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Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat (Infirmary)
Skills: N/A

"Mmmhmmmm." Mosi nodded as the captain confirmed he too was experiencing this for real. She had rubbed her eyes and well it wasn't helping any. At most it only made her slightly uncomfortable because of how her body was feeling. She blinked and looked about before rolling her eyes." Yeah it's one of THOSE days again..." She sighed and reached with a hand to her stomach, still moving somewhat not as well because of the swelling, but hopefully whatever the doctor was injecting her would be helping with that soon. She pulled the edge of her shirt up as far as she could to display the brand on her body." See this? Would you believe me if I told you that it just appeared out of nowhere? Yeah, was walking down a street adn suddenly searing pain and I had a new fancy symbol on my body." She added." So I guess my point is that at least the haze isn't painful..." She added with a laugh as she suddenly recalled something.

"Hmmm... talking about hte weird and unexplainable... there I seem to recall something about a haze like this before." She mumbled and narrowed her eyes in thinking manner." Well this might sound more than a little weird, but I seem to recall some occult knowledge I read or heard about, can't quite recall where. It's a hobby." She added with a grin." Anyways, supposedly something like this was bound to happen whenever the dead were being raised!" Mosi started to explain with as most mysterious and dramatic voice as she could, before stiffling a chuckle." Well... at least that's what I've heard... or was it read? Not sure, probably should write it all down in a journal from now on. Seems interesting."

"Anyways that's under the pretext that the occult is real, which given the near curse like happenings around this trip so far, I'm currently very willing to believe in. Also we should totally check if hte other people on board and around the ship are experiencing it too. " She shrugged and looked at the captain, finding it fun how he was looking hazy as well." By the way... while we were away, did something interesting happen on board? I mean the obvious unconscious doctor and missing patients aside?"

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

"Right." Constantin said as he heard the confirmation from Veta and nodded as he ushered the horse ever forward towards their destination which should be the center of town. If towns followed normal town logic, important places were usually at town center. Who knew, they might even find that Vlad was at town center waiting by the church that was sitting in the middle of town? Constantin was reasonably convinced that it probably wouldn't be that easy. After all nothing about these lands had suggested to him that these people valued sensible logic.

"I have never seen or even heard of something quite like this." Constantin commented as they were moving, paying really close attention to surroundings and well Veta who was holding onto him with one arm for security on riding behind him. He could see the people of the town panicking as well. This was just getting really weird. It didn't match any soulless events he was familiar with. At first when haze appeared he was pondering if it could be that flying bastard with the fog again, but well this haze wasn't the same as that fog. So it probably wasn't the flying bugger that nearly drowned them. That fog was neigh, no impossible to see through.

"Vhy are all these people experiencing this, ve included? I originally thought it might be a soulless, but... if it vas, they vould have attacked someone already, right?" He asked Veta, eyes pearing still at the hazy surroundings. There was a certain degree of beauty in this seemingly hazy world right now. It made the surroundings look unearthly and to a small degree mystic. Still that did not make him lower his guard any! As far as he was aware, this could very well be just the prelude to a storm.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room-> Briefing)
Skills: N/A

Amelia was really wondering why they had called them, before arriving in the briefing. Ash was already here and so was Beatrice. She also spotted Thana and Gunny, so what was this about? She was curious and slightly concerned as she took herself a seat to listen to the explanation or should she call it briefing nowdays? It was called a briefing room after all and they were located at a mostly military ran location. Anyways, her confusion lasted not too long before the now scarred Thana started her speech.

Parts of the speech were affected her more than others, for example the one about the Eden Squad didn't bring her attention too much, at least until it got to Newnan. From there everything was just a roadtrip down to hell as memories started to resurface once more. She just turned quiet as she was listening to what was being told down to all details. The cause, the effects and the aftermath. It all brought memories that she didn't want to recall, but they were still so livid inside her head. Closing her eyes, she could still hear the rumbling and see the devastation happening before her very eyes. It was overwhelming as she gripped the edges of the chair to the point her knuckles were white, silently trembling in it. Eyes darting about the room, searching for evidence that everything was going to hell yet again. When she closed her eyes, she could almost heard the rumbling happening...

Suddenly Amelia really wanted to get away from the room and hide somewhere or maybe just go in the middle of a fucking grass field instead. The revelation that it was no one's fault made things only worse, because at this point if it truly was an act of god, well... didn't the damn bastard have enough of their suffering already!? Why didn't he just end it all already!? Amelia hide her face in her palms for a moment before she started rubbing her temples. She wished this to end faster as she couldn't help it as all the information given was on a constant playback loop inside her head. The more she tried to not htink the more she brought it to the surface.

Finally the last bit of news just was the drop too much. James was burried around here too, yet another person added to the long list of rare friends that had slipped away and there was no way to avoid it now. She hadn't dared to bring to the surface of her memories him and the others from Newnan, that they lost back then, and yet today they were rudely brought forth in the limelight. She hid her face again for a moment, trembling." Can I... leave... now, please?" In the end she finally asked with trembling voice. She was sure she had gotten over it... she thought so, convinced herself. She didn't think about it... didn't dare think about it, because if she did, she'd have to face it again.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 4

Rave was tired at this point and she honestly couldn't see why people were trying to head out and risk earning hte ire of the owners of hte Manor. Even had she not been injured, she wouldn't want to risk it, but the situation in the Attic seemed to be gettever ever more fiery? She really wondered why these people couldn't just act nice, what would getting in danger or running amok gain? She was about to open her mouth and ask why they thought getting out would be a good idea, when she heard music... What? Where was that coming from? She blinked in confusion, why was there music? Then the lights started flickering before going out." Why!?" She cried out as all descended into darkness, was this her luck for the day? Flying chairs, dying people, stabbing herself and now ending in complete darkness with a bunch of strangers?

She quickly thought about the situation, trying not to panic, but was reassured by the hard wall behind her back, still she did try to pull her legs back as much as she could, but she couldn't really easily do so with teh injured one because well it started to hurt when she tried to move it in any other position aside straightened. She frowned and forced herself to move the leg by using her hands until she could barely hug her knees, it wasn't pleasant, it hurt, but it was probably better than the possibility of someone trying to walk about and steppign on her leg or tripping over.

In the meantime she had heard Walnut ask if someone could get a light. Well Rave couldn't, so she didn't even speak out, mostly because there was also the issue with a really loud noise and crash, that sounded like something breaking, what was htat? Did someone try breaking open the door or did someone trip over the old bed and it broke down?" Is everyone alright?" She asked, trying to peer into the darkness and to listen well.

As she had asked that, she strained her head to go over the things in her mind. She had heard a clanging sound of possibly a doorknob hitting the floor. So a door was probably out for the count and they would have to break through it to use it. But... which door was it? There were two in the room after all. Suddenly she felt like Walnut's desire for light was indeed the best way to go.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

This was just getting absurd now, what manner of forces were at work in this place? Constantin could recall already a number of weird events that weren't easy to explain if at all since the attack on that Almack's place? Was it Almack? He shrugged, even if it was called differently, it should be pretty close as far as he was concerned. Between the misty controling ice bugger from the lake, the opening wall, the ship they were on somehow ending up somewhere they didn't expect, evil winds and now this and those were just the ones he had witnessed! He pondered if there were other crazyness going outside of his perception?

He was startled when Veta took his hand to lead him to his horse. That he didn't expect, but he didn't try to resist and walked fast as her heading for good old brivaldi horse." Yes, yes. Ve should get to a better location fast." The firewalker agreed and got onto the horse without wasting any time. These were good strong horse, they shouldn't have any trouble making their way through a crowd. People would probably make way for the horse by themselves, no one would want to get trampled should they fall...

He then looked down at Veta and reached, taking her hand to help her onto the horse. Riding with the Grand Duchess, now that was not something that happened every day. Still he was glad they could work together again, as much as she was annoying at times, he wouldn't allow anything bad to reach her if she was in his sights." So to tovn center ve go and from there ve search for the Great Bazhooli?" He asked now that Veta was on the horse and he started to move teh animal forward.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat (Infirmary)
Skills: Great Observation

"Ohhh..." She made a sound of realization as the doctor told her it shouldn't result in any permanent damage. She took a deep breath and nodded with sense of ease filling her heart. If she got disfigured over this it wouldn't have been nice... Granted a scar depending on the scar itself wasn't all that bad sometimes, but swelling or the like would be." Good to hear, I was reasonably concerned over this. Ohh right, of course." She said and rolled up her sleeve as the man requested. For a moment she let her mind wander, she had surived! She'd have her revenge on the bee population across the world, just you all nasty little creatures wait!

"Well... talk about coincidence." Priscilla mumbled as the captain confirmed who the people that were missing from the room were. The universe for some reason seemed to revolve around these people or maybe this group of people? Brands and stuff, suddenly thinking about hte brands, she frowned, there was yet any real news or development on understanding the reason for those searing pains in the ass. Her pondering was short lived as she too finally took notice of the surrounding...

Well to say it was the surroundings wouldn't be quite as fair now, would it? All was just weird and wrong. She felt like she had a hazy veil over her eyes and by the sound of it she wasn't hte only one. Mosi frowned." You too are experiencing this?" She asked in confusion, rubbing her eyes once or twice before narrowing them to see if htat would help." Bloody hell not something weird again... can't we get a break?"

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

"Hey." Amelia called quietly when Riley came over to join them." Yeah, I'm... yes I'm fine now." Her stentence stopped midway for a moment before she started again and said it properly with a shift in her eyes to show she was. She was fine now, they had all changed, her old French talking friend included. There was nothing to be done, it hurt, but after thinking it through now, she concluded, that she would be fine, she had Riley and the others after all.

"Ohh... ehh..." She started unable to recall the name, luckily she was saved by Wayne when he chimmed in and stated the name instead. She smiled at Riley again, enjoying the closeness." Seems like it's going to be fu...n?" Her voice turned questioning as she spotted something moving with hte edge of her vision and looked down at the floor to confirm, only to spot a little adorable baby that was now holding onto Wayne's leg. This brought a hapy smile to her face again. Her eyes wandered over to Tati and Jack, they seemed to have decided to enjoy their time too. Wayne was looking after Jamie, which was also nice.

What was NOT nice, was that Panama showed up with the ones that had left earlier and called them to go over instead. Amelia sighed since she was going to miss on the movie's begining, but she looked at Riley and stood up." Guess it's time to go eh?" She asked her lover and started walking for the door. Time to see what Gunny had to say on this. She was wondering if he was going to tell them who got accepted from them or if it was going to be about something completely different entirely? Stuff like saying who was to stay here seemed more something to say to all of htem in one room though, but if that was the case, she had no idea what this briefing would be about. She supposed taht in the end she'd just have to wait and hear it herself.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Alright, things were going for the worst right now. People were throwing accusation left and right and even Rave thought that it was getting kind of hostile here. She listened to Walnut, to Titian who now said a name, a name she assumed was the real one as far as she was aware. She really didn't want to move as some were suggesting they leave in search of clues too, well to be fair that was mostly Moss and maybe Blush, but it was hard to tell about that one if she was actually suggesting it or was being sarcastic about it. Rave sighed as she leaned back and ran her hand across the fur of the ferret.

"I'm not leaving from this room." She said about herself and this wasn't just because her leg was injured. She wouldn't have even if she could walk normaly, she didn't think that breaking rules set up by their hosts was the way. She sighed as she started to evaluate the arguments that were being thrown around, some of those she hadn't actually noticed or heard, but certianly put a different spin on things. Problem was that there was no actual way to say who was in the right. Only she wasn't sure that she was buying Walnut's statement about Plum being innocent, given he had tried to stab someone.

She finally relaxed her shoulders and sighed, the attempt at sharing information turned into a witchhunt of sorts." Can't we just rest and wait for news now? No need to stir up the beehive pointlessly." She mumbled out. From everyone in the room, she was most willing to stick with Titian right now. Moss's desire to break out didn't sit well with her, Walnut had too many variables by the sound of it, Penance was in a similar position to Moss and she didn't trust Blush at all, not after what she had seen. The only other great virable was the man who was keeping silent for a good while now. Despite the way Titian may have looked, so far in her eyes he was the most approachable one and he did help her a lot, so she for sure was more willing to trust him than any of hte others.

She eventually let her eyes close for a moment as she rested her head back on the wall, still stroking the fur of the little animal in her lap, hoping it's sense of danger might be better than her own.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive), Perception

Constantin listened to Veta's reply about the tiger and he grew silent. While the woman didn't say it was dead, the firewalker feared the worst non the less. He knew Myshka, the tiger wouldn't leave Veta alone for long, beside it wasn't a human, it had great senses, it should have been able to track her should they had gotten separated. He just smiled in a sad manner as he nodded." I see." It would be great if the tiger showed up again, but as situation was, Constantin couldn't bring himself to harbor much hopes about it. Instead he made a silent vow to protect Veta with even more zeal this time around!

Then as he was making his mental vows something happened. Well... Something wrong happened. By the sound of Veta it seemed she was experiencing it too. Everything felt wrong... weirdly wrong and hazy." Damn it all to hell..." He cursed as he realized something supernaturally bad was abound to happen again or rather it was already happenign again. With the amount of stuff going on as of the time they arrived in this accrused country, he wouldn't be surprised if a giant monster showed up or something. In a hurry he moved as close as possible to Veta preparing to defend her from anything that might try to bring her harm." Ve should be careful! Evil vinds earlier nov maybe evil haze!" He stated. The haze was like looking through a bit of fog. If it turned into lot's of fog, he would know what to blame, for now they had to see more to uncover the reason.


Location: Camlann City, Ellington Plaza Theatre

Kosara had walked into the theatre calmly with a normal pace as she did, holding the cut off head of the warg casually as if hse was holding some kind of a trophy. She studied the hallways of the theatre, but htere wasn't anything dangerous around directly visibily. The demons had probably bailed for the shadows, waiting for their chance or simply trying to keep awya from her by some instinct about self preservation, who knew. She did notice the blood trails which meant there were people here originally when the demons first appeared. She gave a silent prayer for the dead as she continued with confident steps further into the building all the way to the doors to the theatre hall proper where the doors opened by themselves.

She looked at it with indifferent expression until they were fully opened as for a proper grand entrance and only then stepped through. Kosara lightly regretted that the screen was torn to shreds and you couldn't see the movie being plaid. The only light was from the projector, so it wasn't the most illuminated place. There was a chill in the air, a chill she noticed quickly and narrowed her eyes, but nothing was showing up. The wall across that was illuminated by the projector seemed damaged from the outside.

There were many a choices to make now, in teh end she decided that the most beneficial thing to do was to actually get some light going on in this place. Her sword was sheathed on her back and her right hand was holding her gun while the left was holding the warg head, so she had sufficient means of attack should something jumps out at her. At worst she'd toss the head at it and draw her sword if she had to. For now though, she figured she'd get the lights running first so she started to search for hte entrance towards hte projection room where the controls probably were.
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