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Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:M6 (Parking Lot For X/tram) -> L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Amelia was pondering what and if they should do in the little time before the dinner. Having asked the priest a question, she was pleasantly surprised when he replied. So they would all be woken up and the assignments would have already been delivered by then. So they didn't have to try to wake too early per say as to find it in time. That was actually rather nice thing to be happening. Then the subject was brought to dogs and Amelia frowned, her face turning very serious as the man explained where she should look for the schedule of where and when the dogs are being walked about. She made a thinking face and nodded to him." Thank you. I will make sure to look at it and remember it." She added, that knowledge was one of the more important things she had to know! Hopefully using that and with some carefulness, she would avoid all those demonic creatures.

Then she turned to Riley who proposed they should head for the mess hall first anyways. Well that was fine as well, Amelia decided." Mmm okey let's get dinner first. I suppose there's no need to wander about on empty stomach ." She nodded as they started to head off in that direction. She could have used the tiny window of time to walk around the area a little bit first, but that could be left for later as well. What's more since they were going to be living here from now on, there would be plenty of time to get about the camp.

In the mess hall it seemed lively. Amelia hadn't seen so many people at one place gathering for a while after all. It was almost unreal at first as different emotions and thoughts rushed through her mind. The food that was displayed was varied and it was actually quite nice. The setup was familiar enough as well. Taking a tray as well, she put some food on it, nothing too much since they would have more food later at the beach party thing, so no need to stuff herself to overfill. She did put on the tray a little bit of a few different things though. Variety was something she hadn't had in a while after all! As they were headed off to find seats, the attention was pulled by the girl they met at the quarantine, Checkbook if she remembered it right. They were being called to seat with her if they wanted. Amelia looked at Riley who agreed and Amelia nodded as well." Alright, thank you." She added with somewhat quiet voice. Amelia wasn't comfortable generally in places with many people since she was still somewhat shy. Still the fact they were called to seat by someone was a nice thing. This meant that there was the possibility for good relationship and even friendship... right? Thus she hurried over to take a seat as well.

And now sitting on the tables with many people about and someone who invited them to sit by her, Amelia found herself face to face with her old nemesis. Ohh yes, she had no idea how to actually start a chat and the more she tried to think of what to say, the more stupid it sounded in her mind, so she looked down at the tray, as if she was trying to stare a hole through it for a while. Then she threw a look about." There are a lot of people here..." She mumbled out and then just wanted to dig herself a hole. 'Focus on eating! Let Riley do the talking!' She reached a conclusion in her head, feeling her cheeks and ears turn red from the embarrassment of having said something so pointless moments earlier. Why did talking get so much harder whenever it was to new people?
Vala nodded at the Celestian's reply to her question. This was a weirdly long and detailed in explanation reply, especially weird for it to come out of their glorious leader here. Vala was under the impression that she wasn't used to speaking unless it was truly important. Thus this was a pleasant surprise quite indeed. She had thought about it, the shism in the Cult Mechanicus was it. THat was a possibility that deserved to be explored more in full at a later date should the situation allow for it. Her coming in contact with some of htose more liberal and inventive Priests of the Mechanicus could be the way to introduce some damn innovations within this imperium or at least within their lil corner of the Inquisition that they were occupying right now. She made a mental note to explore that possibility later within reasonable situations of course. Least any crazy tech priests show up.

The mission details were revealed better now and Vala frowned as she thought about it." If we are uprooting Chaos, do we have a timeline of the emergence of said Chaos elements upon the planet?" She asked, wondering how detailed the supposed intelligence they had was." I mean, do we have potential estimates of the degree of infiltration or should we proceed by the usual 'all are guilty until proven otherwise' course of action here?" This was a rather big thing to know, Vala thought. The inquisition had the freedom to request god damned orbital bombardment with ordinance that can wipe the planet clean. She knew that some of the inquisition agents in charge weren't as gun ho about exterminatus, but others would have the planet bombed before anyone could said: interrogate.
Myako Arashi

Soul Society was as always bustling with life in a way. It may not have been the greatest experience of existance, but there were people here. They were all miling about, doing their own things. Some did jobs of different kinds, others just spend their times however they saw fit. Even the thieves were being active! Honestly sometimes they were told to tell souls that this place was a paradise, it was not quite it.

"Nee-sama, will you tell us another story?" A small girl asked in one of the side alleys, as she and about half a dozen other children, were surrounding a woman in a washed out pink dress with floral patterns. The dress looked old, having seen the endless passage of time. Despite it's washed out colors and clearly old status, it was not too bad otherwise. It was still intact and the parts of it that may have been damaged once upon a time, were very carefully and neatly repaired and restored. Some of the children were orphans, others were in families. Didn't make a difference as they always seemed to flock to her whenever she appeared.

"Sure!" She replied with a smile as she started telling them stories of distant lands, weird inventions, outlandish creatures of bizzare proportions and many other things. The kids had fun while she handed out water and food to them. Some of the kids ate it now, others stored it for later to bring home. All in all, they were always gifted something whenever this woman appeared. She'd bring food, toys or clothing to them. She'd stay for a few days and then vanish, reappearing days or weeks later.

This time too, she told them stories of distant lands and weird people who wielded strange powers going on adventures. In the end she send them to head off and start playing. The woman was sitting on a simple stool, watching the children scurry off, chasing each other, pretending to be shinigamis and fighting imaginary hollows. She smiled at the sight, as 2 figures clad in black appeared behind her. She didn't stood up from her spot, neither did she turn to look at them. She simply didn't acknowledge them right now.

"CAPTAIN ARASHI!" One of the figures in black who turned out to be shinigami shouted and bowed." A meeting has been called. All currently appointed captains and lieutenants are to gather." The man explained as he didn't dare look up at the womah who was still ignoring them. She had snuck off from the barracks again. She always did that and they'd have to scatter all across Soul Society and even beyond the city boundries too look for her. This time they luckily found her in time.

Myako didn't turn towards them, instead she just lazily nodded and very slowly stood up from the stool. With a flick of her wrist, the elegant pink dress was undone easily and slipped off her body, revealing a set of black shinigamy uniform underneath. The dress was quickly folded and handed to one of the shinigami who came to call for her. She then reached a hand, but neither of the two helpers moved. She narrowed her eyes and shook her hand a little to remind them to act. Suddenly having been reminded, they snapped to attention and helped her put on her sleeveless Captain Haori on. She shrugged her shoulders a little until the thing was barely hanging off the tips of her shoulders. With this somewhat sloppy, somewhat flirty and somewhat freegoing look, she used Flash Steps to move back in the direction of the Seiretei and towards the meeting place.

It didn't take long to arrive and not to her surprise, some were already present. Shion,Shizu Okirigae and Taro were already present. The first one seemed to be meditating so she didn't bother her and turned to the other three." Hey." She greeted them as she found her spot and without any care in the world simply sat down in the most relaxing manner possible, Zampakuto hanging off her left wrist on a string and a jug of sake on the right wrist." Anyone want some?" She asked and raised the jug.

Priscilla Harker

Location: DttS Fade Between
Skills: Lore(Occult)

If the situation wasn't weird enough, it seems people hadn't ended appearing quiet yet become more showed up. A familiar face at least and some others. She smiled at Mahendra as he called out to them and expressed his joy at seeing them again." Same to you, friend. Though admittedly, it would have been best if we could have met under better scenic and normal circumstances. Glad to see you still live." She replied to him in return, glad to also see him. Now her mind was just wondering what had transpired with that bastard Redding and Vera. Why weren't they here? Will they appear here if they wait long enough or have they appeared way before them somehow? What exactly was happening here?

Then the other man spoke out and introduced himself." Nice to meet you too, Detective, Miss. Priscilla Harker at your service. Do call me Mosi though. It's what I go by and prefer to be called." She replied in a greeted and tipped her own hat as well. It seemed the group had quickly grown up to a decently great number. That said, the brief information the others gave her made her frown. Exactly how wide was that haze back then? If her initial suspicion, about someone trying to breach through the veil of the world of the dead, was true, then what kind of power could cause an effect this wide? Occultism was a wide and very complex field of knowledge and she decided that she probably should have spend even more time on studying it. She though to the additional explanation that the people gave her to answer her question. Well this mystery just increased.

Suddenly a voice spoke out to them. One that was not from the group. Seemed to be coming from the statue. Mosi's eyes narrowed as she turned to face it. Sure enough a man appeared in view. He seemed rather comfortable and by the way he spoke, seemed he was either here a while and used to it or maybe was from here to begin with? Though where was this? The answer to her question was revealed not much later. Her expression froze." Well damn..." She swore under her breath. The Greek Underworld!? WHY!? Why did they end up in the Greek Underworld?" So one way or another I did end in the land of the dead. Figures. I knew it, surviving the bees and a bullet was too easy." She sighed, thinking about their situation. So they were supposedly alive and in the land of the dead? She frowned, this was probably unusual to say the least. Could them appearing here be a side effect of whatever was causing that haze?

As the talk went to trading and so on, Mosi's racked her brain hard, trying to recall anything of use she could about the situation. Any knowledge that would prove some benefits or insights. Suddenly as she looked at the man's face, she recalled something. Baron Samedi and maybe Papa Legba, these were two personas from occult history that resembled the visage in front of them. If what was said just earlier about this being the Greek Underworld, what would this exotic looking man be doing here though? If this one was tied to Baron Samedi however, it would be good. That one lore mentioned could heal and was bringer of life if he wanted.

One of the women proposed a pendant and by the sound of it, sounded a little too fancy to be real. This was just weird, where did she find it? Mosi's thoughts ran throug her current possessions and what was on herself." What would it take to do a good trade? I have very little with me on myself and most of that are either mundane things with little real value or simply sentimental ones." She asked of him, deciding to directly see what he would request for a trade. That was the best way to judge it. She didn't have fancy items as the other woman, only stuff of little or of personal value. The only thing that had most proper value would be the silver medallion, but even that wasn't anything too special or costly.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

The situation was stable so far, stable and calm. Constantin's eyes were opened and he was paying utmost attention to the surroundings, but he couldn't spot or notice anything that might be dangerous or responsible for the haze. Yet the haze remained, almost as an ever present, ever looming danger upon them. He didn't like this haze, it was unnatural! Anything this wide and about to persist for this long must be powerful and definitely not a harbinger of good tidings. He silently thought to himself that the cause of this haze might be even more dangerous than a 100 of the thing they just took out. Though the question remained if the haze and the creature were connected in some manner?

Constantin spotted Vlad giving them a questioning look. He gave a nod in return to signify that he was alright. Veta herself had taken a little bit of a beating when his guard failed earlier to his great shame, but she didn't appear to be injured in any significantly dangerous manner which was great. All in all that was a hairy fight if he had ever seen one. The mere fact it was basically impossible to properly damage the thing and finish it off without that prayer was a nightmare. What if he hadn't gotten the vision about it? He didn't even want to think of the 'what if' in that situation. His eyes darted back to Vlad who had suffered some kind of blacklash earlier?" Bazhooli, vhat exactly happened vhen it you got throvn backvards just now?" Constantin was busy keeping his focus on Veta and the Beast to protect the duchess so he didn't spot exactly what happened. It didn't seem like Vlad was struck by the thing.

He looked at Colette. She had a point actually. It seemed they had some time to rest and catch their breaths for the moment. Though he wasn't certain if defenses would help. A church's hollow ground didn't seem to afect it any." I've have a knife I could lend you, if you vish. Sadly I do not carry other spare veapons." He proposed. Constantin knew a knife wasn't the best weapon out there, but it was his only spare weapon he carried on himself

Then if all else wasn't enough, to their attention was brought a very important fact. Dieter, The Ferret not the brother was missing!" Nov that you mention it." He replied and looked about." Brave animal Dieter is missing! It vould never abandon it's ovner simply like that!" Constantin didn't think the ferret would simply bail.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Parking Lot For X/tram)->The Tour->M6 (Parking Lot For X/tram)
Skills: N/A

Amelia nodded at Riley's suggestion as the tour resumed. It was very conclusive and detailed all in all. While they didn't bring them over all the nooks of the camp, they seemingly showed them all the main and important buildings and locations. Amelia tried to do ehr best to remember all of them, but honestly it wasn't working that well. She silently admitted to herself that she'd have to use some kind of map later and walk about the place a few times to actually remember the locations from first hand walking there experience.

As the trip moved further and further, they were giving a quick brief on the beach area and the pier. Amelia's initial concerns about the state of the camp and the dangers of underwater spec ops elite marine forces walkers, were at least to a degree put to rest as they were told there was in fact rather well thought out and executed security about that specific problem. So nets and underwater teams who check the surroundings in case walkers decide to try to be sneaky. Of course Amelia had long since realized to herself that walkers weren't actually thinking up plans, but the laws of Murphy and bad luck were still alive and well even in the apocalypse. The reassurance of good control of the water areas was well received." Thank god..." She mumbled quietly at it even. While she wasn't really religious, it was well on point non the less.

Eventually the trip came to it's end and they found themselves back at general housing. Atticus nicely handed out maps of the camp and they were also informed of the schedule for the rest of the day which to them seemed to be free time for a lil bit, then dinner and later at 8pm the beach party thing." Thank you." Amelia said as she took the map and soon after left the tramp as well. She looked at the map, looked at preacher man and thought for a moment." When would be the assignments delivered? Because if we should be up and awake in time to not be late for hte first day, right?" She asked Atticus, probably worrying a bit too much over it. Still what could she do, she was prone to worrying and a little bit paranoid about things.

Tomorrow they'd find their assignments, so they would have to wake up early then. They had maps in their hands, so they probably wouldn't get lost here and they had a little bit of a free time to spend in the meantime before dinner. She looked at Riley now." What... should we do until dinner time?" She asked, a little bit confused and uncertain. It felt like eternity since they were last at a secure location and they could actually allow themselves to not worry about the surroundings and not try to secure the perimeter." Should we rest until dinner, or check the surroundings, trying to get familiar with the street layouts and the locations of things?"

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive),Long swords(sabres)

As far as Constantin was concerned this was the most crucial and important part of the fight. If all they had gathered earlier was indeed truth, Veta finishing this prayer would be the end of the beast and she was already going for it. Now it was indeed a brief all out fight for it to struggle away free or for them to keep it contained while the Grand Duchess finishes it off. Everyone was going for it, trying to hurt it, to keep it pinned down. Everyone using their own means. From the man who just missed or to the others mainly the women who were having the better results here. Was this a soulless that had weakness to women?

Suddenly the creature seemed to struggle ever more violently in last ditch efforts to break free of the siege they laid to it. As one of those wild strikes went for Veta, Constantin dove for the creature's tendril, with a powerful mad swing, intercepting it off before it could get in touch with the Grand Duchess.” NO YOU DON'T!” He roared, keeping vigilant. It wasn't getting to her even over his dead body!

What followed next though was confusing as Vlad went sliding across the place once more for reasons unknown. Then it HAPPENED! The vision seemingly indeed came to pass as he saw a fragment of it with the white fire over the altar. Following this the beast finally fell. Maybe it died? Most of it faded, leaving a charred corpse. This was concerning. They all seemed alive for the moment, but he didn't relax his vigilance, looking about, ready still. One could never be too sure with unknown creatures. Maybe it had a mate around or maybe it was playing dead. For the moment though it didn't seem to be pretending. He looked at Veta who asked for water and frowned.” All the provisions I carried are with the saddle bags...” He mumbles and looks around, checking if anyone else was reacting to Veta's request.” I vill bring som...” Before he could finish, the man who failed to hit the creature a few times passed on a flask. Constantin looked at him for a moment, but the decision if Veta wanted to accept it was all of her own in the end.

β€œNo I haven't seen anything like this one.” The firewalker replied to Colette's question as he thought about it. Honestly it had to be some kind of soulless, there was no other way. It was affected by the abilities of Veta, but to track it's origin would be near impossible.” Sadly the one vho might have been able to give us clues on it lies on the altar.” He sighed, as much as he get annoyed by Ludwig, the crazy German fellow was indeed useful and not too bad after you got used to him.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed.” Haze's still here...” He commented and threw a look around, blade rising in stance once more.” Vhatever this is it's not over yet. If this thing didn't cause the haze then ve aren't quite out of the vater yet!”

Priscilla Harker

Location: DttS Fade Between
Skills: Alertness, Lore (Occult)

Well... there was a skeleton with a scythe! This fact by itself seemed ot be taking most of her attention, but even that one aside she wasn't spotting anything else for the moment. No cosmic horrors from on high or bees...? There wasn't anything... at least she hoped there wasn't anything about, she had two near death experiences in an the span of couple of hours, thank you, but not thank you. She didn't want a forth one. She turned to the other woman with a shrug of her shoulders." Well... sorry, but I nearly died twice in a few brief hours. I didn't quite expect to slip the hands of the reaper, only to see him before me... it startled me." She explained herself before her eyes suddenly flashed and her head snapped when she heard voices and other people appeared apparently!

This nearly caused her to jump because well she didn't spot them anywhere until they were this close to be visible and within sound hearing range. The bloody damned hells. Mosi wanted to curse, but held her tongue as she took deep breaths, trying to calm down and focus her mind. She looked at the women who appeared familiar faces at least. She then focused on the location and the skeleton, trying to recall any scraps of occult knowledge that might be useful that could point at their location or why they appeared here, but to no avail. She was drawing a blank right about now. Relaxing her grip on her knife she rubbed her temples. Maybe she should rest a little before she tries to do anything else. Getting almost shot to death may have affected her somewhat.

"Well... she disappeared in thin air..." She replied to Lauren as the other woman asked about Vera." Honestly I expected to meet her on this side, but she wasn't around when we appeared just a little bit earlier." Mosi explained and ran a hand through her hair.

"Alright, anyone having an idea where we actually are? Last I recall before we appeared here, I saw what suspect to be the lost city of Dionysus appearing in the sands along with a whole lot of shadows. Then we all started vanishing." Mosi asked the newly arrived." Before it all started there was this haze all about though, you all experienced that as well?"

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Condo 14B->Parking Lot For X/tram)
Skills: N/A

Amelia nodded at Riley's words. The woman was right, they could eventually better this home, that much they were told. The degree of things that they could get was honestly up for debate as despite what they were told what would be available and when, she suspected wasn't as defined, but she could be wrong. After all furniture and so on would be hard to move. But anyways, she nodded as Riley suggested they should head back for the tram." Yeah, we should. I will lock the place." Amelia stated as she watched Riley leave the condo.

Amelia reached to lock the door behind herself as she stopped midway and looked at their new home again.' Would it be even worth it?' She pondered briefly before she closed the door and then locked it heading towards the outside after Riley. What if this would turn out to be another pipe dream of some kind? A mirage in a desert of life that would vanish just as they allow themselves to think it would last? She shook her head in attempt to push away those depressing thoughts from her mind once more. Over the time in quarantine, she had got those thoughts a lot of times, sometimes she'd think of it while she laid in bed, surrounded by the darkness of the night. Sometimes she'd just randomly think of it during mealtime.

She stepped outside the building, narrowing her eyes, studying the surroundings for a brief moment, before turning her head to the condo building for one last brief time before she headed back to the Tram, hurrying to get back to Riley and took a seat. Weirdly she didn't think about their room as if it had the danger of being broken into. Thieves wouldn't fare well in small community and honestly in the luggage they got given back there was barely anything worth stealing or concerning herself with. Now it was all about the beach party! Well she wasn't usually a fan of parties, but since it would be a beach one, she'd just find a place to the side if it gets too noisy and roudy for her.

Priscilla Harker

Location: DttS Fade Between
Skills: N/A

Mosi was rather surprised both pleasantly and no so pleasantly as they too started to fade. She let out a groan, a curse and a sigh as they vanished. Sadly so much for her meeting up with her new friend from Cairo... There were other stuff she'd had wanted to do too, but it seemed it was time to move forward to a new journey. If she was dying from this... it wouldn't be too much to be a woman 20 years later once more... or in other words to be reborn. If this wasn't dying, she was hoping they find Redding on the other side. She had a really sharp knife to the balls to give him, the bastard coward that he was! Turning him into an eunuch would be already a mild enough punishment for trying to kill her!

Then all vanished and all reappeared! Sort of... ship, town, river, desert and sun were gone! Mosi blinked at the new sights." What the fucking hell?" She asked as they were at a location of a whole different nature. This was very bleak picture around them, darkness and fog and fires? " Well... can't say I expected the day to go in this direction when I woke up in the morning." She mumbled out, looking about, spotting a figure standing there on the rocks. She jumped into stance, hand reaching for her hip where a sword sheath usually hanged, but instead finding empty air, so she reached for the knife she carried. She was ready for battle as she stared at the figure, only realizing it's true nature moments later.

"HOLY GOLDEN CHICKEN OF RA! THAT'S A SKELETON WITH A SCYTHE!" Mosi exclaimed as she gazed at the thing. The grim atmosphere and the fires, the fog, all of these weren't as much interest to her right now as the skeleton with the scythe and the rags slash bandages for clothing.

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