Avatar of RolePlayerRoxas


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4 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/202… It's long overdue that I make fun of myself for a change.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… This is one time loop that everyone will gladly forget about.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… No, I can't imagine why you feel like you've read this exact story before, why do you ask?
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… I wanna be, the edgiest, like no one ever was~
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… Have you ever wanted to see Scathach and Ichigo Kurosaki shipped together? No? Well, here it is anyway.


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Kishinami Hakuno

Things had become surprisingly hectic in such a short time. All Hakuno could do was observe silently as everyone around her caused quite the stir. Of course, she was shocked to learn that the pretty lady was, in fact, Princess Kaguya... until it suddenly made perfect sense to her that an impossibly beautiful woman could only be a princess of the moon. She might have lingered more on that particular revelation, but Benienma's chirping was far more important and left Hakuno feeling quite warm and fuzzy.

She had taken a peek at the pictures Suzuka was showing off to Saber, and blinked at the sight of Mana's... assets. Now, Saber was perfectly justified in lecturing the perverted schoolgirl(?!) for her conduct, but Hakuno found herself understanding where Suzuka was coming from. Just a little bit. Really. She was a good girl at heart. Still, any sympathy for Mana evaporated when she started hugging the tiny sparrow. Hakuno looked as passive as ever, but her hands were clasped very tightly together, resisting the urge to wrench her Servant free and monopolise all hugging rights.

"...Maybe... we should calm down and find a seat? People are staring," Hakuno finally spoke.

  • Personality:
    On the surface, Asahi is a bright, cheerful, encouraging student that greets every situation with a warm, sunny smile and affectionate tone, coming across as the very picture of kindness and purity. What everyone doesn't realise however, is that this radiant gem of a girl is actually a conniving fox in the midst of bewitching the entire school into being her loving subjects and worshippers. Not forany real nefarious purposes or anything, she just really likes the attention. Because of this need to be noticed, Asahi is seen assisting or running all kinds of initiatives or events at school, which helpfully makes her seem that much more radiant to the masses.

    Despite her popularity with the students however, Asahi also loves pulling pranks and listening to the speculations as to the perpetrator all around her, seeing it as another form of reverence towards herself. She takes great pride in her ability to remain hidden in plain sight as she makes fools of the faculty, and sometimes fellow students. However, Asahi may be selfish and arrogant, but she certainly isn't malicious. Even if her intentions are far from noble, she isn't looking to seriously ruin any person's life, and would prefer not to get someone injured when she's just having fun.

  • Abilities:
    Asahi has an Affinity for illusions, allowing her to conjure both visual and auditory hallucinations. Although useful for creating brief distractions, at present she isn't able to fully manifest images that could withstand the most lackadaisical of examinations.
    She can also shapeshift between the form of a human, a fox, and a fluffy-tailed girl. Given her relatively young age for a kitsune, she is unable to alter the appearance of her human form as of yet.

  • Skills:
    A surprisingly capable person, Asahi is quite skilled at at a variety of tasks, domestic and practical. She has an eye for design, and can recognise someone's particular strengths and weaknesses for any given task quickly, and thus knows how to delegate tasks during class projects. Academically, she's above-average as well, even if her writing is surprisingly atrocious.

  • Equipment:
    Nothing you wouldn't find on a totally normal high-schooler.

  • Brief Backstory:
    Not long after reaching 100 years of age, the newly-born fox youkai ended up in the care of a middle-aged couple. Much like how one has no memories of when they were a baby, Asahi doesn't fully recall the exact details of how she came to be the couple's 'adopted daughter', but seems to be under the impression that she has hidden her real nature from them. In actuality, her 'parents' know full well she's a kitsune and have simply humoured her whenever she poorly tried to hide it from them. For the past eight years, she's simply been living as a human, steadily placing herself as someone for them to look up to. Her parents are pretty much the only two people she has no apparent disdain for. She's maintained the persona of a kind, wonderful saint of a person for a long time now, her facade completely unbreakable.

    ...Up until she met Tomoko and was soundly outsmarted. Now she's a begrudging member of her little club.
I'm interested in joining, too.
Kishinami Hakumo

"No problem. I'm Kishinami Hakuno," the young officer replied with a pleasant smile. It was plain to see that Mana seemed rather nervous, though hopefully that would fade away. Hakuno herself was aware that she lacked much of a presence to be wary around, after all. She nodded to the fluffy-eared schoolgirl introduced as Suzuka, and hoped it wasn't reflected in her face just how utterly lost the Servant's lingo had left her. She could only hope that she was correctly inferring that Suzuka found her Master to be pretty. Hakuno certainly agreed with that assessment.

"Ah, right, this is my Servant, Be-" she paused, remembering that Saber was no longer at her side as usual, and was still dealing with the impossibly-beautiful woman outside. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see that Benienma was having her hair stroked by those slender fingers, and found herself struck by a pang of jealousy so strong that she brought a hand to her chest. After a moment, she faced Mana and Suzuka once more with a more strained smile, "...Benienma, she's just outside. I, er, hope she shows the staff mercy, ehehe..."


Berserker - Guan Yu

"Why would I be trying to kill you?" Guan asked with a confused tilt of her head. Even before she became a Servant, her lifestyle had been active enough that even a ten mile run barely qualified as a strenuous task for her. Sure, she may not have been a warrior, but she could at least join her father and brothers as they strengthened themselves! It seemed the Berserker had failed to realise the very fact she could keep pace with such renowned soldiers said a lot about her own capabilities in the first place.

Still, it was obvious that Hana was very against running, for some reason. Coming to a stop, she finally lifted her Master from her shoulder and set her down, placing her hands on her hips, "I guess we don't have to run... but I forbid returning home until I'm satisfied that you've done your very best to get out and about! There's nothing more exhilarating than the flowing of hot blood! Nothing more liberating than the stretching of your muscles!"

With a satisfied grin, Guan folded her arms, reminiscing about those rowdy mornings. Somehow, she would communicate these feelings to Hana and win her over!
Kishinami Hakuno

"...She what now?"

Hakuno gave Benienma a confused glance, wondering what had gotten her so flustered. Well, maybe that was a silly question, considering they were talking to a ridiculously pretty girl. Someone with such radiant beauty that it almost kind of maybe brought strange fantasies to the forefront of her imagination. Luckily, as a chaste and pure officer of Fusang, she had the mental fortitude to ignore such vulgar thoughts and maintain a professional air-

Oh wow she just called us cute.

It was one thing to comment on Saber's cuteness - that was as obvious as water being wet. But for such a good-looking woman to call her cute as well? Feeling a flutter in her chest, Hakuno knew this situation was dangerous. Someone could mistake her as being infatuated with the black-haired stranger, when that was obviously not the case! Her cheeks were just colouring because... because the smell of food was in the air!

The plain girl had to coolly play this off, and luckily she had the perfect way of doing so. Jamming the baseball cap back onto her head and lowering the bill over her eyes, Hakuno loudly fumbled out "thanks you too gettin' food bye!"
With that she quickly rushed into the restaurant, leaving Benienma to fend for herself. Her Servant was tough, no doubt she could reject any attempts at seduction. Hopefully. Actually, who in their right mind would rebuke an advance from such a pretty lady? Especially if Hakuno was supposed to be the alternative choice, it seemed way too obvious what anyone would choose!

Before Hakuno could sink into a spiral of despair that she had surely lost her adorable Saber to some otherworldly beauty, a card clattered at her feet. Surprised, the flustered officer, knelt down to pick it up, realising it was a credit card. Straightening, she looked up at the apparent owner of the card and held it back out, "S-sorry, um, this yours?"

Berserker - Guan Yu

"Glad to hear it, Master!" Berserker happily replied, completely missing the meaning behind Hana's proclamation. She was already out the door, carrying the hapless girl over her shoulder with ease and unaware of any strange looks that may come their way. It was just nice to be proactive in getting her Master out of the house! Perhaps walking a mile out would be a sufficient starter? But if it was too easy, Hana might just get bored of it and refuse to leave the home again. No, if Guan wanted to promote a more active lifestyle, a longer journey back would make her appreciate the benefits of walking all the more!

"Okay, let's go with a three mile run! That should be a great starter~!" Guan cheered, raising her free fist to the air, "and when you're done with that warm-up, let's see about doing some strength training~!"
Kishinami Hakuno

"...Please go easy on them..." Hakuno murmured with a worried smile. She couldn't exactly deny that Saber's cooking was far superior to any fast-food place - or, well, any establishment that sold food - but she almost felt bad for the poor cooks that would face her brutally honest criticism. Perhaps it could simply be seen a a necessary sacrifice in the name of hunting evildoers! Yeah, that made it slightly more worth it. Probably. Maybe.

Well, they were already outside the restaurant, so it was a little late to suggest lunch at home instead. Hakuno glanced at her diminutive Servant, and noticed that the bird in her hat seemed distracted by something. The young magus couldn't remember the sparrow ever looking so intently at anything, and followed its gaze to the source. Hakuno found her breathe catching, taken-aback by the sheer beauty of the stranger before them. Hakuno considered herself a pure soul, devoid of any lecherous, suspicious or even curious thoughts about others. As her frequently-cleaned search history could obviously attest to, she was a person of great moral standing, and even she had to admit that there was something to that black-haired beauty.

Of course, Benienma was still the absolute cutest Servant in the universe, but still!

When Hakuno realised she'd just been standing around like an idiot for several moments, she awkwardly coughed and stepped aside, avoiding the woman's gaze, "S-sorry, you can go on ahead."


Berserker - Guan Yu

"It's only a light training regiment..." Berserker weakly countered, shoulders sagging. She glanced towards the TV, wondering if these cookery programs held some kind of hidden hypnotising spell. How else could those devices ensnare so many helpless humans in their grasp? True, all that food looked divine compared to what Guan usually ate in life, but none of it was real, right?! It was all just fake images on the other side of a screen! It was surely meaningless unless her Master cooked it for herself!

Berserker pondered over this issue for a few moments. Luring her Master outside was proving to be virtually impossible... oh, but what if she just reversed it? If Hana was so eager to just lie on her couch all day, then Guan would make sure she worked for that privilege!

"Excuse me for a moment, Master," Guan retreated from the room, collecting various items into a bag. A couple bottles of water, shoes, and a few towels should do the trick! Smiling, the dutiful Servant approached her Master once more, and without missing a beat, hoisted the girl over her shoulder, heading for the door.

"You should earn the right to laze around, Master! Besides, think of all the fun you'll be missing out there~!"

It was for her Master's own good, so it was okay, right? Maybe they could stop for something to eat if it would sweeten the deal.
Kishinami Hakunon

Hmm..." Hakuno slumped her shoulders dejectedly, "even if I don't look all that convincing, there's always someone that'll go for an easy mark! It's like I'm not even worth wasting the useless mook for..."

As eager as Hakuno was to help in removing any kind of corruption from Fusang's streets, it was quite evident that most of her knowledge regarding criminal investigation came from fiction. Sure, the CCF had offered training and guidance on how to patrol, identify possible criminal activity, and how best to engage... but the young mage's buddy cop partner was also an adorable, strong, fast, cute, tiny, lovely, kind-hearted, wonderful, mighty, wise and soft-to-hug Servant with abilities beyond mere mortals! Surely it could be forgiven if Hakuno wanted to just find the first link to the Mystic Code sellers and zoom right to the final boss from there!

"...I guess we should try a different strategy, though," Hakuno eventually sighed in defeat, removing the hat. Shaking her head to let her tussled hair sway, the young girl stepped out of the alley, "wanna grab some food somewhere? If we're lucky, we might overhear some suspicious dealings next to our table or something!"


Berserker - Guan Yu

Really, Berserker was thankful to be summoned into the modern day. It was a chance that, in her mind, really should not be granted to someone like her. After all, she was hardly a heroic figure worthy of acclaim. She was barely a footnote in the legend of another, at best. She may have held some regret in her heart when she died, but that alone was not worth calling her back over someone like her Father. Nevertheless, here she was, in a modern city apartment, currently enjoying her new life to the fullest!

"Masteeerrrrr! Come ooonnnnn, you need to get some fresh air!"

Pouting at the girl on the couch, the black-haired Servant stared pleadingly at the girl that had summoned her. Ever since she had answered the call, Saotome Hana had barely set foot outside their residence. In fact, she barely moved around the apartment! Having grown up in turbulent times, even being a non-combatant, Lady Guan simply could not comprehend existing in such a way! There was much she didn't yet understand about her Master, but surely there was no reason for her to laze around like an extra-adorable sloth! Even if it wasn't Berserker's place to say, she couldn't stay quiet about this attitude!

"Let's go for a run, Master! Running's fun! Once you gallop across the plains like Red Hare, the feel of the wind across your skin becomes a blissful sensation that you crave more and more! Please give it a try..."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze
Kishinami Hakuno

She couldn't figure out what part of her plan was flawed.

Situated between two buildings, partially obscured by the shadows, a lone figure leaned against the wall, arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently on the ground. She had been there for about twenty minutes, clearly having expecting something to have occurred by now. the figure with flowing, brown hair and the most forgettable blouse ever designed had made sure to look like an appealing target for shady, black market salesmen! The white baseball was sitting backwards! That was, like, a true symbol of rebelliousness and... and troublemakery! So why weren't those con artists eager to sell her crap?!

Could it be that they knew Hakuno was actually a member of the CCF? A defender of justice and peace? Perhaps she simply chose the wrong alley to loiter in? Did con artists take lunch breaks? Hakuno exhaled deeply, shoulders slumping. She was desperate to find any kind of plausible, but it probably boiled down to one simple reason: She just couldn't manage to stand out, even when she was the only person around to notice.

"Haaahhh... And I thought this'd be super easy..." Hakuno grumbled to thin air, "who would've thought Mystic Codes were this hard to track down?"

Of course, the unassuming young mage was hardly going to tackle a black market by herself, especially when she was so lacking in firepower - and perhaps some common sense. Her complaints had been directed to her Saber-class Servant, who had been asked to remain hidden until now. It seemed quite unnecessary for Benienma to continue hiding at this point.


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