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Cyne looked to his teammates and observed their behaviors and their replies.

As he spoke to Silas previously, it was hard not to notice Gaz's dismay of their current situation. However, it was for far different and insane reasons. While closing the blast doors bought them time to plan their next move, the decision was however evidently unpopular for the Fungai; having been not only denied but also delayed in participating in the eventual carnage that was about to ensue. Besides that, Gaz boasted his capabilities that Cyne couldn't deny and having their walking tank at the front would've certainly increased their chances with the Hive in a direct and aggressive manner.

Gerad on the other hand didn't think like Gaz and rightly pointed out that their job didn't include dealing with the Hive. They were already pushing their luck by cruising through a system in-conflict; dealing with Hive on top of that had made their odds unfavorable despite the advantages they held. Gerad ultimately vouched to destroy the vessel and destroy both the Hive and the invading mercenaries. In addition, the plan ensured that whatever secretive data that remained in the lab would not fall into the wrong hands.

In the end however, it was Silas' choice to make. And he chose to blow the vessel.

"Acknowledged," Cyne replied in agreement.

Their new plan now was to rendezvous with Silas and Macklyn at the ship's armory, located nearby the munitions deck where all ship-based ammunition was stored and delivered to many of the Balrog's main guns and secondary weaponry. Stealing the assets within the armor and rigging munitions would be a simple process. Getting there however meant having to force their way through a deck that was now swarming with Hive and mercs. The area would quite literally be a warzone but with both parties violently disputing territory, they could very well get by without drawing too much attention to themselves. Cyne could already imagine Gaz taking his moping and groaning even further with the prospect of avoiding a direct fight with the fight; hopefully the Fungai would find some appeasement with reading the armory.

After Silas gave his orders, Cyne complied, "We'll meet you there, boss," Suddenly, the last blast shield buckled with many hideous growls and screams resonating from the other side, "right after we deal these uninvited guests."

Cyne found some irony in the statement; technically, they and the invading mercenaries were the uninvited ones here. The Hive were simply running their twisted version of pest control, "you heard the boss; once we're through with this bunch, we're regrouping at the armory to light this place up. Get ready!"

As if on cue, the armor-plated surface of the blast door shifted in color and quality. From the center spreading out, the chromic finish contorted into a mushy green before the epicenter gave way, clearing a hole through the shield. From the other side, a glut of tendrils spewed out before congregating into a pair of massive limbs and forcing the weakened slab open. With a mighty roar, the creature on the other end peeled the door away and stumbled forwarding, revealing its immense and meaty form.

A Brute. It was the Hive’s very own siege engine and battering ram and one of its number had forced its way in with a horde of murderous creatures rushing behind it. Cyne reacted quickly and fired of a magnetically accelerated .50 caliber round. Brutes were notorious for leading assaults on fortified positions and if they got through, its brood would pour and quickly overwhelm any defenders the Brute effortlessly pushed past. With only three people out in the open, Cyne simply could not allow an advantage to over take them.

The round did its job and slammed into the Brute’s shoulder causing the beast to recoil and fall backwards, roaring in pain as it collapsed to the floor with a heavy thud. Cyne knew that one shot wasn’t going to be enough to stop it dead but at least it prevented the behemoth from joining the charge along with the enraged swarm. He pulled the trigger several more times, killing a leading Slasher with a shot that tore the creature’s upper skull off while three more rounds striking several Sploders.

The filthy Sloders the Hive used had to be mad creatures, even crazier than its other brethren. Even the typical Swarmer held some fathomable sense of self-preservation whereas these the tumor-covered psychos rushed into the fray on their stubby legs wanting nothing more than to erupt into a surge of acid, capable of melting nearly anything it was exposed to. It was likely that the same creatures were responsible in compromising the blast doors earlier on. Durable alloys and organic tissue alike were dissolvable to the substance residing within their bulbous sacs. Coincidentally however, the other Hive creatures were just as vulnerable as their prey.

The Spoders Cyne shot spasmed violently before, as their names suggested, exploded into a mass of acid catching several Swarmers that were too close. As one would expect, the Swarmers stumbled and squirmed all over the floor, crying out in horrid agony as the acidic substance ate them alive. But even as Cyne had eliminated a large part of the swarm attacking them, he couldn’t stop the rest from storming the bridge.

Two Slashers, big creatures known to devastate entire squads of well-equip infantry with their large razor-sharp scythe limbs and biologically-engineered acid shooters, came barreling through the bridge entrance and vectored in on Gaz. The large and armored monsters blazed away at the Fungai with splinters of acidic material while five Swarmers moved in with them. As it came into range, the lead Slasher raised its bladed claws in preparation to cleave Gaz’s face in two.

Another Slasher charged forward with its focus gleaming towards Gerad. With a loud wail, an additional number of five Swarmers rushed past it and made a murderous dash in the Garundin's direction. Showcasing the Slasher's known tactical thinking, the creature brought it's shooting limb to bear and opened up with a volley of acid, intent of suppressing Gerad beneath it's hail.
@Murdek When can we expect another post from you, sir?
For those whom are looking for some background lore, I've just finalized the Captain log sections.

Again, they are not relevant to the current scenario in-progress.
@CaptainSully Great edit! I had to keep my laughing down at work after reading your piece.
Main post is practically complete at this point. I am still addressing a few more lore elements but they are inconsequential to the current arc. You may post at your earliest convenience.

Thought for the day: Trust the almighty power of the Ctrl + Z! Recovery of paragraphs of effort have never been so easy and convenient.
New post is now up although I feel that I may have burned myself out in the process. I'm going to be making several edits for the duration of this evening and so more tomorrow to so just as a heads up as I may end up changing a few things like the dialogue and such.
Bang. Bang. Bang.

Cyne squeezed the trigger of his rifle again and another Swarmer vanished in a surging, chunky spray of green. By now, the main floor of the bridge was practically painted with a pooling layer of blood still oozing from the many butchered Swarmer bodies littered around the bridge and its entrance. With the last of the creatures down, along with a good number of them having been torched by Gerad's PRP now as heaps of ash scattered in the hallway, silence soon returned the command deck. Cyne took the opportunity to survey the battlefield and found that Gaz and Gerad had made it out unscathed. The same however could not be said for their green-drenched outfits in which Cyne briefly mistaken them as a part of the gory scenery. He figured Gerad probably didn't appreciate being soaked in the ichor of another species however he concluded that Gaz however would've had a far different opinion in that regard. Given the circumstance, he was glad that he took position atop one of the upper platforms, away from the gruesome repainting of main floor.

Just as he thought they were in the clear, another scream echoed from the hallway entrance. More of the Hive spawn were approaching. After feeling the rumbling of many stampeding creatures again, Cyne found himself peering through the scope of his rifle once more, "Another wave coming at us, boys. Get ready!" he said has he braced for the next assault.

But before he could catch a glimpse of another savage creature barreling down the hallway, Silas' voice finally returned to the comms, "Hive, we've got hive on the ship."

Eyes widening as the connection with their boss quickly restoring, Cyne jerked his head to Pathfiner whom was till dissecting the Captain's main console for information, "Pathfinder! Blast doors, now!"

The drone hummed in compliance and interfaced with the control systems networked within the bridge's primary hub. The moment the next wave of Swarmers vaulted into view, a trio of thickly armored slabs slowly slid out from hidden compartments within the hallway walls. Each moving wall of metal moved seconds apart from each other and closed from different angles.

The first and the furthest barrier protruded from the right wall if Cyne's group were to be looking down the hallway from their end. The second barrier would then reveal itself from the opposite wall while the final door actually rose from the floor. Cyne could see that the Swarmers were adapting to the situation and were forcing their tightly packed horde through the narrowing entrance.

Only a few Swarmers managed to bypass the first barrier but only one of the creatures overcame the second door. Just as the third door was about to close, the Swarmer made a desperate leap and miraculously succeeded in getting over the apex of the final barrier. Unfortunately, it recklessly miscalculated. Before the scrambling Swarmer could get the rest of its form over the blast door, the door had then reached the ceiling and locked into place. The Swarmer never had a chance as its torso collapsed in a wet snap. The creature shrieked in pain for only a second before it was, quietly literally, cut off as it died in that instant. Whatever managed to get over the barrier before it closed slid down the armored frame, spewing a trail of green downward.

Cyne cringed at the sight of the messy scene before he got back to the comms. In retrospect, he could have ordered Pathfinder to have erected the blast doors sooner. But given their predicament, they had very little in the way of planning for a Hive attack and were likely not to have gotten the barriers up in time before the first wave flooded the bridge. But for now, they achieved a breather although Cyne knew that the blast doors wouldn't hold for long. Having scene the damage to the external hull, the barriers separating them from the Hive wouldn't last.

"We've also got acquainted with the Hive too." Cyne began and continued with his report, "we managed to fend off their scouting packs but there is another horde of the buggers right outside the blast doors...we'll likely be dealing with them in a moment."

Sven chimed in too and reported that cruisers from before had arrived and transports filled with unfriendly mercs had already boarded. Fortunately, their unintended rowdiness had gotten the attention of the Hive and the majority of the murderous creatures were converging on the two occupied hanger bays. While this meant that they didn't need to deal with the entire Hive swarm, the presence of the unwanted interlopers meant that they would now need to deal with any mercenaries that got in their way. Fantastic.

It was then Silas had asked if they discovered anything on their end. Cyne glanced at the sealed door and redirected his attention to Pathfinder. The drone, also listening into the comms as well, started producing numerous logs recorded to the captain's personal database. It was evident that Pathfinder had since cracked the security measures that protected the private files, probably while they were fighting earlier. Cyne mused over entries made by the captain and the command staff. Even a few mission and operational briefings were dug up as well.

Cyne shifted through the files and glanced over the details, noting anything of relevance that came into his sight. As he helped himself to the private files, a faint sound that could be described as a drowned-out thud resonated from the sealed hallway. He broke his concentration and turned to the entrance blast door. No changes were evident but it was obvious the Hive on the other end were trying something but it was nothing they could do about it now. Cyne returned to the database and made his report.

"I'm getting similar records here too. Even a few testimonies from the good captain as well. Even got a mission package here going over the Balrog's operational capacity, equipment as well as mission statements and briefings too. Quite a bit of tactical data, that's for sure."

Silas had then concluded that their overall target was in fact the research data linked to Project Dominion. Cyne concurred with the notion too though he couldn't really make anything else of it anyway. But they now had a new problem. Silas' intuition spoke true as Pathfinder confirmed that the data they were looking for was confined to the central lab of the ship; where the Hive had most likely nested. Cyne quickly remembered the trails of blood from the expressway leading deeper into the ship and suddenly wasn't feel so confident about assaulting a Hive nest.

Another sound emanated from the hallway, this time it was louder and more violent, again drawing Cyne's attention away. The Hive must have gotten through the first blast door and were now compromising the second. It wouldn't be long now until they were at the final barrier. Cyne lifted his rifle and held it firmly, sensing that another fight was ever looming.

"I don't fancy the idea of picking a fight with Hive, sir." he replied, "however I don't like the thought of the SSA getting their hands on this data either. If we're going to try and nab that data, we'll be having to deal with a whole lot more of those things than what's at our front door."

Cyne then turned to Gerad and Gaz, already attempting to anticipate what their replies would be.

"I suppose if nothing else, blowing this whole joint would work just as well though that might lead us to those trigger happy mercenaries."
Yesterday was rather tiring after dealing with a particularly lengthy assignment so I will have a post up later today after my shift is over.
@Murdek This is quite alright. I'm bogged down a bit as it is so I anticipate my next post coming in same time frame. Perhaps tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest.
@Athol I'm in the same boat. I'm intrigued about the tabletop game but I find the lore element for more interesting. If anything, I would simply play Dawn of War to get my WH40K fix.
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