Avatar of Rosenrot
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: RosenRot
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 185 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Rosenrot 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Good golly, how Time flies...
1 like
1 yr ago
Made it through yet another holiday season having never watched a single Hallmark movie. 10/10, #blessed
2 yrs ago
Cnt'd: I'm still traumatized by my coworker who came in on her day off and said "What else am I gonna do? Sit around eating bonbons?" And I just cannot comprehend having nothing to do ever in my life.
2 yrs ago
@StarWight, everyone thinks they're alive until you ask them what they do for fun and have to watch them speedrun the five stages of grief as they realize they're an NPC.
2 yrs ago
Fishing? I thought it was boar hunting season out here. ;P


Jeez, take a little breaky-break for world building and look what happens.

Most Recent Posts

Nothing says “high femme energy day” like blasting Florence + The Machine through a long bath lol

back to the old look, eh?

@TGM sounds like if Sisters of Mercy had, like, one more crumb of serotonin between them
...And now for something completely different...

So, we've all heard the sound of running through a warm spring meadow, thanks to TikTok...

But the first track on this album... What a doozy

"Oh, maybe I'm naive for thinking
That a mountain so stubborn can move
But if I'm a mountain moving
I think maybe you can be, too"

@SleepingSilence, if you like psych metal, I assume you already follow S.M.O.D? If you don't, I highly recommend.

@SleepingSilence, see, I don't care for that style of vocals in metal. It's... the wrong kind of whiney? I guess? If that makes sense to anyone else...

Some of the stuff I like is a little less heavy, like these guys

I've been describing their sound as, what if Manson had, like, a better voice (and wasn't an overall piece of shit but I digress)

I'll spare every one else a bunch of further scrolling and just...

Bless ye.

A scholar and a gentleman, truly.
Ughhh, coward.

Do the damn thing.

That I am too lazy and/or distracted to do myself.
Okay so your character will have equipment based off your Florida Man birthday.


Although defending my cigars from the Eldritch Apocalypse does seem like a worthwhile motivation...
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