Avatar of Rusalka


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Judas Frickin' Iscariot, Honor! I hope everything is okay! Sending prayers to you and your workers!
3 yrs ago
@Todd Howard: Son, them's fightin' words!
3 yrs ago
Fecking WiFi's running like molasses, so expect delays! *bangs fist on router*
3 yrs ago
Yo Vampy, you may try resetting your tablet's wifi connection and see if that does anything. Usually with a wireless connection, it gets iffy after a while and needs to reset.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Hey, it's all good Smarty. Just take as much time as you need. Hope everything goes well. And I'm just sayin' to swift, certain areas do not need splinters! O__O


~Resident Roleplayer, Connoisseur of the Arts, And Not a Known Giver of Fucks~
At Your Service, Ladies.

Most Recent Posts

@Letmehaveone2 Okay... I know I said I was gonna post a CS a few days ago, but I am hella tired after this week. So...CS sometime in the near future...
@Letmehaveone2 Still up for this btw. Gonna make my CS tonight
@officaz Let me take a swing at it


Natasha Romanov, S.H.I.E.L.D's top agent, has been dispatched to New York City. Her mission, to locate a notorious arms dealer who is selling weapons to the Hand, a shadowy criminal organization who poses a major threat to the city. However, her mission goes south when she discovers another is after the arms dealer. Frank Castle, better known as the Punisher. With Frank looking to wipe out her only lead to the Hand, it's a race against time for Black Widow to stop the Punisher and retrieve the dealer for interrogation.


For years, Matthew Murdock has been protecting Hell's Kitchen from the likes of criminals and lowlifes, but nothing could ever prepare him for what would happen one dark and dreary night. While on patrol as Daredevil, a familiar scent catches him off guard. How could it be possible? She was dead, but here she was standing before him in the flesh...


And worse...she was sent by Wilson Fisk to kill him.

Now Daredevil must uncover how Elektra was brought back from the grave and why she is an assassin for Fisk. Meanwhile, he must also fight his temptations to forsake Karen Page and return to his beloved Elektra.


The Punisher has killed many criminals in his lifetime, rapists, murderers, scum of the earth. However, he would soon learn there are certain things that can't be killed so easily. When what he believes was a Mafia family turns out to be a coven of powerful vampires, Frank Castle must join forces with an unlikely Ally, the vampire slayer Blade. Together with Blade, Castle will carve a bloody swath through New York City, to eradicate the vampire threat once and for all.


When Spiderman is framed for the tragic and brutal death of Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker finds himself in a fight for his life. Not only are the Police after him. He's also caught in the cross hairs of New York City's most violent vigilante, the Punisher. Now Spiderman must clear his name and discover the true killer before the police arrest him...or Frank Castle erases him.


When Natasha Romanov attempts to infiltrate a secret H.Y.D.R.A. base off the coast of Japan, she ends up being captured by the Red Skull and imprisoned for days. With no way to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers, her only chance of escape is to fight her way through. She cannot do this alone, but thankfully she has a cellmate who can help her, Elektra Natchios. However, Elektra has her own reasons for infiltrating H.Y.D.R.A.


Blade has tracked down a vampire to his coven in eastern Romania, but before he goes to kill them, he makes a startling discovery. The vampire coven is actually a Satanic cult who are planning to conjure up the Antichrist through a pregnant woman they captured. Blade slaughters the coven and rescues the woman, but his troubles aren't over yet. The Devil is bound to collect his due, and he has sent his hellish bounty hunter, the Ghost Rider, after the woman and Blade.
(Author's Note: The Ghost Rider in this plot is not Johnny Blaze but an OC Rider who willingly obeys Satan)


After Wilson Fisk is sent to prison, his criminal empire crumbles, and the buzzards have come to pick at its carcass. Hell's Kitchen is now caught in the crossfire of a major gang war between the Mafia, the Russians, and the Yakuza. Daredevil is powerless to stop all of them, and decides he needs an ally. The only one left who can help him though...is Frank Castle, the Punisher. Matt despises Frank's methods, but if he doesn't do something quick... Hell's Kitchen will go down in flames.


Spiderman has just been inducted into the Avengers, an honor he is all too happy to receive. Unfortunately, he's still a little green, according to Tony Stark and Nick Fury, and needs someone to show him the ropes. Black Widow decides to step in and be his mentor, and the two are sent off on a training mission in Los Angeles. What happens though when this training exercise becomes a real life or death situation?

@VeryV Sorry, didn't mean to be. If you want, we can just do this as a 1x1 using our characters. I mean, I'm still in the mood for a Marvel RP.
@officaz You had me at Punisher!
@Letmehaveone2 Well since you asked, the ceiling, the sky, and the heavens above. XD I've just been a wage slave for the past millennia or so, but I've been attempting to get back into RP....even though my skills are about as rusty as the Tin Man at a pool party.

Anywho, I'd be up for joining if this is still going on.
1. The Blister Exists - Slipknot
2. Flying Whales - Gojira
3. A Dangerous Meeting - Mercyful Fate
4. In the Hall of the Mountain King - Savatage
5. Apocalyptic Havoc - Goatwhore
6. Hickory Creek - Whitechapel
7. Beauty of Annihilation - Elena Siegman
8. Lilith - Butcher Babies
9. Forced Gender Reassignment - Cattle Decapitation
10. Demon Speeding - Rob Zombie
Well damn... this went down like a lead balloon.
@Letmehaveone2 Ah what the hell! ^_^ Sign me up, pardner!
Sorry guys. I really wanted to join this one, but with work and real life, things are pretty hectic right now. So I'm gonna drop. Again I'm really sorry, but I gotta focus on this stuff first.
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