Avatar of Rin


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
12 mos ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
1 yr ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
1 yr ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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So I had an idea for this initially but it was taking me forever to actually work on, then I suddenly had another idea today and it just flowed out so easily that I decided to go with this instead. Anyways...

Working on my ditzy sword-y demongirl, hopefully she'll be done before this actually starts!
Interest, if I can get something figured out that is.
If I can think of something, I'll join!
I was thinking of an elf, but we'll see how things turn out.
...Yeah, by this point I'm just holding things up and you'd be better finding a replacement. Sorry about that, just wasn't feeling good for the whole week and just fell completely out of sync with what I was doing.
@Omega ManSorry, I've just been feeling kind of not great all week and haven't really been able to do anything.

I'll try and get something sorted out over the next few days, but if it gets to the point that I'm really holding things up way too much I'll step out and let someone else take my place. Sorry about that.
@Omega ManSo um yeah how's everything looking right now?
So we're pretty much all in agreement about facing a team of Psycho Rangers then, I see.
And I have filled in that last field as best I could, so... Yeah!
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