Avatar of ScreenAcne


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1 yr ago
Current roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Not giving up. Be a space monkey in the depths of scifi hell.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Zooming near zero hear, kindred. Check it out. Help me out.
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1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Help me out, kindred. Let know what flow goes for your soul.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Need more people. Come, come. Contribute to the horrified screams in darkness.
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1 yr ago
Holy Shit!


Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

Most Recent Posts


Shit, I'm more curious to know where you're keeping the fountain youth, motherfucking, you look younger than a wanna-be disney animator dream and you're wearing a bath robe.
I was, like, coughing up some considerations to put some creation in this cradle of, motherfucking, characters.

Mario can't save you this time, brother.
Posted. It's pretty basic but it should elicit a proper set up.


The world of Handon had been at relative peace for decades, tragedy came as it always did but left just as any guest who outstayed its welcome. Great and lesser houses enjoyed the comfort of a supportive king, long cooperation, and few conflicts. What the youth of the coming age did not know was that this time was to come to an end. Not only would the peaceful, static life style that they had to come expect in their isolated nobility but the world they never knew beyond the occasional glance at a map and numbing lectures by tutors too will change.

Clouds cloaked the oncoming night, swallowing all in darkness besides some budding, village lights burning with the tenacity of timid glow worms. The keeps walls moaned as the rain battered against it. Guards retreated to their barracks in order to not slip constantly on the rounded blocks, secure in the knowledge that if there were a force marching outside it would be cemented in slippery mud. Reports will come in days later than even in the deserts, an unnatural rain had flooded sand in dangerous waves down all its mounds and hills.

This night will bring three things with it, the first is the storm, the second is Merin decision to come, the third is...well...

a letter...


The years is 1089, 4, 12. The age of the fisher, and 3 months before the great King Merin's 99th birthday.

I write to inform all Great Houses that the Mixing of the Lands has come to pass. A tradition set forth by the second king of Handon; Makon Berethen, in which five chosen youth, eligible to marry , will live in a willing rival families home for the purpose of increasing their lore, wisdom, experience, and to encourage the finding of partners between powers. Whom will be sent is chosen by the family, traditionally, but in the event that an authority is not able to do it within a week, then the King will decide. The length of the stay is 2 months, but a longer period may be discussed between the authorities of each House.

House Vidokar will be hosting for House Ap'Arthmael

House Bosanda will be hosting for House Pheonix

House Noire will be hosting for House Verolin


Members of the family are reminded that during this period official forces from the capital will be supporting the retainers sent with the guests. The accompanying guards are official hands of the kings own authority, whom will include a small league of veteran knights. These men are to make sure that despite any differences that may arise they will not harm either houses directly or indirectly.


Shit, this gallery of ghouls and good guys is, motherfucking, a pretty good turn out. Normally my RP gets less traffic than a pork free barbecue in the outback of Texas.

The prologue post will be up tonight. I'll be handling any sheets I still need to do before that though. If you know a brother or sister that might like to be in this twister of misters, they can still post a sheet to join. But once the prologue is done submissions are closed.


I dig this diamond, brother. I like how you are referencing my rough raps into this royale. Even using the slang paper kings.

My only, motherfucking. moan about this marvel is 3 things:

I'd like to see just a little bit more hint towards the dangers of training for magic in the culture. Not alot, even if it just the effect of such high hazard rates in the families and populace in a line or two. You did a bit of this towards your character which is a good start.

In future. Slimming its fat away a little would improve this sheet. It's good conceptually and in lore references, it just a little fat.

Over use of the word sorcerer. I know, that's like, they're name and all that title, but breaking it up even just a little helps the writing stay fresh and keep track of where I was reading.

But those are like, sheet, writing, motherfucking. shit.

I'm ready to accept this if you just solve the first one alone.

I made it a hard line mark to begin with because I wasn't sure what kind of writers would sign up. But you kindred, all seem pretty sensible. So, yeah. I'll remove that.

The post amount is contextual sensitive:

Standard Posts: are things like "My character goes over to the dinner table. He looks at the charming, enchantress in her golden eyes as he passes" Now, I don't want to put on red on anyone wedding dress here, kindred. But I've seen all sorts of wizards with pens be great at putting smoke and powder onto this digital chowder..but pads it harder than a Japanese shrine.

This ^ is mostly where the 2 min to 5 paragraphs applied most, but. you know. It's a long ass suggestive guide line to put in a OOC.
Scenic posts: describing your house.

Intro Posts: naturally being cinematic or taking an approach to introduce you or a person.

Threatric: When two characters are actually interacting and something is being added. You know, drama. Depth. Convo. Fights. That kind of stuff.

Story Important: This is stuff pertinent to the entire rp such as speeches, marriages, political talk say..between a father and another about a set up marriage. This stuff forwards not just one story, but ALL of the character stories inadvertently.

All of those. I trust you to keep their length sensible and focus on overall pertinent details-character growth, lore, rp itself ectr- but you can pretty type as most as you like...but if you're nearing say double digit paragraphs it might be an idea to cut it down a little.

There is no specific character max.

Basically. I'm trusting you guys judgement more or less.


Just to paint a clear picture for my persona's who might not, mtoherfucking. manage to marage the system for voting in their heads. I'm gonna lay one down here.

Lesser House Leffen's: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASSETS : INFLUENCE: POPULATION: POP Traits: Cautious/ Mercantile/ Isolationist
1 1 3
Assets: A small amount of farm land. A single barracks. A small manor.
Influence: Are established nobles. Have no recognize authority. Aren't known for anything. No religion.


1 Make a speech appealing to pop. The speech is good so they buy it. They vote for char 1.

2: tries to win the house itself. The House overall power is only 2.

Char 1 wins this round by number.

Now. I will be adding 1 point. Just 1. If the dialogue is especially good, incharacter and convincing.

and another 1 if the overall post itself is written well but I won't hand those out easily.

This is just an example of what I'm doing behind the scenes to judge voting winners at the end. Just so you kindred know I ain't arbitrarily picking someone.

House families decide who they vote for, not the characters in this game. They just are put forward for kinhship, to marry other houses and play the marriage game. The house itself and its beliefs vote in this system.
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