Avatar of Royaletutor59
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 100 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Royaletutor59 5 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current @Data, there is always at least one person who will find you worthwhile, I'm sure that there are multiple in your case. :) Chin up, okay? I promise things'll look better as time goes on!
5 yrs ago
Our internet problem is officially fixed! I'm back in business baby! Replies will start flowing uno momento!
5 yrs ago
our house is a wifi dead-zone. We're having someone look at it tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to work on my responses soon! Sorry! I need to get off of my friend's network now, sorry again guys!
1 like
5 yrs ago
Hi, sorry, I'm currently borrowing my friend's wifi, so I'll only be on for a few minutes. I'm sorry for not responding in a few days in my rp's! Our network is currently down and
5 yrs ago
Hi ya'll, sorry for my inactivity, we've been having some power-outages and since my access to power dictates my access to the internet I haven't been able to come on. I'll work on my replies now!
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Yo! If ya'll are reading this you must either be profile snoopers, or simply curious as to who the strange individual whose name you've seen lurking on role-plays is(same thing), but either way, the reason does not matter to me as I have looked at a fair number of profiles myself. So, allow me to extend my warmest welcome to ya'll, it's a pleasure to have you on my humble profile!

Now on to the reason that your probably here(if not for this I don't know why), me.

Honestly, I'm nothing spectacular, just your ordinary run-of-the-mill nineteen-year-old female, with a burning passion for books, anime, several tv-shows, fanfictions, PUNS!!!!(Sans has ruined me for life, XD!) and of course, role-playing.

I won't lie and say that I am a master at the art though, I still need some work with character depth admittedly, but my spelling is more than alright and my grammar isn't that bad either. I am also willing to work with other people and fairly flexible when it comes to my character's role in the rp(kindof a people pleaser, XP rip) unless its smut. Sorry, ya'll, I'm not trying to shame ya'll or anything, but well, I'd really rather avoid anything more graphic than fading to black, just my personal taste though, if you like it, have fun!

My personal favorite settings in rp's tends to lean towards super-hero, normal modern slice-of-life, some fandoms that I love, like HP for example and while I have yet to actually take part in a medieval/fantasy style like a D&D, I would really love to try it out(seriously, message me if ya know an rp like that, that needs an extra character, I'm there!)

Other than that, there's not much else, my favorite color is green, I have no social life, so I'm pretty much always on, I'm left-handed and my brother told me to tell you to suscribe to Pewdiepie. That is all.

I hope that you have enjoyed your stay here at casa-del-Royaletutor59!

Most Recent Posts

@Lucius Cypher I'm fine with anyone starting so whatever you guys wan't I'll be fine with.
@ZAVAZggg Thanks for understanding.


Hi everyone! So sorry for my inactivity! Our house was an internet dead-zone for the past few days, but luckily the problem got fixed today and we can finally access the internet again, which means I can finally respond again! So, sorry again, for not being on, it won’t happen again!

@Elevation@YeetMeister@Lucius Cypher Okay so the collab is a go then? Cool. I guess we’ll be using that doc after all. Thanks again for creating it @Ladypug!

@Ryonara Ooh! Yumi looks like a fun character already!
As she neared the back of the store, Erika was reminded exactly why she hated the heat so much. Give her the cold anytime, you can always just wear more layers or do exercise to warm up if it gets bad and you never sweat, but with heat…there is only so much clothes that you can take off before it gets indecent and it’s impossible to escape if you don’t live somewhere like the north-pole! Not to mention the sweat! She may not mind sweat if it’s the product of a great workout/fight/fun activity but if it’s just because of the temperature, then it’s just annoying.

Wiping some sweat off her brow, she noted with no small amount of relief that the back of the store was within her sight. Scanning the area, she saw the mother and child in the corner, the mother seemed to be unconscious and was partially trapped underneath a part of the ceiling that seemed to have given in and the child was trying in vain to dig her out while fighting coughs from all the smoke. Not wasting any time, Erika rushed forward, dismissing the approaching grey blur she saw out of the corner of her eye as a trick of the smoke.
Hi everyone! So sorry for my inactivity! Our house was an internet dead-zone for the past few days, but luckily the problem got fixed today and we can finally access the internet again, which means I can finally respond again! So, sorry again, for not being on, it won’t happen again!
Barely a minute after she started violating several speeding laws, Erika was pulling up to the scene of the emergency. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the flames consuming the building and the fire-fighters running around, out of the corner of her eye she saw what looked like a person with grey clothes appear out of no where(teleportation? Awesome!) but she didn't dwell on him, choosing to focus on the emergency in front of her.

Wasting no time, apart from taking a second to set the alarm on her bike, she ran over to the nearest firefighter. “What’s the situation?” The man paused in what he was doing with an impatient scowl, probably thinking that she’s just a nosy civilian, but after giving her a once over and taking in her apparel, her vigilante status became clear. A conflicted expression crossed his face for a moment, but they needed the help. “Two civilians trapped inside, my men went after them, but no luck so far.”

“Got it.” Erika said, giving a nod before rushing head-first into the flames. Her mask and goggles helped to keep the smoke out and her skin is pretty much burn-proof, that didn’t help with the intense heat though. It was freaking hot in there! Well…considering that the building is basically a giant bon-fire at this point, that wasn’t surprising.

Ignoring the heat and the sweat gathering at her brow, Erika rushed forward to the back of the store, paying no regard for the flames as they brushed her skin, her full attention on getting to the civilians and getting them to safety.
@Lucius Cypher That's fine, I see you're point, just wanted to throw a suggestion out there :)

@Elevation@YeetMeister Cool, not sure if were going to go through with it rn though, but there's always the future to look out for! :D

@Ladypug Thanks for the offer! We'll def use it in the future!
@YeetMeister@Elevation@Lucius Cypher since the party grew a little bigger than expected (no complaints!) do ya'll want to do a collab or something? Just to give everyone's character a chance to shine? No pressure though, just a suggestion.
Erika couldn’t help but grin as a girl with dirty blond hair ducked in front of her before sending her a quick wave, sparks flying from her hand. Returning the wave, Erika continued on her quest for an amazing hotdog with a new skip in her step. She loved seeing other people using their powers, one of the reasons she loves Bell Reach so much. People don’t have to hide their abilities that much here.

Of course, she prefers to keep her powers a secret but that’s just because she’s planning on using them for justice. She’s bound to make at least an enemy or two, and making her powers known makes it easier to determine her identity, which could give them the upper hand in battle. That’s like super-hero 101, emphasized in like every single comic book in existence with only one or two acceptances.

Welp, at the moment that doesn’t matter, there are for more important things that require her attention at the moment, the glorious sight of her destination for one! Practically skipping into line, she had her wallet out and her order decided by the time it was her turn.

It was glorious. Absolutely glorious. The most beautiful thing she ever had the pleasure of witnessing! Was she just exaggerating because she was hungry? Probably, but it was still an impressive dog! Which is why she made sure to send a picture of it to her bro, to show him just how much he’s missing out on.

Hotdog secure, jealousy inducing photo sent and she was set to go, she started walking back the way she came with a skip in her step while enjoying her pleasant meal. At least that was the plan until she heard the sound of alarms in the distance.

Casting a mournful glance at her only partially eaten hotdog, she abandoned it into a nearby trashcan and ducked into an alley, pulling her leather hoodie, mask and goggles out of her backpack (thankfully, she never leaves home without them) as well as her hunting knife and brass knuckles and pulling them on and stuffing her other jacket into her bag, before running towards her bike.

Disabling the alarm, she jumped on her bike and started the engine, fully intent on speeding towards the emergency and helping out however she could.
Somebody's eager XD
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