Avatar of rise13eyond


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2 yrs ago
Current They saw me as a doe, but I always knew I was a buck.
2 yrs ago
Give me a fruit.
2 yrs ago
I am Loki, god of BS!
1 like
2 yrs ago
Veni, vidi, vici!
3 yrs ago
Something in my head really wants me to be Loki.


A bio? You mean you really want to hear my life story? OK, I am six cats in a trench coat.

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I haven't actually produced anything worth looking at in years, the avatar I have now was made I think 5 years ago, and I haven't been able to replicate that style or quality in a long time. I'm on a marker kick right now, but as you can see I have done digital art in the past.

My style is....I have no idea, it's a mutt style. Unless of course I am attempting realism, which isn't often, its somewhere between anime and semi realistic. Can you make the images shown smaller? I don't know, but if its possible let me know because I don't want to fill up the screen with huge images.

And of course there's the obligatory DeviantArt link here: https://rise13eyond.deviantart.com/
Just because I updated it.
@Miss Gallagher Good good, because I don't really play female characters. But Outlast is fresh in my head and I found that plot intriguing, somehow different from most "asylum" roleplays I come across. Movies and games are another thing entirely.
For some reason I am excited over the fact that you can mention someone in a post. -happy hand flaps-
No idea if you're still looking for it but Jasper's Asylum sounds promising. If I understood you correctly you are looking for someone to play a male character are you not?
Look, I haven't been on a roleplaying forum for at least 5 years, I'm not entirely sure what one is supposed to put here but I suppose I'll start with what I'm looking for most. And as the title suggests that would be something creepypasta. You see I have had a Jeff muse that I have yet to actually play with, but he is persistent in his pestering me so I've decided to try him out. I can't guarantee I'll be wonderful at playing him given I haven't had the opportunity to. Either not as many people are interested in him as I was led to believe or they're in the same boat.
Now then with that out of the way I did say that I'm open to more than just creepypasta. I have been known to play various types of fantasy and horror. I can with confidence say my niche is serial killers, but I'm not going to force anyone into that. I'm not afraid to touch some sensitive subjects, mainly mental illness (as someone with multiple disorders myself I can say I am sufficient), however things like rape and sexual abuse...You'd be hard pressed to talk me into. I do do fandoms but am a bit limited in what I will do (give me some Death Note and I will be a happy cat), the only ones I can really think of at the moment are of course Death Note, and Vocaloid, but I'm sure if someone brought up something else I might have my attention sparked. Things like school/college and slice of life? Why would I want to do something I can just go outside and observe? They have as much appeal to me as eating soggy cardboard. Romance is iffy, I will definitely play it as a subplot but if that's the only element then I will probably lose interest fast (I'm about as romantic as a date at McDonald's). I would definitely say I lean toward playing male characters, but can be persuaded otherwise if you put up a good argument. I don't even know what to say anymore I think I'm just rambling I could probably start talking about my pets at any moment.
My roleplaying style is...Well my posts are all over the place, I do take some pride in my work but in general I say what needs to be said and if that takes 2 sentences or 2 novels so be it. Plots are not my strong suit, but I am more than willing to make an attempt if you inspire me.
I will probably add details as they come to mind but for now I think I've rambled enough. Happy roleplaying children.
Like my friend was just talking about Dracula and now I feel like roleplaying a vampire.
In Yo~ 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I was actually on this site I think 6 or 7 years ago, but I have long forgotten my username and password, so I thought I'd start fresh. I spent the last five years having interest in roleplaying only the same one character, but as I have been gaining a new muse I decided to branch out again. Well now, I am 27, have been roleplaying only seriously for about 10 years, but I'm pretty sure I got my start when I was like 13 casually roleplaying very badly. I don't really know what else to say, I'm open about everything except my social security number(which I don't know anyway), but I won't take up space with the details of my boring life unless you actually want to know about it.
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