Avatar of Rekaigan
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 1132 (0.35 / day)
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    1. Rekaigan 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something.
6 yrs ago
William Shakespeare in past tense would be "Wouldiwas Shookspeared"
7 yrs ago
Have you heard about the Italian cook with an incurable disease? He pastaway.
7 yrs ago
Trains don't drink.. They chug.
7 yrs ago
Something about subtraction just doesn't add up.


A smile better suits a hero.

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On a side note how many healers do we have now?

I wouldn't say Amila is much of a healer.
Apologies to everyone I may have just skipped over. Collabing makes it difficult to include people outside of it.. Let's just say they arrived before the rowdy ones!
Krogier Vanaal, The Denmother, and Amila Yilen.


"Bandit men on road, plain sight! Killers chase the.. our.." Towering over his Elven companion, the big human struggled for words. Unfamiliar with the language after only learning it a few months ago. "Camp of fire? Where we make rest. Yes!"

Krogier smiled widely at his personal accomplishment. Words were far more difficult to understand and learn. Violence was a language all in itself and the Druid-turned-warrior was fluent in such speak.
Behind him following at a respectable pace was his 'wife', as he called her. Atop the legendary Denmother of his homeland was the final member of his party. The Elven girl Amila.

Venridge was in view after weeks on the roads chasing rumors of a group fighting whatever evil was haunting the world.

"We are sure this is correct placing? Stinks like dung, from this far!"

"Camp fire" She corrected with a giggle. "And yes, I'm sure this is the place. Although it has been quite some time since I visited." She continued, changing to Krogier's native tongue.

With a shrill, but short whistle, she commanded Akash to scout further ahead to count the number of bandits ahead of them. Not that many.. It was only a group of 5. Perhaps she could negotiate a peaceful outcome with them. Although in the back of her mind she felt a slight pang of doubt.

"There's only 5 of them. I'm sure we can go about this peacefully." She stated to her hulking companion.

Krogier smiled as Amila used his own native language. Few others knew it outside the forest without a member of his tribe having taught them. Yet the girl had the gift for it. Of that he had been thankful. He would never admit it to her though. Switching back to his native language he continued.

"To mulch with peacefully. They rob and kill for their own ends! Selfish, disgusting, vile creatures these eastern raiders. The forest has no need of them and neither do we."

To emphasize his point he pulled the warhammer, Belanor, from his back. Its reassuring weight welcome to his sensibilities. Craning his head to look at the elf and his faithful 'wife', the glyph furred bear the elf rode so casually upon, a new thought came to mind.

"But.. IF you want peace, and I choose force, why not settle for both?"

Few things deterred the desperate like a Denmother at her full height.

Amila frowned slightly at his response to her peaceful alternative, but after travelling with him for awhile she understood that he was a fighter at heart. The thrill of the fight is what he loves, and that's just something she's accepted already. She also knew the origin of most, if not all his weapons, which she finds to be oddly sentimental for someone such as him, however she liked that about Krogier.

His suggestion surprised her, and left her slightly confused. "How would we settle for both?" She asked, not realizing his plan.

Krogier arched an eyebrow in the direction of his companion.

"Do you not feel the solution under your rump, carrying you across the ways?"

The Denmother gave what both could interpret as an amused snort of some kind as the great warded bear raised its head proudly. Even on all fours its back was at the same height as Krogier's head.

The elf flushed with embarrassment, her cheeks turning a light shade of red as she realized that she had misunderstood something so simple. However she was able to quickly regain her composure before replying, "Perhaps we don't need to even come into contact with them, save our energy for more important matters. I think we should take a slightly longer route, walking around them."

The Druid followed her line of thinking and glanced to the side paths. The forest was decaying but still provided enough cover if they took a wide march around the problem, rather than straight through it.

"Mmm." Sheathing the greathammer on his back, Krogier crossed his arms in thought. A nudge from the denmother behind him confirmed the route.

"We walk around. Another couple hours on the journey is not so much trouble. Good thinking, Elf."

Scratching the denmothers chin, the group set off for a different route.

Bandits on the roads, killers in the dark, neither accosted the group on the last legs of their journey. The gates of Venrige were a stones throw away. At the head of the gate was a man with pen and paper, others writing down something before entering.

Krogier stood stalk still.

"Perhaps.. you should lead."

It was embarrassing for him to admit that he could only speak broken common, not read or write it.

The sage smiled at her companion as he agreed with her plan of action. In the back of her mind, she wasn't actually sure if Krogier was going to go along with it, since his contempt for bandits was strong.

Upon reaching the gate, the guards looked very nervous, seeing a massive runic bear plodding toward them. When the trio had stopped, Amila slid off the side of the Denmother, walking over to them. The guards calmed down as they noticed the Sage's cloak.

"M-madam Sage!" One of them stuttered, the presence of the bear still intimidating him.

"Don't worry, they're with me." She said, which seemed to calm them down. A weary looking man stepped forward, ready to do his usual spiel, but upon looking up from his book, he realized who he was dealing with.

"Ah-- Madam Sage.. We weren't expecting your visit, but I assume you're here as a Seeker? And may I ask for the name of your companion?" He asks in a formal tone, attempting to appear less exhausted.

"Yes. This is Krogier, and his wife. Please excuse her appearance, she's very kind." She responded with a smile that could possibly heal everyone of their worries, but they remained confused at her introductions.

"Please head to Ulric's Estate, it's the large home on the hill straight ahead once you're through the gates" He informed, a puzzled look remaining on his features.

"Ulric? I have not visited him in years. The boy was always an.. interesting one." She thought aloud as she walked through the gates with her companions in tow. The guards and citizens watched in awe as the trio made their way through. A massive bear and a sage? Hardly an everyday occurance. "It's the benevolent sage" or "It's the Sage of the Wilds" was murmured through the small crowd that formed.

Amila, being in no real rush, had decided to talk to some of the children that approached her, rummaging through her small bag to give him assortments of berries and seeds.
"Thanks miss!" They said in unison before running off with their bounties, shouting cheerfully amongst themselves. She even started to heal those with minor illnesses along the road.


Eventually they made it to Ulric's Estate. She frowned as she saw it's dilapidated state, but she wasn't all that surprised given how little people respected him after his fall from grace. As she approached, she noticed lights flickering within the manor. Activity. People rushing about. She smiled as she opened the door.

"Hello? Can anyone tell me where I sign up as a Seeker~?" She called out, wondering if anyone would stop to greet her.

Magnhild gave Rikka a small nod at the way she attempted to pronounce her name. The other girl got it completely wrong, but she couldn't ask too much of someone who wasn't used to speaking. She remembered some people 'talking' to aunty Elu back home, they used their hands to talk somehow. Too bad Mag didn't know any of it.

The chimera noticed that the girl's face went a shade of red after she asked her to be her roommate, but she didn't really pay much attention to it, since she didn't know what such an expression meant. "Well.." She started before feeling a tap on her shoulder. She looked up to see a familiar looking woman, she had already forgotten who it was, but she was certain that she was a staff member. The chimera couldn't help but feel confused as the woman took their papers. They were completely blank, but she ended up just going with it, giving Rikka a shrug.


The room that they were assigned looked quite luxurious compared to what she's used to. Her Foster father didn't have such appliances in his home as he lived simply and neatly. Mag didn't have any extra furniture to bring into the dorm, other than the small bonsai that sat on a circular table; her small suitcase sitting on what would be her bed, which happened to be a massive, dark green circular cushion. It was her bed from her caretaker's home, much to her surprise. A small smile played across her lips as she looked fondly at the cushion.

When the Kio-Farat boys had left, Mag decided to make herself comfortable, taking her hooded jacket off. Underneath it, she wore a black singlet, exposing the hard scales that covered her shoulder-blades and the back of her upper arms. One would deduce that her entire back was covered in these scales.

Throwing the jacket onto the cushion, she promptly went to go take a shower, the warm water running down her scales. The scales were truly bothersome when it came to cleaning. Mag had to use what was effectively a giant toothbrush to brush the dirt from between her scales.. although it felt nice anyway. After such a nice shower, she flopping onto her cushion, slowly curling into a ball as she fell asleep.

After a rather eventful day, another was to begin. Mag almost had a heart attack as the wake up alarms went off. For a moment she sat there wondering why there was so much noise, only to have to internal questions answered by the loudspeakers. It was exam time. The chimera sighed as she got up to go clean herself before rushing off to the cafeteria. The mixture of scents that flooded the cafeteria made Magnhild's head spin a little. She was quite used to fresh air and the smell of grass rather than the smell of... something weird. However, her hunger got the better of her as she wolfed down the breakfast special.


It wasn't long before she found herself sitting as a desk with a booklet in front of her. Most of the instructions given to here were generally ignored as she attempted to decipher what was written in the booklet. Upon commencement, Mag flipped through the pages of the test, frowning in intense concentration.. She couldn't read more than half of the content in the booklet. Foundation? Vision? Compromise?

She answered a few of the questions in the basic reading and writing section, however her handwriting wasn't neat enough to stay in any kind of box provided.

Upon reading the question "Why are you here?", Magnhild simply wrote 'To learn magic.' before closing the booklet. There was nothing else she could do but leave about four fifths of the answer sheet blank.


The physical exam was something Mag was more okay with than the written one. Instructions felt simpler and everything was straightforward. She completely the kilometer run, however not as quickly as the others. The long jump was.. not very long, and she couldn't pull the wagon very far at all.

During her meal, Mag just sat somewhere to eat, not really paying attention to who might be around her. As she ate, she noticed something about the sauce.. What was it.. It tasted like.. crickets? She didn't know how they hid crickets in this sauce, so she attributed it to magic. She used to eat crickets that she caught in the forest, and she remembered their size being quite.. large. Perhaps that was because she was little at the time.

In the back of her mind, she was a little worried about the magic exams, since she didn't even know how to use it at all. She shrugged internally, thinking that she'd eventually learn it. This was only just the beginning.
May or mat not do something for this

I am up for that, however I have a Christmas party to attend to today. I don't mind it as 'In thread' or PM! (That's probably not helpful, sorry~)

The tortoise spirit bowed it's head slightly as Vesta accepted it's request. "I'm sure your 'line of work' is no more dangerous than the world itself. In any case, I thank you for accepting this somewhat unreasonable request." It responded in a humble tone. The spirit held still as the young mage asked her question. It chuckled briefly before answering,

"For a spirit like myself, whether it be a demi or a human, their life will appear brief from my perspective. Do not mistake it for something like Elanil's demise. This child is healthy." It says bluntly as it turns to Elanil.

"I will be watching over you, my child. Fret not, this young woman will take care of you. May you learn their ways." It turned back to Vesta, bowing it's head as slowly as a tortoise could as the tree upon it's shell seemed to consume it's form, sinking back into Elanil's palm. The young demi looked at her new caretaker with a bright smile.

"Vesta... Mommy?" she giggled after saying 'Mommy', it could be perceived as a joke, but one couldn't tell if she was truly joking.

Magnhild looked at the writing for awhile with some sort of intense look, only to be surprised when the other girl offered the book to her to write in. This girl was deaf... 'Maybe she's like that old aunty back home.. What was her name? El..Elu? Something like that.' She thought for a moment. Remembering the times that the local kids would play pranks on her. Whether it was because she was a turtle chimera or because she was deaf or both, she didn't know why they did. Mag often helped the old lady with her laundry on occasion.

The chimera pocketed the strap before hesitantly taking the pen, writing into it, her hands shaking a little.

'Magnhild Voll.' it read, correcting the girl's spelling. 'Thank you.' she wrote simply afterward.

It would be clear to anyone that Mag didn't know how to write very well, as her handwriting was akin to a 5 year old's. Given that she's had about as much education as one, it wasn't all too surprising.. to her at least.

"R..Reek..ah?" She repeated aloud as she read the name. "Kee..Shee..motto?" Deep down, she felt like she just completely butchered this nice girl's name, but it's not like she can hear her saying it wrong, right? When Rikka mentioned the dorm assignment, Mag looked down at her curry plate. The sheet was under the plate with a small splatter of orange oil.

"Oh that." She said aloud before remembering the girl's disability. Setting down the tray, she took the notebook, attempting to scribble a message in reply. 'I do not have one. Will you be mine?' it read in very simplistic terms. Mag slipped the paper out from under the plate, putting it in front of Rikka, showing a completely blank sheet outside of the general information already written on it.
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