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    1. Sageage 6 yrs ago


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Lancer - Percival Lily - Miyama Town - Nementon
@Cu Chulainn @Dosthou

For a time he had simply lied there. Resting. There was no need for a servant to sleep, to eat, to rest. Yet there were things that he saw, things that he had done. His body figuratively ached, even if the memory of that battle was only in his mind. It was a conflict to burn itself into the very core of the young hero.

The Lancer that returned to Hamel, covered in ash and mud was not the same one as the one who left the swamp for a frivolous desire. He was taller, and perhaps more sullen.

Well, at the least staring up into the sky that seemed to hold no hint of the malice and tragedy that had been visited upon the land yesterday the neutral expression of Percival simply took in the world instead of acting out in his strange manner for once.

It was in a sense a beautiful day if one did not consider the deaths in Miyama. The Red Knight, Ither had made sure of that.

That man had come here too, huh? Well.

His words were unkind, yet not undeserved perhaps. Unlike many others they did not quite strike the boy so cleanly. But rather they were words that stuck to what had happened, that mixed in with the memories of the day before. Under the weight of those two things even his ignorant mentality found itself pressed down, forced to listen. In a sense it was an introduction of something that was not within Percival to begin with. A heroic spirit, a servant was a fixed existence but...

A world had ended, a world had been born. With the flames and clash came the simple end of many stories, of lives. It was an utmost tragedy. It could have been worse. But perhaps if he had used his armor earlier that man would have come quicker. What an event to burn into one's very soul.

But confronting that great hero.

Crossing his own fists with ruler.

After being saved by Ruler the man who protected the Grail War walked off, no doubt with many new things to do in the wake of the incident being finished.

Despite his body not holding any of the wounds he felt the touch of the man’s iron-like body and his full presence as he was acknowledged.

Some encounters would burn into one’s core. Perhaps in a sense he had been damaged from that fight, from that fire. His spiritual core was fluctuating, growing unstable. Which experience was the one that effected him most?

Ah, someone came. It was a man he shouldn’t fight, a man he probably could not beat. But he already fought someone even more like that. In a sense that man matched that great hero as a monsterslayer, but as a hero… Well, to compare anyone to Ruler was unfair.

With a "hup!", Percival leapt to his feet, flowers scattering as he rushed to the entrance with a smile. “I’m Lancer. That sounds fine to me. Why don’t we play?”

Some things perhaps didn’t change. The kid was still just a kid no matter what sins were visited upon him.
@Cu Chulainn @Crusader Lord @Kyoka @Seirei No Hai @Reflection

Einzbern Forest

The Sensei

Some sparks flew, although that was to be expected. War was war, and the founding families were the ones who knew the dangers that they presented to each other the best.

That rider was impressive indeed he acknowledged as he saw his strength with the master’s clairvoyance. Yet to simply be strong was not enough as the defeat of Saber proved. Perhaps it was his own failing as a master, perhaps not. In the end he did not think too much of it, and even the loss of a command seal, of the greatest symbol of Roland’s legend, his sword which granted him his class container did not bother him too much.

For he knew that his servant was a hero, a servant whose essence was in struggling against hardship. Wallowing in despair, pining over the losses of his recent time in the modern age. It was nothing that he could be begrudged. He had suffered much, he had gained little. Yet…

He did not think it would simply end there, in moping. In jealousy, in regret.

Even as he clapped his disciple on the shoulder with a firm pat while looking to the servants, Til listened. “Hideyoshi, I’m glad you are well. I went to your manor during the fire, and picked up a few things you left behind. Unfortunately I did not find you there, but in the end it all ended before I could ask if I could be of use to the Second Owner.” A wistful sigh came out from him, the man simply lamenting that he could do little for the tragedy. Yet he was not held down. Nor should Saber.
"I am without my sword." He said, before turning to his fellow Saber. "And for once, I have no clear future. How exciting. What a glorious thing to add to my story when I conquer the odds."

And when he heard Saber, no, Roland’s words, Til could only smile. Indeed he picked a man who embodied the west, always marching forward.

A man led the way, but a horse marched and strode forth. A servant of the past would open the path to the future but a modern man would have to walk that path. Together they would journey, together they would arrive to what awaited them. Was that not the essence of the Journey to the West? Of their pact?

There was a wise enlightened monk who had traveled west with a number of companions. His (her) fate was in their hands, and their fate was swept along by the journey and the quest of the monk.

Was a master and servant not like that?

“It occurs to me that I have never met the Einzbern. Of the old lord Matou, and of their current representative in the war I know and have met. But never have I met the creations from Germany, the ones who are made and visit for the war.”

He did not lament their purpose. But he found himself curious. He had met familiars here and there, but he had never met a homunculus, an artificial life-form in the shape of a man that could serve in such an independent function.

Or perhaps to call them independent was a mistake to begin with? Something about them, with what he had been told… Well, it was hard to form an opinion as of now.

“I would indeed like to meet her.” were his simple words.

Words that he directed to the Rider that had given Roland a gift. “Yet before that I must thank you. Sometimes there are those who do not know of what else the world holds, or where to walk the path. That is why friends and teachers exist. I am a practitioner and traveler. As such I will thank you in food and stories! Perhaps as a test I shall have my disciple recite some of them also.” Then he suddenly sighed. “Stepping stones, perhaps in a sense one could call the lineage of magi and of dojos to be like that as well. Yet there are no kings among us of the present. Saber and I shall climb together. But for that to happen…” He may have to tap upon that knowledge. He had meant to test himself as a practitioner of that path, of martial arts. For he had accepted the duty of pursuing that from Tohsaka Nagato.


Despite his mask covering his face to Hideyoshi it was clear the turmoil that his mentor was dealing with, the dilemma, the matter of pride, or rather respect and his straight-forward path. Yet what was the most respectful path to tread at this point? Tilpo looked to Hideyoshi, head nodded in acknowledgement. The man had lost much, and carried a great burden despite being a youth. But he would hold, he would withstand it. He was trained, but training could only improve upon that which existed in the first place.

He had his faiths, he had his hopes as any teacher had. But what then were his hopes for his servant, of the war?

There are stories, tales meant to entertain. Then there were the meanings to the stories, or rather the effect that the stories should hold. Like the meaning of runes, the mysteries of stories, the crystalization of legends.

A story is told for many reasons.

But a story should have an effect on people, on the world.

Were servants not the proof of that? Til was a man who continued to see the world, to see stories. He told stories but he had not truly created nor woven a truly great story.

He wished to go west. He wished to go west like those Conquistadors who discovered a new world. From there they brought riches and new things of wonder to the world of the west. To those who lived in that western world. To those like his ancestors they visited upon them crimes, suffering, terrible things. Yet wondrous things appeared.

Because they were told that the world was larger than the one they saw.

The world was large. Asia, America, Europe! Antarctica! The moon, the galaxies! His heart swelled in jealousy and joy that he could learn of so many things that exist in the world, and that he could only see so little of it.

He was a teacher, yet he was an infant compared to these heroic spirits. Yet Roland did not look down upon him. Together they traveled a world different from the one they grew up in, and together they will fight.

Ah, it was not yet time for him to weave his own story of the west. Or so he thought. But he felt something strange. There was something for him to meet, or rather, someone. The spirits in his mask swam, attracted and almost bent in the face of a spirit much greater than all of them. If a servant was equal to thousands of human souls, then the one who roamed this forest was indeed a heroic spirit of horses.

He had raised a hand, without thinking to Rider whether it would be an insult to treat him in such a way and began to speak “What do you enjoy eating? Do you enjoy eating italian? Japanese? Dutc-...”

He looked towards the outskirts and let out a loud whinny. The sound was not that of a man, but that of a beast, a horse.

There was another legend he had to meet.
Lancer - Percival Lily - Outskirts of the burning Foreigner District/Miyama

Those blows from that great hero were indeed the destroyer of mountains, the conquerer of monsters and the diverter of rivers. Yet Percival stood against them. Waving between the blows, restoring the ground carved into trenches and craters by Ruler's blows so as to give himself a path to advance that he would not expect. Parrying and redirecting strikes with his wooden spear that groaned in protest even with its status as a Noble Phantasm.

Every inch granted was gained with the most effort Lancer had put out in his life. Blow after blow weared down at him. His hands were numb from the god-strength that threatened to tear the spear away from him. Blood dripped from his limbs, near-hits and scratching blows shredding his skin. He had taken blows that were reduced in impact from his own counter blows or parries, he had dodged many blows but he was still being worn down by the great hero who he had yet to even strike.

But then came the chance. Strike, strike, strike! With a roar Percival threw his spear into the chest of Hercules… which simply bounced off his body. Yes, indeed, that cursed body was the embodiment of human indomitability. The curse that represented the conquering of those twelve labors that could stand against all but the greatest of things.

Unfortunately his spear was just a spear, a stick in comparison to the legends of the great hero.

ᚄ SAIL, he thought to himself. It was no magic of his own, but instead of his master. But it would be enough in this case.

Just because he could not hurt Ruler with his Noble Phantasm didn’t mean he had the liberty to just give up. The spear came to life, arresting its momentum and flying back to strike at Ruler’s ax. It could not contest his strength without the power of Percival behind it, but it would give him a small opening.

Roaring out, Percival stepped in from below twisting his torso to the right. His hands clenched into fists tight enough that his fingers were whitening, and putting all that he had left he sent a blow towards the chest.

This would be the end, one way or another. This was a battle he could not win… but… He had his reasons to stand his ground. He had to try, he had to succeed, if not win.

Pelion's Pub -> Forest Outskirts

The Sensei

Tlilpojuan paused for a moment, letting out a contemplative “Hmmm?” before returning to the drink. “Another came? Is that so. Perhaps they would be a pleasant individual to meet.”

There were many things to ask, and many things that could be learned. But at the time he simply drank and ate, making merry with the crowd. Enemy servants, yakuza, foreigners. It did not matter too much to him. After all he was a man who ventured from a foreign land to see what this great world had to offer. The fruits of civilization, of the slow spread of cultures that were melding together. The end of this slowly growing globalization would only be seen in the 20th century. Yet even now he saw that the world had both grown incredibly small, and incredibly large.

The world seemed smaller once one understood part of it. But then it in turn became even larger than ever before the more you saw and experienced. The greatest and wildest dreams and imaginations of a child were nothing compared to the fruits of man and the products of human civilization.

Standing with gods, standing with those that were the heroes and living histories of man, he found his horizon expanded once more.

He admired horses. He found them regal, and worthy beasts. Yet it was the products and world of mankind that he loved.

A man became a horse, a horse walked among men.

And what he saw were wonders.

“You said this wine was for horses specifically? Ah, it is good, it is fantastic. It is the best I have drunk in all of my life in Fuyuki, in all of my life even. Yet I wish to try more! If other drinks in your pub are of this level, or even half then this war has truly been a blessing!”

Yet so ironically the city was plunged into the disaster of curses.

“Do so, Saber. I’ll trust you. I will go to Hideyoshi. He is the second owner after all, and rather than acting on my own it would be better if I were to support him.”

Without hesitation he darted out the door, calling out to the inhabitants of the pub that he will return. Even without knowing all that well of the nature of the pub, there was a confidence to his words that implied his belief that the pub would survive the fire so that he could return.

He ran through Shinto. Through their connection he saw the horrors and terrors of the fires. He could not give Saber advice on the nature of the flames, nor did he find that he could find advice on how to conquer the foes that were lined up against him. Tlilpojuan looked upon the three servants with the master’s clairvoyance, and at the least he gained information on them.

The severing of Roland’s arm came with the interference of their link, a jarring sudden experience. Yet with the control over himself that came from his devotion to martial arts Tlilpojuan kept on running without pause. Even before the blow had struck he began incanting a command, crying out to the streets, his words spreading through the city, in a faint echo as though he were a ghost.

“Return to me, Saber!”

He was already in Miyama at this time. A box in his arms. His speed was greater than most normal humans by far, and even a magus who was augmenting themselves with reinforcement magic to speed them up would likely lose to his stride.

Despite the danger of the enroaching flames he ventured into the Tohsaka Manor. Finding it empty of his pupil, Tlilpojuan instead took the action of procuring the heirloom that had he had been told of by Nagato.

In a sense the greatest treasures of the Tohsakas, yet something that had no use to Hideyoshi at the time. Not that he seemed to know that much of it.

Despite knowing little of magecraft beyond what he had inherited from his family, and what Nagato had taught him, he knew enough to do the most basic of things. Picking up a hair that belonged to his pupil he utilized a ritual of a very basic magecraft, Sympathetic Magic, so as to track him down.

“They went to the forest. Let’s go, Saber.” There was no time to lecture Saber, nor any real need. When the man appeared, armless and wounded Tlilpojuan simply offered his back and arm to carry his servant and give him a moment to rest, not just physically but mentally.

All that needed to be said was that, for it held the meaning of “Let us go to your beloved friend.

??? Lily - Outskirts of the burning Foreigner District/Miyama

“Fool’s Garb.”

What happened was not a transformation quite of Lancer himself, but rather of his clothing. The ash-coated garb that hid his potential and his fairness under the guise of an idiot melted away, the magical energy of a noble phantasm transforming it and taking form as a suit of splendid red armor.

He shone with the brilliance of a hero, his polished and beautiful armor all the more so as it marked the sudden transformation of Lancer, or rather, reveal of his own qualities with the lifting of that dreadful attire which only sought to hide glory and hide one from destiny.

What stood there was no longer a child nor a simple warrior.

Lancer had turned into a knight.

The Red Knight leapt forth, swinging his own wooden spear into the blow of Ruler, creating a struggle that created an explosive clash. The winds that ripped at their surroundings gouged and shred into dust the ground and stripped away at the homes that still were not on fire around them. Lancer flew as a missile, knocked away by the sheer power of Ruler. But he was not harmed, even as he crashed through burning walls, and spun to his feet to land onto the streets. Not from the flames, nor from the blow of Ruler. Even as he flew the Lancer began his response to Ruler, his spear lashing out to shatter and fling a firestorm at Ruler from the wreckage of burning husks and melting fences. Showering him in the obscuration of black flames. It would not hurt him, the fireballs of cursed flames washing over the protector of the grail, flame and dousing Ruler in smoke. But it was a literal smokescreen.



There was only one identity possible for the one who was a knight, a fool and a young boy all in one.

The spear grew, both as a mystery and as a weapon, as if it were a tree itself. Branches grew large only to fall off, leaves sprouted only to scatter away into the burning winds. At the end of it the spear remained a mere wooden spear. But it’s size and level as a weapon was much greater than before. Similarly Lancer in his revealed full glory was vastly different. No longer did a mere child stand before Ruler. His Saint Graph was in fluctuation, and even his stature seem to change.

He was a knight from the utopian kingdom, a famed warrior who sat at that table. As a hero he was most definitely of the highest class. Yet as a child he was only at the beginning of his legend, the starting point.

But the fact that the starting point reached that end was a reality. The end result of Lancer was already decided and dictated, and so even in that form, even as a child he shared in that. Immature, but still that hero. Only now did Lancer prove himself to truly be that man.

His charge forth towards Ruler held a speed greater than what he had exhibited in the past by a multitude. His eyes were sharper, looking at the great hero with clarity, even muddled through his own mind.

His thrust towards Ruler came from a blindspot, as much as a blindspot could exist against this man. His skill with his spear sharpening seemingly with each step he took, and guided by his skill. This was a blow that even Ruler could not take lightly.

In the midst of a tragedy, in a town where people were overwhelmed by curses. There was one boy who was showered in nothing but blessings.

His name was Percival.

??? Lily - Outskirts of the burning Foreigner District/Miyama

The day was one that started normally, carefree. The battles, if they could be called that, of yesterday mere memories of exploration. The playtime with the other child servant inconsequential and yet of great fun.

Then came a whisper, then came a time that Lancer could not ignore.

He had shared what he had learned with his master, and even asked him to talk to another servant or two before suddenly leaving his master alone. A dangerous thing to do in a grail war, and yet the danger had yet to come.

What he was doing was worth the absence of his master’s guard for the time being.

Lancer ran through the streets, through the fires. Covered in ash that clung to him like ghostly grasps from those who burned up before him. From dying person to dying person he ventured, his presence like the grim reaper as with his appearance they all seemed to give up, losing their last remaining grasps on their ability to defy their end. Holding a writhing sack, more than what had been mixed in at the harbor now swam in the bag. The dead gathered, suffering gathered. Those that died in pain, resentment, hopelessness. A stain, a grudge that remained even after death, an imprint on the world that screamed of an unjust end.

Shackled, bound, imprisoned. The bag then was surely like a grave, just like the town that burned with its inhabitants offered as kindling.

Not even a carefree youth could laugh in such a time, and his face was simply blank, almost cold. For the sake of the war, for the sake of… There was something that Lancer needed to do. Silently he continued to venture from person to person, their deaths simply arriving with him. It was not a matter of a merciful death, it was simply that they no longer held the ability to struggle further.

With Lancer’s presence they were not killed, but rather they died. Died to the flames that scorched even the soul, that burned black with malice and hatred. Burn, burn, burn. The flames and sack swelled as a result.

And so he left, with nothing but the silenced dead and burning flames. Greyed and covered in the dust of the deceased. A ghastly and ghostly sight as the ash covered up more than his strange clothing could ever.

A ghost of Miyama, a reaper of Miyama. Where he ventured people died. Those who struggled in the face of the accursed flames perished when he came to them.

Him, he was coming.

He could not be allowed to do that, he could not be allowed to ruin this. If that was allowed to happen then things would likely come to an end. The other interference was seen to by negotiations but this… This was someone that his plans could not stop so easily.

This could not simply be stopped.

So he left, leaving to the edge of the burning district. There alone he waited, even as the fire slowly spread and other servants battled in the background. Absentmindedly he noted the large golem that his master had constructed in the far distance and nodded to himself.

Then he came. Even without the voices he would have known that he arrived. That presence, that brilliantly shining presence that was so formidable.

A ragged breath came out from Lancer as he gestured towards the burning town.

“I can’t let you do that. That won’t do at all.” He took his spear in hand and looked up to the giant. The shadows cast down by the blackened flames coated him, as though trying to hide the nature of what colored the gray-coated child. Ah, but there was no lie. The ashes and the sack spoke of death, of regret, of resentment.


Lancer readied himself, confronting the one who oversaw the Grail War and protected the ritual, speaking an incantation and bringing forth the telltale magical energy of a noble phantasm that then enveloped him.

"Fool's Garb."
WOrking on a few things. Had to clear it with the gms so it’s taking a bit of time. Sorry.
@ssw @Dosthou

Lancer Lily - Leaving Pellion's Pub - > Shinto for a change of pace.

There was no hostile killing intent. Nor did the voices tell him to fear.

After all this was a game. To begin with the innocent trust that Lancer held in Gatekeeper’s words were something that would have left him accepting of the other boy’s unrestrained usage of his abilities for the game.

After that even if Gatekeeper were some genius able to hide his intent to kill, to strike and do harm until the very last moment, Lancer held a skill that would have warned him of such a danger.

And so they played, Lancer and Gatekeeper defying common sense, simply playing as youths who did not know that youths were not supposed to be like this in the day and age where heroes no longer existed.

His master was not perhaps happy for some reason, but he was safe and there was no danger. Despite the fact that they travelled later to Lancer’s home and territory, he reassured his master that they were not in danger. The fact that they were also visiting a pub may have helped with that convincing.

“Master, Master. Let’s go!” Lancer cried out before grabbing Hamel’s hands and dragging him out.

“Today is a day where we fight!”

Oh, of course he also waved goodbye to his new friend to which he even carelessly mentioned his real name to.

@Reflection@Paradox Witch @Cu Chulainn @Froppy

Pellion's Pub

The Sensei

The identity of Lancer was something that escaped the two. Yet with a certain speed and ability, along with a baeful spear it was certain that she earned the title of one of the knight classes. A rival to Saber in a number of aspects. It was however not a bad fight and he certainly learned of the capabilities of servants.

What a truly western experience. The two were fighters who he could not match in a fight. He could not keep up with their blows, he could not withstand their blows, nor could he overcome that disparity with skill as their knowledge and trained bodies exceeded him with knowledge as well.

Yet he did not quite feel fear. Oh no, he only felt elation. He was truly seeing the best of what the world had to offer. He shook his to Saber’s warning. “We will never be more ready, unless we speak of learning more of their identity. In that case we can only learn by fighting her further? Do you not see then, Saber? We are always ready to fight Lancer.”

With a grin he slapped Saber on the back.

“After battle comes rest. A drink, sleep, then more drink!”

At least for Tlilpojuan that was the case.


“A trap, a trap. Perhaps. But a business is hardly really the ideal place for a trap. Furthermore if they wished for it to be a trap then it is likely they wouldn’t set it up in the city where it could become a great mess. Even if they hold a great bounded field, or a great trap their foes are also great heroes. Much too risky in a number of ways. I feel that they would instead choose the outskirts of the city, or a more advantageous location. Well, perhaps the city itself is an advantageous location of sort… but if that was the case then it would be less about the pub and more about the general area.”

He waved the poster that was in his hand in front of Saber’s face “There is also the chance that their abilities may factor heavily into human civilization. But that is no matter. If there is drink that cheap then there is no reason not to go. If there are foes there, then there we will fight. This is a war after all, not a matter of a show.”

Without fear he opened the door to the bar when they finally arrived. “A number of shots, and then something that’s best to greet a new day with. A riser, a riser. Something that will boil the blood.”


Ah, that man. Looking upon the man who was in the bar, Tlilpojuan felt something. Yes, a stirring of something that was a greater existence and yet of the same type.

“Ah…” he murmured before rubbing at his mask. Yes, the spirits within resonated. There was something to this pub and he found that it was enticing.

Well, that could wait for another time. They had a snack as they walked, but now it was time to drink.

@ssw @Dosthou

Lancer Lily - Miyama Town

“I’m Lancer.” the youth said with his beaming smile. Hardly one to be idle he began to walk around Gatekeeper in a circle, dragging his heels against the ground as he did so.

The fact that Gatekeeper commented not on the strange garb that made Lancer look quite silly and foolish simply was a testament to his purity. One could say that children all held such a quality, yet there were those who would no doubt focus in and hone in with derision that came only with youth. Belittlement and attacks that came without true malice, or came out of a dislike that was also pure was sometimes the most painful.

Yet Gatekeeper was indeed what could only be called a beautiful youth, a beautiful boy who in mind and body held something that could only be kept as a thing to cherish.

In contrast the fair, but ill-garbed appearance of Lancer was also fitting to his personality. No malice or illness were held with him either, but nor was it the presence of niceness. Indeed, unfettered in a sense by normal values, even the diluted form children normally held, he was more dangerous than a unpleasant child.

Yet the two held some common ground, and so it was not a surprise that they simply accepted each other as children who sought a friend, a peer.

“The bag used to have cats. I had to kill some rats, so I got some fish so I could get some cats! But I’m all out of cats so I’ll have to get some more. I’m on break, so I decided to look for a friend, and then I found you.”

He held up the bag towards Gatekeeper… only to pause and tilt his head to the side. Lancer only now noticed the oddity that had come to permeate the bag. “Hmm, that’s weird…” he murmured before giving off a shrug. “Oh well. Now’s the time for playing.” The grudges were simply dismissed, irrelevant to the focused world of a child.

“Why don’t we play with a ball, or look for something fun?”
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