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@tobiax Okay, thanks. Waffling between Ta- or Fe-Matoran now. I'll try to get a CS up soon-ish.
@tobiax Okay, thanks, but I would suggest putting that somewhere in the OP because it isn't there. I checked the whole post, and based on the descriptions of the congro and the innate powers of the different types of Matoran, you can get kind of an idea, but it's never explicitly explained anywhere.

Still interested, and waffling between a Vo- or Ta-Matoran, or maybe a Fe-Matoran. Suffice to say, I'm in and will get to work on a CS soon.

P.S. If you're going to keep with the canon of each type of Matoran being only one gender (all Ta-Matoran male, all Ga-Matoran female, etc.), that would also be a good thing to put in the OP so people know what gender is associated with each type of Matoran. If you're going to throw out that part of the canon, though, that's totally fine.
Definitely interested, but you please clarify the elements of each of the prefixes. I remember the original six (Ta-fire, Ga-water, Po-stone, Onu-earth, Ko-ice, Le-wind/air), and I think Fe is iron, but I can't remember the others. It has been years, after all.
@KaiserElectric Like I said to @Jones Sparrow, we all understand how crazy real life can get, so there's no need to apologize for disappearing to take care of your irl stuff. We all have been there, probably more times than we can remember, so we totally understand.
@Jones Sparrow Yeah, basically what @Zoey White said. I think we all understand how crazy real life can get, so take care of your irl stuff first, and we'll still be here ready to continue even if you have to drop off the face of the interwebs for a week or a month or more.
Valanx woke up later than usual the next morning due to staying up later than usual the night before with the poker game with the rest of the crew. Even so, he was one of the first to wake up due to not having to sleep off the effects of alcohol and cigar smoke like the rest of the crew needed to do. He took about half an hour to shower and change and generally clean up, as he did every morning, and headed immediately to the lab where he had been dismantling the cryo-pod the day before. As far as he could tell, he had uncovered all of the pod's physical secrets, or at least all the physical secrets that could be uncovered, yesterday. All that was left, then, was the files on the hard drive, some of which he had already looked over, which is how he had found out the girl's name, age, and place of origin. If he was going to find out anything more about Rendyl, it wouldn't come from the files on the pod's hard drive, but the other files he had copied over to his computer might still have some interesting information to reveal. This was what he was looking through as the rest of the crew began waking up and communicating. Since none of the communications involved Valanx for the time being, he ignored them and focused on finding out what else he could about the pod, who had made it, where it was intended to go, and why. This had to be breaking at least a dozen of the Federation's own laws, and yet the Federation had some hand and stake in this, even if they hadn't been directly involved in what was, essentially, human trafficking, though for what purpose Valanx was still uncertain. Rendyl's telepathy was obviously a factor, what with the gift being almost unheard of among the known races, but Valanx was unconvinced that it wasn't something far deeper and far more sinister.
@Esailia Me, I think. I'll try to get something up soon, probably around Monday-ish, depending on how much school stuff I need to do and how long that stuff takes.
Seeing their stats will only help if they understand what those stats mean, which I don't think Milo does. I kind of feel sorry for him right now. His first day of his new life is not turning out to be a very good one.
Milo used the tall grass as cover whenever he could and easily weaved around and between obstacles almost as if they weren't there. After a while, he stopped to catch his breath, having put a fair amount of distance between himself and the soldiers. That was when he heard the blast, the shouting, and the general chaos as a pack of wolf creatures bore down on the soldiers and other kids. Milo didn't know what to do. He had never been in this sort of situation before, and he certainly didn't want to be in this situation now. Unfortunately, that wasn't something that was in his power to decide. That power was taken even more out of his hands when one of the wolf creatures saw him and began running after him. With no other thought of what to do, Milo fled from the creature.

"Run Away Level 1 Acquired! Would you like to use Run Away skill now?"

Run Away skill? What is this voice talking about? Milo asked, utterly bewildered, but aloud, he said, "Yes! I want to run away from this thing!"

"Run Away skill activated!"

At first, it didn't seem like anything had happened, then Milo realized he was moving faster and avoiding pitfalls and obstacles in the terrain that he hadn't even realized were there. It didn't take long for Milo to leave the wolf creature behind. What he hadn't realized was that he was running right back in the direction he came, which was also right back towards the soldiers that he had been running from in the first place. There would be no escaping from them this time, however, as they soon closed ranks around him and the other kids. Milo was terrified and had no idea what was happening. He made a mental note to run away again at the earliest opportunity, if he didn't get killed first.
No worries. We all have stuff to do. I'm getting ready to head back to uni this weekend, so that will keep me busy.

So, did no one notice Milo running away, or did they completely close ranks to keep anyone from running away?
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