Avatar of Shiva


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Oh don't get me started on the whole Chris Pratt as Mario thing. I love him, but this is a blatant middle finger to the voice over community and it's definitely being felt. All my buddies are livid.
3 yrs ago
I finally made a new thread for my art stuff. I can't stand to look at the old one anymore lol roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
She was lookin kinda dumb
3 yrs ago
Roll a constitution save. On a fail you take 150....... Bludgeoning damage? Piercing damage?
1 like
3 yrs ago
As a GM I love when people get excited and do that (as long as they're not doing anything game breaking). Getting excited and passionate for characters and the story is what it's all about! I love it.


Ew I need to revamp this

Most Recent Posts

Welcome back!

Same thing happened to me a few years ago lol. My old account just disappeared, never to be seen again.
(Redacted because I hate it now)
Welcome to RPG!
@DTHar Still relevant now that this moron realized she wasn't getting notifications 😅 Any ideas?
@Rushdieyou I am sooooo sorry for not answering. Some how I got unsubscribed from this thread and didn't get any notifications?
Anyway, if you're still interested, we could blend the two and do a kind of western themed Sci-fi (think Firefly)
Welcome to RPG! For the most part everyone here is pretty chill, do don't be afraid to reach out and talk to us. I hope you enjoy the site!
No longer relevant

Awesome! Any particular ideas in mind?
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