Avatar of Renny


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4 yrs ago
Current "An apology is a promise to do things differently next time, and to keep the promise." - Ging Freecss
4 yrs ago
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
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4 yrs ago
“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.” – Albert Einstein
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4 yrs ago
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi
4 yrs ago
“Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.” ― Javik
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I was waiting for the next post to be honest. I could do more with Hinata and Haku’s entrance post but I’d rather move along in the story.
Provoke Woogong

Provoke leaned his head a bit closer to the barkeep, trying to grasp what the man was saying. While not fully understanding, he still nodded in agreement, eyes sharply fixed on the hooded figure he had been approaching earlier. All of this was eerie but at the very least he had known he was in the right place. At the right time. Provoke reached up to pull on a strand of his ashen hair in thought, 'ID checks makes sense but did he say dungeon?' he glanced around with just his eyes wondering what the Barkeep meant by dungeon.

"Wait, what dung-" The Barkeep continued on without pause, Provoke twisted absently in search of answers but when the Barkeep clapped his hands and the bar begun to shake and warp; his practice with his mother kicked in. Instantly he tensed up, his massive aura spiking to life before shrouding him as the ground slipped away. There was no time to escape the hole and a part of him hated how quickly the trap had been sprung. 'What am I some freaking idiot!' he thought, the sheer speed of the mudslide whipping his hair and dirtying his outfit.

With something akin to skill, though probably not as graceful as his mother or Falcon, Provoke leapt off the slide and grounded himself, awareness on a hundred. The underground space was lit with warm torches, inviting not only heat but a suffocating air that bothered him slightly. After a tense moment, Provoke settled his thumping heart and exhaled a long breath. His yellow sweater was dirty now and his skin felt like it'd soon be pottery-worthy but he was unharmed.

'So what now? The barkeep said wait but... should I? No, I need to think this through. What would mom do?' That question repeated itself thrice before he finally decided that he would wait. He curled up against the wall, away from the dark corners that sporadically popped up around the several doors and beneath a warm torch near his makeshift entrance. 'Who am I kidding, Mom's a three-star Hunter. I'm just... just...' He sighed the thought of 'garbage' away and pulled his knees to his chest and placed his chin onto his arms.

"I hope I don't die because of this. It'd be the stupidest way to go."

There it was again; that incessant will that most mortals carried. It was like death spurred them on faster to kill not only others but themselves. It was a nasty, disgusting, utterly horrendous emotion that pushed an entity to such lengths. That explosive death was deserved, his body was destined for the four corners the instant he considered harming a god.

Still, there had been shred of concern that danced in his stomach before the goddess had... saved him. Her tail, for all its bestial fury, had been surprisingly gentle with its toss. O'Menus righted himself in the air, falling with grace before touching onto the ground softly. The moment he landed, white blade angled towards the earth, a low growl emanated from his chest. Not only would he have to show gratitude to the feral one but somewhere deep inside, he had felt tinge of worry for his wellbeing in those final moments.

"This is inexcusable. Have they all gone mad or has another God swept in during our absence?" he pondered aloud.
Going to get a post out once I’m home. Give me an hour or two, sorry for the wait guys.

EDIT// Sorry it's short, I just wanted to get it out there before passing out.
Hopefully that scene played out just right for you guys. It was awesome having Hachiyama stand up for his right to have fun. Seo's gonna be pissed though, I can see it already lol.
Kishimoto Arcade, Local Tournament.
@Dezuel @Crimson Lion - Seize your Play!

There was such intense feelings on the field. Gunpla is more than just a game, he remembered an old teammate saying. Its a true-blue bond that brings strangers together. More and more he was fighting off an unusual aching in his heart. A force wanting to be violently let out. It was manifesting he realized in several ways, excitement mostly but also impatience and cockiness. But it seemed as if all these aspects were wanting to pull together and that this match was doing just that.

The Baelstrom strode upwards in its flight-mode, the thrusters burning blue, its hull shaking with age. Silence dotted the team's communication after Hachiyama's sudden attack and declaration. Witnessing such raw emotion set something in Ryoichi on fire. He felt like he was burning up, as if a rolling heat was building in his chest; ready to explode if he would let it out. So he held himself together... really tried to keep it in his heart where he could nurture it. He tempered his cold exterior and his face scrunched up with that hot resolve.

A crooked smile pulled his lips as he rediscovered the great truth of Gunpla battle. That it was designed to let one play with all their heart and feelings. So that Hachiyama could be enraged, so that Char-chan could be unacceptably arrogant, and so that he could be searching for his lost joy. And still... they were playing a harmless game.

"Nice shot, Hachiyama-san. Now let the Metal Devil end this parlor show!" he replied, eyeing the knelt Mobile Armor from on high.

The Baelstrom pivoted fluidly from its accelerated climb before falling straight down towards the crimson Scorpio. Shreds of metal paint was peeling off, the optics of the suit shone--for once--with a mighty glow as it brandished a green beam saber. A shink! and clank resounded as the long blade of the Trikeros Kai extended and its bulky oblong shape slid from the Baelstrom's arm. The deteriorated suit swiftly grasped it before it could get away, plunging it first into the Mobile Armor's head unit. In the same motion he landed in front of the kneeling Scorpio. A wave of dust sweeping outwards from the controlled fall.

Ryoichi found himself oddly exhausted at the controls as he pulled the Baelstrom's beam saber back and skewered the cockpit. Through the contact communication, as the orange, red, and black of the blazing forest reached the overarching sky, Ryoichi offered the man a rare smirk that reached his eyes, "Gee-Gee, Red Virgo... This may seem sappy but I want to thank you for helping me rediscover something lost. This match was awesome."
@VitaVitaAR I'll also be getting a post up tomorrow. Work has me drained. No need to wait for me to post, if someone wants to step in before then.
Good. At work currently but when I get home I’ll probably end up passing out from being overworked lmao.
Hinata & Haku

Shinjuku - Bao Huckmon vs Monochromon

Outside the fog the world had seemed normal. The streetlights were standing tall and besides the curious or angry commuters worried about being late, nothing was out of the ordinary. It was the crumpled car that came soaring from out the unusual carpet of smoke that told Hinata he was in the right place.

Its whirring, fragmented alarms started after its scraping crash. Haku's voice sounded behind him, still young with ancient undertones. As if this childish form was just a disguise of sorts. In a way, it most definitely was. Considering what they were about to do, Hinata was sure that it was. "Hinata!" called Haku again, red hood pulled over his horned face.

Hinata tucked his Digivice back inside his shirt. "Sorry, what was that?"

Haku strode pass Hinata, obviously miffed with his absentmindedness, "What's the clearance level?"

"Champion it seems. Must be a nasty fella in there," he pointed out.

The two of them started forward, Hinata raising his arm to block the fog as they traversed it. Inside, a massive-horned four-legged Digimon was overturning a large green van. The sound of screaming woman pierced the momentary silence. Haku started to glow, so did the Digivice beneath Hinata's shirt. It was warm and kind. It was mutual emotion, a bravery that arose only when the need to defend the weak was necessary. And it was that very emotion that bonded, Haku and Hinata.

"Haku, be careful," he said, standing resolute at the inner edge of the fog.

"Always. Now stay put, Hinata!" roared Haku, now a large white-armored dragon, shrouded in a crimson cape.

As the Monochromon pranced around, putting space between himself and the van, Bao Huckmon slammed hard into him. The two Champions rolled, shaking the concrete and damaging abandoned cars and black asphalt. Hinata could've listened but while Haku and that Monochromon were tussling, literally rag-dolling each other, he wanted to check on the passengers of the van. He ran until he could slide next to it. From the driver's door he could see two cowering boys hugging each other, a slumped and unconscious father, and screaming mother. Calmly, he reassured them that help was there and even more was on the way.

Haku's voice bellowed then, "BURN FLAME!"

A giant flash of fire lit the area. Hinata sat down into a comfortable position and leaned against the damaged van, "No worries, my friend will handle everything."
Going to get something up by the end of the day. I look forward to seeing what everyone posts.
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