Avatar of ScreenAcne


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1 yr ago
Current roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Not giving up. Be a space monkey in the depths of scifi hell.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Zooming near zero hear, kindred. Check it out. Help me out.
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1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Help me out, kindred. Let know what flow goes for your soul.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Need more people. Come, come. Contribute to the horrified screams in darkness.
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1 yr ago
Holy Shit!


Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

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shit, yeah. Maybe my blood bread winner put me in dance class because my insatiable suckling of chicken nuggets were making me fat.

shit, sure.




with the pious sister, motherfucking, pirouette

shit, I literally motherfucking, picked that mathmatic at random. Figures it would be a carnival.

Count me in the clown crew, my comrade of the computer council.
oh, shit, numbers.




uhm. Jove, shit, why not.

shit. I get it, sister. We throw one die, that picks a section. Then we throw another die. That determines the thing in the section.

Then we motherfucking, share one to the diagram player. Sort of like, motherfucking, RNG shopping in an isle grocery stall.

Is there a numerical shaker system inbuilt in RPGuild?@Mae

shit, I like my jeans in y size, sister.
I'm in.

I'm feeling play 1 or 3.
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