Avatar of Sarcelle Renard
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@SMS @Crimmy @chukklehed

Yuuhei Seiho

Saturday Morning – Practice Building?

The brisk jog to the AV room was thankfully rather uneventful. But with his surroundings still doing a marvelous job of convincing him that he had been cast for a role in a horror movie, it was nearly impossible to calm down and pretend like he did not just make a giant flesh robot explode with a magic gust of wind. Man, the whole situation was getting dangerously close to being too absurd for him to take in his usual confident stride.

Tsubaki threw the door open with gusto, the near manic excitement she was letting off almost enough to make even Yuuhei worry. The blond didn’t say anything though, because as far as he was concerned it was more important for them to keep moving. Especially if the alternative was to wait for more grotesque things to greet them. Yet the universe seemed to think it was unbelievably funny, as even without his glasses Yuuhei was able to make out a sight inside of the AV room that seemed to exist for the sole purpose of making him eat his unspoken words.

"So what's the plan?"

Yuuhei barely registered his underclassmen was speaking as he unconsciously made his first sound decision of the day. One hand grabbed Tsubaki by the collar of her uniform and yanked her out of the doorway, while his other one unceremoniously slammed the door to the AV room shut. It had been difficult for him to make out specifics of the thing, but it was painfully clear that golden eye, which had jerked about with rabid fervor, did not have their best interests in mind.

”How does this sound?” Yuuehi finally replied to Natsume a bit too nonchalantly, ”We keep walking, pretend we didn’t see anything, and not talk about what we just saw ever again. I’m positive Piggy-kun will understand.”

But despite his recommendation, Yuuhei took position next to the door with an amused smile and listened for whatever the thing decided to do next. His hand reached into his pocket and withdrew another dart. Sure, they had proven to be disastrously useless in their last fight, but for some reason the weight still filled him with some small sense of security.

His eyes darted to his two companions, silently asking if they were ready for what came next.
@Dynamo Frokane Timeline wise, Reiji would still be a lil shit in his old band, so I really can't find a way to justify bringing him into this RP.

Now his older brother on the other hand... I may be able to put together an interesting CS for him.
@chukklehed I don't really have much to post, so I say you don't need to worry about my turn.

Unless of course @Crimmy wants to throw something in our way.
@SMS @Crimmy @chukklehed

Yuuhei Seiho

Saturday Morning – Practice Building?

The blond’s sheepish grin twitched a bit out of nervousness, as even without his glasses Yuuhei had quite a bit of practice when it came to picking up on the telltale signs of a disappointed underclassmen thanks to Saika. But even as he noticed her expression narrow accusatorially, part of him was quite intrigued to see what kind of reaction his blunder was going to reward him with.

Yuuhei let out a pained grunt and recoiled physically from Natsume’s admonishment, throwing a hand over his heart as if it had just been pierced by her words. His theatrics, like usual, went largely unnoticed as the white haired girl turned to Ms. I Want Off This Ride and asked for her name.

A playful smirk pulled at Yuuhei’s lips as the young girl bowed deeply after stumbling shyly through her introduction. If they made it out of this alive, he had to remember to rope her into joining the Newspaper Club as well, because he could tell this Tsubaki girl could give him plenty of amusing reactions. But before the gears in his head could start turning to make his whim a reality, the dark haired girl was already taking off down the hallway.

The blond could only blink a few times and turn to the fuzzy outline of Natsume and shrug before chasing after his new ward. Whatever she had come up with was almost certainly better than just hanging around in this sketchy corridor, just waiting for something else to go terribly wrong.
Oi, apologies for the rather poor Houdini act. I'm working on a short post now and should have it up in a few.
@Mae I am satisfied with these rolls and shall prostrate myself before the dice gods in gratitude.

And I would indeed like to get a roll on the acquaintance table, if you would be so kind.
@Mae A: Friend B: Friend

I will also be using my If-Then: If friend, then not from the Wolfrahg tribe.
@Mae Feir has seen a lot, so let's go with 4.

I will veto crush though, as he really isn't the type to get too hung up on people. And someone needs to limit the pining we will have in this RP

Locking crush (same as last time)
Love: Narcissa @Melo the plot sounds fun and I would hate to take away from Nissa's harem
Removed the rest as those characters aren't in this iteration
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