Avatar of Rin


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1 yr ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
1 yr ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
2 yrs ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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Oh right I guess I should actually say here that I'm going to try and get something done for this.
  • Name: Akimitsu Chihiro
  • Age: 22
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: Somewhat tall for a woman of Tenkai.
  • Personality: Chihiro may initially come off as somewhat reserved, as well as rather serious-minded and somewhat stoic, but those who get to know her find out she's a rather polite, friendly and compassionate young woman. She tries her best to play the part of the ideal samurai, which in her mind is a noble and honourable defender of justice and smiter of evil, someone who tries their hardest to protect the smiles of others no matter what. She has a very strong sense of honour and justice, and will faithfully serve her lord unless she deems them to be corrupt and wicked. Any impressions of Chihiro's supposed stoicism are shattered when she is in battle, where her true nature shines through and she begins making proclamations about her being the sword the smites evil and other such hotblooded nonsense. This side of her even shows when faced with any kind of competition, and try as she might to hide it she's actually got a rather competitive streak to her. In modern parlance you could say she's kind of a dork, really, albeit a well-meaning one. Whilst she has many admirers (both male and female), Chihiro is actually somewhat oblivious to matters of romance and sexuality.
  • History: When Akimitsu Toshiaki was struck down in battle, his family faced a crisis. Whilst the eldest son would usually inherit his father's title and land, Akimitsu Kazuyuki had always been sickly and frail since birth, and many doubted his ability to properly fufil the duties of a samurai. His younger sister Chihiro had recieved training in matters both courtly and martial as a stopgap, but the fact remained that whilst Kazuyuki's condition had stabilized he showed no signs of getting any better. Thus, whilst there was still some opposition from the more strictly traditionalist members of the family, the only solution they could come to was for Chihiro to take on her father's duties until either she or Kazuyuki were able to produce a more fitting heir. Despite how much more grueling her training became because of this decision, Chihiro soldiered on and strived to become the epitome of what a samurai should be, for to do otherwise would not only put her brother at risk of being forced to take up the duties despite his weak state but it would also bring dishonour to her father's memory. In the ten years since her Toshiaki's passing, Chihiro has become a famed samurai in her own right, her prowess on the battlefield and dedication to the cause of justice and honour winning her many admirers and even convincing some (but not all) of her initial doubters that the decision to make her a samurai was indeed the correct one.
  • Abilities/Skills: Chihiro is an exceptionally skilled swordswoman, and wields the ancestral katana Zanmataisei. Not only is the blade masterfully crafted (and rumoured to have been forged by the kami themselves), but it is unbreakable as long as the wielder upholds the cause of justice and harbours a special enmity towards evil; when used against evil spirits and youkai, and some especially wicked humans, it inflicts wounds that take much longer to heal than they usually would. As part of her training in the martial arts, Chihiro is able to manipulate her ki and usually channels it through Zanmataisei; amongst the techniques she is capable of are coating the blade in ki to increase its cutting power and firing off a blast of energy with a slash.
  • Other:
  • Name: Akimitsu Chihiro
  • Age: 22
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: Somewhat tall for a woman of Tenkai.
  • Personality: Chihiro may initially come off as somewhat reserved, as well as rather serious-minded and somewhat stoic, but those who get to know her find out she's a rather polite, friendly and compassionate young woman. She tries her best to play the part of the ideal samurai, which in her mind is a noble and honourable defender of justice and smiter of evil, someone who tries their hardest to protect the smiles of others no matter what. She has a very strong sense of honour and justice, and will faithfully serve her lord unless she deems them to be corrupt and wicked. Any impressions of Chihiro's supposed stoicism are shattered when she is in battle, where her true nature shines through and she begins making proclamations about her being the sword the smites evil and other such hotblooded nonsense. This side of her even shows when faced with any kind of competition, and try as she might to hide it she's actually got a rather competitive streak to her. In modern parlance you could say she's kind of a dork, really, albeit a well-meaning one. Whilst she has many admirers (both male and female), Chihiro is actually somewhat oblivious to matters of romance and sexuality.
  • History: When Akimitsu Toshiaki was struck down in battle, his family faced a crisis. Whilst the eldest son would usually inherit his father's title and land, Akimitsu Kazuyuki had always been sickly and frail since birth, and many doubted his ability to properly fufil the duties of a samurai. His younger sister Chihiro had recieved training in matters both courtly and martial as a stopgap, but the fact remained that whilst Kazuyuki's condition had stabilized he showed no signs of getting any better. Thus, whilst there was still some opposition from the more strictly traditionalist members of the family, the only solution they could come to was for Chihiro to take on her father's duties until either she or Kazuyuki were able to produce a more fitting heir. Despite how much more grueling her training became because of this decision, Chihiro soldiered on and strived to become the epitome of what a samurai should be, for to do otherwise would not only put her brother at risk of being forced to take up the duties despite his weak state but it would also bring dishonour to her father's memory. In the ten years since her Toshiaki's passing, Chihiro has become a famed samurai in her own right, her prowess on the battlefield and dedication to the cause of justice and honour winning her many admirers and even convincing some (but not all) of her initial doubters that the decision to make her a samurai was indeed the correct one.
  • Abilities/Skills: Chihiro is an exceptionally skilled swordswoman, and wields the ancestral katana Zanmataisei. Not only is the blade masterfully crafted (and rumoured to have been forged by the kami themselves), but it is unbreakable as long as the wielder upholds the cause of justice and harbours a special enmity towards evil; when used against evil spirits and youkai, and some especially wicked humans, it inflicts wounds that take much longer to heal than they usually would. As part of her training in the martial arts, Chihiro is able to manipulate her ki and usually channels it through Zanmataisei; amongst the techniques she is capable of are coating the blade in ki to increase its cutting power and firing off a blast of energy with a slash.
  • Other:
Interested so I guess I'll try and get something figured out.
I have vague ideas that I will probably screw up with but we'll see how things go I guess!
Naoko Hifumi

"Hey. Been a while, huh?"

"Sorry, I've been out of town for... Ages, really."

"Yeah, I know, you probably think it was good for me to get out there and see the rest of Japan, maybe get a bit of perspective or something. You always said that's what you wanted to do when you graduated, didn't you?"

Naoko Hifumi let out a hollow laugh, hanging her head as she sighed.

"I wish you could've been there with me, Rena. You'd have loved it."

It never got easier. Even after three years, whenever she thought about it... It was like there was a gaping hole in her chest, like something vital had been carved right out of her. And there was nothing else she could be thinking about as she kneeled in front of the Katsuragi family grave. Still, she'd learned to keep at least some composure after all this time, even if it took a full year for her to not break into tears whenever she came here.

"Heh..." She knew Rena couldn't hear her. All there was here, all that was left of her, was a slab of stone and an urn full of ashes. She was gone, and that would never change no matter how hard she wished it would. But no matter how much she wished she could see her again, she knew Rena would've wanted her to keep going, to keep on walking and keep on fighting no matter how painful it was. So that was what she would do, and that was why she was back in Tokyo. Even if she couldn't find the closure she was looking for, even if she couldn't finally find out the truth of what happened that night, she still had to keep fighting even if it was just to ensure no-one else had to go through this.

Bowing respectfully to the slab of stone, Naoko left the cemetery, the pain in her chest only slightly numbed.

By the time Naoko got back from the cemetery, it was already dark. Convenient, really, as true to their name Shades mostly came out at night. It had been a while since she'd patrolled Shinjuku but it wasn't like much would've changed over the past year, so after grabbing a can of coffee she began following her old route.

"Wonder if anyone took care of this whilst I was away..."

She took a sip as she strolled the streets, idly checking her phone for any Shade sightings as she did.

"...Fox?" That sounded vaguely familiar. If it was who she thought it was, she wouldn't have much trouble with a minor Shade, but it was the first lead she'd actually gotten tonight so she may as well follow it. Ducking into a nearby alley, she prepared to change.

"Where there are demons, I slay them."
"Where there are saints, I slay them."
"Mine is the way of the sword."

It was... Silly, really. When she first became a magical girl, her nerdy older brother somehow found out and insisted she use this phrase he knew from... Something-or-other she didn't really know... Whenever she transformed, and somehow it had stuck. If Naoko really cared about appearances, she would probably have worried that she sounded like a big old dork saying this edgy incantation as a black, almost militaristic uniform appeared on her in a flash of light. And like another flash of light, she headed straight towards where the Shade report had came from...

...And as soon as it was in her sights, with a wave of her arm the Shade suddenly resembled a giant pincushion, albeit one where all the pins were katanas.

"I'm here," she stated flatly, before noticing the fox-tailed magical girl who'd sent the call. "Yukimura, as I assumed. Been a while."

Had to change from my original idea to something else to actually get something out but here we go I guess.

I'm just not getting anything out so I'll have to drop. Sorry about that.
Interest and have an idea so we'll see how things go.
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