Avatar of Rin


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1 yr ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
1 yr ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
2 yrs ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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One area.
@Demon ShinobiEh, it's okay. These things happen. Hopefully things go better next time, I guess.
Well if I can get something figured out (I thought this might be dead so I started to focus on other things ^^;), I too would be a bit opposed to cutting back on the giant robots. That's a big part of the whole draw of both Power Rangers and (post-Battle Fever J) Super Sentai, after all, so it just wouldn't feel right.
Oh right, I'm pretty much fine with however you want to do powers, really. ^^;

Just taking a bit to get this character written up despite the fact that I already have a whole bunch of random notes for her. Compiling and fleshing out is hard sometimes. D:
The second idea sounds pretty cool, really.
What's the age range we're aiming for? Because I'm worried my character idea might be a little young since they're only 13. ^^;
@Acid HippieI like the sound of the system thus far, at least.
I'm always up for some shonen fightan' action, at least pending on whether I can figure out a workable character or not. XD Way more familiar with Dragonball when it comes to the two mentioned anime, but I've heard good things about Hunter X Hunter so yeah.
I just like reference pics

Not entirely sure if I'll join, but I do see a loophole here... -twiddles pen- Might try and draw up a Gloryhammer Mjolnir Symphogear or something later maybe, since hammers and all.

Also man, so much Chris love in this thread... I mean it makes sense since she is best girl and all but still. XD
If it helps, I think I can make Yuina have an important meeting with a ramen stall or something.
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