces had to maintain for there to be any continuity of order throughout the Vitae. Order, that was slowly pulling at the seams.

“Geez this place is packed tonight.” The young man chuckled while weaving through the masses crowded near the entrance. “Of course now I know where all the good-looking girls are.”

“Yeah, well keep your head in the game, kid.” The other said, trailing behind him with an uninterested expression.

Dressed in civilian attire for the evening, both Security Agents made their way past the congestion of people and A.I. serving units and into their pre-appointed positions while waiting for further instructions. A team of six agents lead by Chief Investigator Raymond Conley, systematically stationed themselves throughout the interior awaiting confirmation of their target, who was spotted entering the club earlier.

“Alright people I need eyes.” The stern and calm, yet somewhat nasally voice of Jarrol Haas came over the inconspicuous earpiece communicators given to each undercover agent. He was essentially the Watchman for this op, surveying via floor plans, target coordinates, and ensuring that all physical security measures are taken into consideration to mitigate any suspects from fleeing the scene, whether it be through camera detection, or bulkhead lockdown, Jerrol Haas was the “eye in the sky”, allowing support to Conley and his team.

For the last few days, Haas has been acting CoS while Chief Gavon TreVayne took advantage of much needed R&R, as well as medical leave due to mandatory artificial heart replacement after the previous cybernetic system simply shutdown. Although with the cause still unknown, Gavon was assured that the technology has been significantly upgraded since his first procedure over five years ago and there would be little if any risk. Knowing Gavon, however, he continues to put little faith in A.I, no matter how revolutionized it has become.

“Target spotted.” One of the female agents nearer to the back of the club chimed in. “Rear left corner, situated between the holodancer terminals and the sushi bar.”

“Confirmed.” Another agent acknowledged. “It’s Lowry alright, but he appears to be alone for the moment.”

John “Thunderbird” Lowry was one of the military’s top pilots and a great asset to the Vitae’s fleet, but things began to crumble around him personally and professionally. The arduous course of five years aboard the Ark took a toll on the thirty-something Fleeter career pilot, and while his life practically revolved around space travel and the harsh living and survival conditions that followed, the man couldn’t help by allow the separation of his family to break him down no matter how strong he thought he was. Sure, there were plenty who’d lost someone close to them after the attack, and there were plenty of outlets for coping that were considered non-destructive and perfectly legal, but the end result for those who left the door wide open was a downward spiral of vices that would never take the pain away fully. A simple whisper in his ear, and a chance to not only make a few extra credits on the side, but to trade for just about anything he could think of, John Lowry decided it was “within his right” to steal painkillers from the Medical Sector’s pharmacies by tunneling it through various proxies. It took less than twenty-four hours for medical personnel -through cross referencing inventory logs- to realize that supplies were dwindling, and yet it had been the more potent formulas that were specifically focused on. The problem was, because of the number of hands it exchanged through the smuggling process, it was difficult to pinpoint just who was responsible, until a tip surfaced through the diligent work of Chief Investigator Raymond Conley.

As the Lead Investigator surveyed the scene, his dark brown eyes scanned the room for any immediate dangers. A packed club such as this was unpredictable in many ways. The patrons tended to be inebriated or high on whatever drugs they could get their hands on in order to amplify their experiences. He did not have his handgun on him, and he’d ordered his agents under his command to follow the same protocol. Gunshots would cause a stir, and might lead to a chain reaction of chaos. This was a simple “by the books” deal, nothing too extreme, at least compared to many of the missions he had gone through back on Earth.

It didn’t compare to knocking down doors and taking down a group of radical Martian terrorists, and for that he was thankful. A smile crept onto his face as he recalled those events, it all seemed so long ago. He had done what was typically done in this situation, interrogating and squeezing info from every person connected to Lowry and the smuggling ring. Ray knew the moment one of the men most highly associated with Lowry squealed and gave the tip his people needed.

“Don’t lose track of him, but don’t let him know he’s being watched.” Ray stated into his commlink, from a distance in a position across from the target. The loud music pummeled his ears and the stench of alcohol filled his nostrils, but he was entirely focused on the task at hand. All minor distractions were cast aside.

“Lowry’s being approached by a female, dark hair, lavender cocktail dress.” The young agent responds, keeping himself between the target and a support beam. “She's at least a few feet from him, and they're exchanging words.”

Jerrol Haas zoomed in the holo map which was laid out on the large center table within SecCom. “NOAH, bring up the Vibe’s audio and enhance focus within coordinates 25-point-6 by 78-point-01.”

What followed was a mixture of static feedback and garbled background noise with muffled voices overlaid.

“What the hell is that?” Haas responded flatly, arching an eyebrow while repositioning the three-dimensional map for a better overhead vantage point.

NOAH’s voice prompt came on over the communications with SecCom. “Electrical pulses from the Vibe’s holographic terminals have generated temporary interference to the audio and video feeds within that radius.”

“What?” Haas exclaimed, clearly annoyed. “We've been through this dozens of times during routine tests and inspections and why hasn't it shown up in the logs?”

There was a momentary pause as NOAH queued up the previous diagnostics log, its contents appearing across the screen in front of where Jerrol Haas stood, before continuing. “Records indicate it had never been an issue, as all holo-terminals are calibrated specifically not to interfere with security systems and related mainframes. There is, however, another probability-”

“Dammit I lost visual.” The female agent chimed in again.

“Same here.” Another closer agent responded. “The holoprojection strobed for a moment then disappeared. Lowry was already on the move, and the girl I don't see anymore.”

“He’s on the run, heading towards one of the side doors! Lock down both sides, follow the reactions of the crowd!” Ray exclaimed loudly to the agents, then started shuffling through the hordes of party goers and dancers.

He could make out Lowry as the man dashed through the bustling club, causing a commotion as he knocked over people even as he tried to avoid doing so. The ex pilot was certainly startled, it seemed he had been tipped off on his status as a wanted man with authorities stalking his location. Ray darted through a group of dancers, slipping around them as he broke through to an opening in the dance floor. Lowry was still making a move, but he was trapped and the poor sap didn’t even realize it.

“I want that woman tracked to, if she knows anything. She may be an associate of his and might have tipped him off.” Ray stated calmly, jogging through the club as he made his way towards the same exit as Lowry. He was closing in on the man, but had to do this carefully.

As the song changed in the club, and the the mad dancing continued on, Ray emerged from the crowd as he bustled towards the target. As he closed in, he found another clearing, rapidly zeroing in on Lowry. The lead investigator lowered his shoulders, extended his arms and adjusted his stance just right. Then he made a pinpoint tackle, slamming into Lowry as his body pulsed with adrenaline. The smuggler didn’t have much time to react as he crashed into the ground, Ray on top of him as he kept the man unable to stand up. They were right near the exit the man was bolting for, two security agents appeared around them, exclaiming loudly that they were Ark Security.

“Don’t move a muscle, Lowry. You’re under arrest for the crimes of theft and running a smuggling ring.” Ray stated calmly, then harshly grabbed the man’s hands and cuffed him. He could practically sense the rage steaming off of Lowry as he stood up, bringing the criminal to his feet as well.

“Great work Conley and perfect teamwork Agents.” Haas stated, a huge grin on his face that only those within SecCom would have been able to notice, but his tone of voice may have given it away as well. “Chief TreVayne will be happy to hear about this, but let’s get Lowry underground to cool off for the rest of the evening and pick it up tomorrow. Haas out.”
That seems fine by me. :)

Just don't forget about the collab link I sent ya on Monday :)
@Days, I was thinking that when Fay is ready to drop off the papers to Marcus's office, on the way, she sees him leaving as he's on his way back to his house for a later lunch and to check up on Mila, his sick wife. We can do a short collab when they pass if you'd like.
Marcus Bellamy


It was a name that hadn’t crossed the mayor’s mind in many years, not since well after leaving school and apprenticing with his father for many years. He and Michelle had grown up together, and were as close as any could be at the time, almost inseparable one could have said considering they were seen laughing and playing just about every waking day of their youth. The family contention however began to put strains on their relationship, as both sides seemed to show some kind of animosity toward the other’s child, as though neither were good enough to be together, even as friends. As time passed, and adolescence kicked things into high gear for them both, they still promised to never grow apart, and slowly their relationship began to turn that much more intimate. But, it seemed the more they chose to be together forever, the more reality came in as a wild fire to consume and destroy.

Both were happy as one, but their families had other uses for them as mid-adolescence gave way to professions opening up, and long roads of study which kept them simply too busy to ever truly be together again. As children, they mused over the idea of running away to part of the world, to a place no one would ever find them, just to start over. But the end result was that time and distance began the slow descent of once happy memories, until thoughts of a better life together were nothing but a wisp of smoke to be carried away by the western winds.


“Mister Bellamy?”

The voice seemed so distant, as though it were miles away even, until his name was repeated again and pulled the man from his reverie, causing him to glance over at the doorway, and the little boy standing within its old wooden frame. The kid couldn’t have been any more than eleven or twelve years old, a pup really, dressed in an earth-toned shirt and pants, ragged boots, and a round face covered in soot and dirt. There he was holding one of the largest hunting rifles seen in a long time. Probably modified from various assorted pieces and complete with a long, thin leaf-shaped bayonet blade firmly secured to the front. Marcus narrowed his eyes as he stared at the boy for a moment, unsure of what he was seeing, and the kid spoke again.

“There’s been accident, sir.” The kid’s voice was dry, emotionless even, as he then pulled up the light brown shirt he was wearing to reveal a single bullet wound along the side of his torso, healed over and left only with a scar. A scar that seemed even more familiar than the man had expected.

“What happened, kid?” Marcus responded, his voice sounding echoed and hollow, as though trying to speak in a vacuum. He tried to rise up from the leather chair, but was unable; an unknown force holding him down with no give.

The boy lowered his shirt, concealing his scarred torso. “I killed him, sir.” The boy’s eyes welled up with tears as he continued. “In the woods, he came to get me, and-” He paused for a moment to wipe his watery eyes. “The roaches got to him, shot him in the head. If I hadn’t been out on my own, none of this would have happened!” The boy broke down, unable to string the remaining words together, but instead, pulled a tarnished bowie knife from his belt sheath, and held it to his throat.

“Wait!” Marcus tried to push up from the chair, but every effort only caused the invisible chains that shackled him to tighten further. “What are you d-...”

It was too late as the kid’s arm swiftly slid across his own throat, the blade slicing through cleanly, followed by the cascade of blood as the life quickly left the kid, his body crumpling to the dusty floor.

“Oh god NO!”

Marcus cried out, his own voice echoing into the darkness as his body jerked forward from it’s reclined position in the leather chair, and the eyes of the mayor opened up to an empty office. The man had fallen asleep -deeply- apparently and sweat rolled down his brow as he looked around the room, specifically at the doorway which lead out into the hall. No boy. No blood. Instinctively, however, the mayor stood to his feet, pulling his otherwise neatly tucked dress shirt out, and lifted it up to peer at the left side of his torso. There it was. The scar which would ever remind him of that failed night he’d lost his one and only uncle.

“Shit.” The man breathed as he fixed his shirt, retucking it and adjusting the belt. “Where the hell did that come from?...”
Not sure if we addressed this, but is there any electronic communication (short-wave radio, morse code, etc) being used within the settlement?
@InfamousGuy101, I was getting some Terminator 2 vibes with that dream sequence :)
Hey folks, if I could make a suggest to those who use colored dialogue: Please stay away from dark colors because they are just hard to read.

Unless there is a way to change it that I don't know about, the background color on here is already dark gray. So...dark font color on dark bg = no bueno.

And while you might not think "red" is a dark color, it doesn't contrast well with dark bg.

Anyway, just my two credits worth. Gracias mi amigos!

Gregory Dicks-of-em-all

In a nutshell :D
Marcus Bellamy

The office seemed quieter than usual as Marcus sat back in the old leather upholstered desk chair, finishing off the last of his coffee. Of course ‘quiet’ wasn't necessarily a bad, but still not common at this time of the morning. In typical fashion, there would be several citizens of Fireflies standing outside the front double doors waiting for Mayor Bellamy to show up just so they could be the first to bring up whatever matters and issues were on their agenda at the time. Most were complaints that could be easily rectified same day, while others would take days or weeks. But as most things within the settlement, routines changed since the accident. Sure, the requests still come in, but they are generally all written and delivered via couriers, with the people who originally wrote the requests keeping clear of the Mayor's office. It was simply...unexplained behaviour.

Marcus leaned forward, the chair’s frame creaking as he did, and placed the empty cup down as he opened up the gray, unmarked folder which held mostly complaints, many of which pertained to the condition of the dam, the drainage systems, and general maintenance of the sewage. The heavy rains experienced from months ago took a toll on the network of aqueducts throughout both communities, causing waste to mix with otherwise clean water. Engineers and maintenance personnel continued to work on the issue, reconstructing damaged sections of the settlement, but resources were becoming more scarce and scavenging for the raw material was dangerous.

“And what is Marcus Bellamy, the fearless mayor of Fireflies, going to do about it today?” As if reading his thoughts, the loud, obnoxious voice of Gregory echoed from down the hall, even before he'd made it through the office door. “Still rummaging through that pile of shit?” The fat man continued in between bites of what looked to be some kind of cheese pastry. “You know a lot of these people dislike you because of your indecisiveness to take action against Waterleaf, but uh-” He finished the last bite of his food, chasing it down with a bottle of whiskey, and a low grumbling belch. “Don’t take my word for it, pal.”

Gregory Dickerson, one the few friends Marcus had grown up with and managed to somehow stay friends with, even though the man’s non-stop mouth would write checks his ass couldn’t cash. Greg was one of kids who played pranks on just about anyone he thought “worthy” of a laugh at his expense, which was just about everyone in the settlement. He rarely had a filter on anything he said, and didn’t care much about public opinion. Needless to say, not many people liked him, but Marcus had simply grown to tolerate the now robust mid-thirties, greasy-haired, freckled ginger who had proven his worth as a mechanic and general handyman more times than could be counted.

Unfortunately though, the fact the he was an asshole was just part of the full package.

“Good morning Greg.” Marcus said in a calm tone of voice without looking up from his work. “I see you haven’t stopped pointing out the obvious, and yet another step closer to complete ignorance.”

The other made a mocking gasp as though the insult truly wounded him. “And here I thought we were friends?” He shook his head, again, mockingly. “I shall need to file a complaint with the mayoral office right away!” His motioned his finger upward to drive the silly statement along.

“Why are you here, Greg?” Marcus sighed as he eventually looked up at the man standing a few feet from his desk, dressed in his usual stained denim overalls, white t-shirt, and toolbelt slung across his overly bulbous chest. “Don’t you have actual work to do today?”

“Look my man, I know you would rather I keep you company, but yes, of course I have work to do.” He grabbed the handkerchief from his back pocket and blew his nose, before replacing it into the pocket. “I’m important.” He allowed a smirk before his attention turned toward the side window, which looked out onto the main street. “Well, well, look who’s on her way to make a few house calls today.” The fat man walked up closer to the window for a better look at settlement’s doctor known as Michelle, who was making her way along the side road across the street. Greg made a few low whistling sounds just before the woman turned down another road.

“Damn she is a fine piece of-”

“Greg!” Marcus exclaimed, causing the other to almost jump out of his sweaty socks. “Enough already.”

“Alright, alright.” The man shook his head. “I was only trying to lighten the tension floating around in this room. I know you’ve been under tremendous pressure, buddy.”

“Yeah well.” Marcus let out a long breath of air. “It’s certainly been a challenge.”

“Well hey that’s great, but uh-” Gregory walked over and sat in one of the chairs facing the desk, and leaned forward. “So, what’s going on with Michelle these days? You guys talking to one another? I mean, shit, you two were inseparable when we were kids, and I was pretty sure you guys would’ve gotten married.”

Marcus stared out the window at nothing in particular for a moment. “Yeah well, our lives just got complicated and paths went in a different direction. And, aside from her professional life -as well as being inundated with work due to this illness going around- I don’t know much about her personal life these days.” He turned his attention back to the stacked files on his desk. “But, that was the past, and this is now, and I have a lot of work to do, so I’ll see you later Greg.”

“Um, yeah sure Marc, whatever you say.” The big man stood to his feet, and turned to head for the door. “Oh, and say hi to Mila for me. Hopefully she’s doing better.”

“Will do, bud.”
Alright guys, we've either talked about our characters' relationships or you have me in your list. Please take a quick look at my own list and tell me whether you agree and/or would like to add something, etc.

While both Gavon and his wife, Natalie are fairly good friends with Dr Larson, she is probably closer with Natalie since (in the last game), Natalie had been slowly dealing with stress, etc by using pain killers. Although we never got to finish that storyline, she essentially became addicted and sought help via Dr Larson over sessions that spanned a couple of weeks at the least. Eventually, they became good friends and have remained since. Possibly even having drinks together, etc.

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