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Faber was looking forward to a little tour of the cottage when he heard the little bump and noticed Ash grabbing a staff. "If it isn't any inconvenience to you of course. I would love to see and hear about this place but not to your discomfort of course," he said with a friendly smile. The rooms he had been in so far seemed in good enough shape and he was pretty sure the rest would be in equal shape.

Vivianne looked at Ash. "I would love to see the sun-room and the garden." She glanced outside. "But only briefly. We shouldn't be back later then Marigold get's home and I would definitely need time to gather my composure. So dear, we better conclude it soon, i'm sure the contract and everthing takes time as well."
Faber nodded. "Quite right, we can't not be home when she returns." Faber looked at Ash. "But if it's allrgit by you i thinkthere is time for a quick tour."

Marigold hummed softly as she got up and started to slowly head back. She was taking a slightly different path. She picked the last herbs she needed and made sure nothing could fall out. "Well then, that's that." She tilted her head slightly. She thought she heard less birds chirping then before and that made her frown a bit. Birds usually didn't grow silent for nothing. Marigold couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, the forest seemed as peaceful as ever, so soon she felt as carefree as before that moment.

Hazel liked this part of the city a lot.
"I hope she won't mind me being there too," she said to April while she as looking at the houses they passed to memorise the route they took. Hazel could imagine that a stranger getting there uninvited and knowing about something probably personal could be not very appreciated.
Sarah's lips curled upwards when Regan rolled her eyes. It wasn't her first goal in life to entertain others but it always felt good if it was well-received. Sarah never had been very social but Regan was pleasant company. She appreciated it when others were skilful, resourceful and knew what they want in life. Besides, when she would be a pokemon reseacher she would have to learn to work with others and this might be a good experience.

Sarah nodded, she shared the sentiment to enjoy working with pokemon. It beats working with people all day. She felt a pang of annoyance when Regan mentioned 'just looking into a missing wild Onyx.' Of course it was important otherwise the professor wouldn't have asked. And it was very important to her as it was for her education. But the tone in which it was said didn't strike her haughty or something, Regan did seem to genuinely enjoy the assignment so far. And if Sarah was honest a lot of people wouldn't even bother about a pokemon.

"You definitely have more experience than I have. I travelled and trained but I mostly studied. I quickly found out that battling just to battle wasn't my thing. I never even did the league. I travelled to the Indigo Plateau to watch the league and observe the trainers and their pokemon." Sarah sighed, "I'm good with pokemon but not a great adventurer." She glanced at Regan. "It is a good assignment to start with, great way to get a good feel about this island. And it is a good assignment for me to get a good grade and get some of the teachers off my back. That and seeing the Onyx for once myself." Not that she needed this assignment to pass the year, her grades were good enough.

Gabe frowned confused, he didn't see why it was that bad that his sister was here. Sure sisters could be a nuisance but couldn't imagine why someone would panic over a sister being near.
But he nodded.
"Sure, let's go. This way." Gabe said as he led the way. "We can take a shortcut by not following the road. And if we keep a good pace we'll be there in no time."
He paused, "Why is your sister being here a bad thing?" he finally asked.

Mareep looked worried, "What will she do when she finds you guys?" she asked while she was following Gabe.
Duncan looked around and rubbed his hands pleased, everyone seemed to have made a decision. "Great! That's solved. I'd say lets not waste precious daylight."
Duncan turned to the Hermit. "Thank you for letting us stay here and enjoy your hospitality. You helped us a great deal. Do you need some more help with something before we leave?"

Crreessa glanced at RedClaws. "should we go with Rachel and Damien or Duncan and Noble?. Both might lead closer to capitol." Crressa wished she could travel with Rai but she was going too far from her destination.
RedClaws examined everyone. "Going with Damien would have the benefit of learning sone things but we might get sucked back into the order. Going with Noble and Duncan will probably be a detour but easier to split off from."

Alan grinned happily. "See? The young,cool squad. We have the young bard too." Alan was completely unphased by Trevor's glare. Alan chuckled after Ricki spoke. "You are still a better rider combo than me and Terasivas." He said with a wink.

Gnol looked at Mikhal disappointrd. "Sorry to hear that young bard, I would have loved to sing songs by the campfire at night. But I understand, for humans the dragon sanctuary is something extraordinary and an opportunity you cannot pass." Gnol grinned.
"I will give your regards to Ebkor and I hope our paths cross again."
Sarah watched the interaction with Rapier and the ranger. She smiled amused when Regan launched her pokemon. It showed her the bond between them. The ranger was quickly rising in her esteem and seemed to be an enjoyable travel partner. She enjoyed being out and walking in the nature.

Rapier was flying ahead now and Sarah nodded when Regan suggested to follow him.

Regan started talking and Sarah glanced in her direction a few times. Her lips curled up in an amused smile when the last question was asked. "What path?" Sarah looked downwards. "This one I'd say." Sarah grinned before she looked ahead again. "I'm not a typical trainer no. Even though I did walk that path briefly. I even picked up a pokemon in the lab Kanto and did two gyms there. But I am a student now. I study to become a pokemon researcher." Sarah paused. "I love pokemon and I realised that there is still so much to discover, so much we don't know. And I want to part of that." She looked at the other female again. "What made you decide to become a ranger?"
Really back now ^_^

@ouTland01 @AXIS Sorry to make you both wait.
Duncan glanced at Madeline. "Maybe you should, her Majesty could use her friend there amongst the suitors. And I could use your honest opinion about them at the table." he said as he walked on.

When he reached the doors that lead outside towards the herbal garden he opened it and let Lady Madeline go through first. The scents of the herbs greeted them already.

"Let's take a stroll through the garden, a little light walking before dinner is great to get some appetite. Besides, knowing our cook, it'll be an elaborate meal again."

Keith hoped that a signal would be given when dinner was about to ready, something like a horn or whatever. He would hate to miss dinner. But riding and getting to know his fellow suitor was a nice way to spend the time before dinner.
He looked around a bit, to see if Desmond would be outside too but he couldn't spot anyone right now.
Again, Keith thought about how he acted when Nora had introduced herself. "I do want to apologise for my behaviour when you introduced yourself. I can safely say I did not expect that but I could have acted a bit more prince worthy or something."
Sarah nodded and returned the smile. "Ready. Let's go." She followed Regan outside, pleased to see the ranger was well prepared. Sarah looked in the direction they would be going. It wasn't the first time she was going there but she never spotted the Onyx before. There was a path, a direct road and usually kept well enough to travel with ease. "There is a path that leads to the rocky area where the Onyx resides. If we go straight North from here we'll get to the path, maybe an hour away when walking normally, it'll go a little North-East."

Sarah looked at Regan's pokemon, she had seen Rapier before. Even pointed the flying type out to Lorie. But so close she could study the pokemon better. "No, I'm sorry, I haven't seen the Onyx myself yet. It must have a good hiding place so any cave or caverns Rapier could spot would narrow it down. Maybe some of them can be better seen from a different angle then eye-height. Or spot some kind of tracks that are larger then average Onyx make."

Gabe nodded and quickly went to grab a drink and a little bag of assorted nuts. He frowned as he heard the Pokedex and looked worried when Lucian was starting to freak out. "What's up buddy?" he asked, "something wrong? Anything I can do to help?" Gabe couldn't imagine what it could be.

Machop looked up alarmed as he heard the tone. "His sister? Bad news I take it. She contacted him through the dex or something?" Mareep looked with big eyes at Lucian. "Poor guy, We should hurry and hide him away in his house."

@CitrusArms @JrVader
Sarah was sitting on a chair near the window staring outside with her headphones on. This time she had chosen the view near the front desk. The music she was listening too blocked out most other sounds. When she wasn't staring outside she was silently looking at the lady behind the desk. She still didn't know the name of the front desk lady and she didn't care either. Sarah sighed and stared outside again. She had just had her meds and she hoped they wouldn't have any side effects. The music in her ears helped her, it always had. But the annoying messages always came trough.

With another sigh, Sarah lifted one side of the earphones to listen. Great, a horror movie or a cooking lesson. Sarah really just wanted to go to her room or sit somewhere quiet. And some girl, she hadn't known at all, left. Good for her.
But the therapist had urged her to seek contact. To socialise. If she wouldn't go, more therapy sessions would follow for sure and again she would have to explain why she was not seeking any contact.
Maybe she would do the cooking. The therapist had said that if she'd cook herself it might give her more appetite. The little amounts she ate had been concerning the staff. On the other hand, in a movie she could just slip on her earphones and listen with her eyes closed to the music. No one would notice and she wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Sarah shook her head. The cooking thing probably was the smarter thing to do.

Sarah's eyes were drawn to the front desk when one of the other residents slapped her hand on the desk. That was a bit odd. And if Sarah had to be honest it wasn't the only odd thing going on around here but she couldn't put her finger on it.
Sarah got up and followed the other woman, maybe give a word of encouragement. One could become best friend in 6 months.
She glanced towards the clock. Sarah had taken her medication during breakfast at 7 am, which meant somewhere between 9 and 10 the meds should work at their best. Last time she spoke to her doctor about he said he would fix it. But Sarah wasn't so sure.

Sarah stopped when she heard someone talk to Sienna and looked at Sienna. Sienna didn't look well indeed. Sarah hoped it wasn't a stomach bug or the flu going around. "Perhaps some water?" Sarah offered. This should count as being social Sarah wondered what the therapist would see as an adequate level of socialising before she could mind her own business again.
Sarah nodded when professor Maple spoke. She had heard about the Onyx and it had been a pokemon she wanted to see anyway. Hearing it hadn't been seen for a while made her think of the reasons why. "Of course Professor, I'll leave right away," Sarah said before she turned to Regan. She looked at the Ranger as she introduced herself.

Sarah arched her eyebrow when Regan said how lucky she was. Sarah didn't feel particularly lucky to have someone escorting her, but it was probably for the best.
"Very Lucky," Sarah said with a small smile. "I'm Sarah. And if possible I would like to leave right now. Unless you need to buy some supplies at the Pokemart?" She asked Regan.

"Awesome, this way," Gabe said before he turned to lead the way. "My parents aren't home though, they both are working," he said as he walked on. "My house is easy enough to spot, the house has a pond and a massive oak tree in the front yard. And dark green doors with a big door knocker in the shape of a Timburr."

Gabe stopped in front of his parent's house. "This is my place. Make a mental picture so you can find it again," he said with a wink. "Wanna grab a drink inside or go further to your place. It'll be a good walk."

@JrVader @CitrusArms
I'm sorry it took so long but I finally have time again. I had some really busy days.
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