Avatar of Shiyonichi
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    1. Shiyonichi 7 yrs ago
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Current Yearly Update… I’m alive. The end.
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Why do I post the same status twice? It's like I'm-Motherf-
2 yrs ago
Why do I post the same status twice? It's like I'm-
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Haven’t updated this in about a year, better think of something clever to put- Oh goddamnit!
4 yrs ago
Haven’t updated this in about a year, better think of something clever to put- Oh goddamnit!


So, I just realized this exists... After about an year... Right time to fill this out.

So hi, I’m Shiyonichi and as you can tell from my user name meaning death four one, in Japanese. I am...

An Edgy Weeaboo!

So yeah, I am basically human garbage.

I may or may not disappear on you during role plays. From either being dead, trying save the world, trying to destory the world, or a sudden case of being dead inside.

My favorite animals are dogs, I like red velvet cake, and I am obsessed with the katana.

If you need to contact me off forum I have a discord. Though I’m not straight up give it to you, because I’m human garbage.

Though here’s a hint: The first part is the most over used horror cliche of the last decade and the last part is a place with pretty damn good meatballs.

Most Recent Posts

Note, for my beginning post I just wanted to get all the exposition out of the way. I’ll probably never make anything that long again.

@Rune_Alchemist As for your CS I don’t have the final say on who gets accepted, but I say it’s solid except for the Strength and Weaknesses. The keyword being the latter, Weaknesses. She doesn’t have any listed down. Otherwise it’s a good CS.
The Dusk of a Dream, Dawn of a New World.


Asuka would give out a confused scream as stream of white air would pass through her hair long raven colored hair and causing it to reach for the red tinted night sky as she came closer and closer to the white blanketed earth. Asuka tried to organize her thoughts as the black haired girl would try and flap her arms in a futile attempt to slow down her fall like a week old chick who fell out of their nest.

Asuka’s life flashed before her eyes, the loud roaring currents of air deafened her and drowned out her earlier shouts of confusion as she attempted to mentally reorganize the evens that lead up to her to take a sudden sky diving trip without a parachute.

Alright, so I logged into Yggdrasil... I did some exploring and Sis used the Tower of Babel creation spell and we used it to wait out the countdown together and after the countdown ended, there was a flash of light and now I’m falling... Wait where’s Sis!?

Ignoring the sudden jump from being near the sky in a magically created tower, to falling from the sky without a magically created tower, Asuka pulled her eyes from the eminent death by being splattered across the ground like a dropped egg, she looked around for her older sister, Miyuki. with Eyes squinted from being pushed against the rapidly moving air. Looking left and right she eventually spotted her older sister who had her arms and legs spread out and was falling far more gracefully than her younger counterpart. Though that didn’t help much considering that she was wearing a full set of heavy sliver armor and had an equal impressive large marble pillar like lance and a gem incrusted tower shield strappped to her back.

Miyuki shouted something over to the raven haired girl, though it was drowned out by the rapidly passing air currents, though Asuka managed to get what she was trying to do from the armored girl’s out stretched arm. Asuka tried to motion her way to her and Miyuki did the same causing the two sisters to meet and join hands. Just being next to her allowed the World Champion to think a bit more clearly.

Asuka grabbed at her black fur cloak trailing behind her with her other arm, catching it in her hand, she rubbed the velvety fabric between her fingers confirming that the cape was still equipped on her person. Miyuki reached behind her back though for a different reason, she caught on to the large tower shield on her back, silding her arm through the straps she leaned that arm forward and braced for impact. Asuka let go of her cloak and slashed her arm forward, attempting to access the menu, but nothing happened... She tried again, nothing. Soon she was left waving her arm, but this time for a different reason and the ground was getting too awfully close for comfort.

”Please activate, Cloak of Black Feathers!”

She gave both an internal and external shout and this time the Cloak complied. A light purple translucent veil would cover the cloak black fur cloak. The cloak would split into two and the edges would become black plumage, the cloak would segment over and under each other into feathers, causing it to become a jet black pair of wings... Though she was a bit too slow on the timing...

They didn’t have enough time to fully stop their momentum and land for anything, but a rough landing and the wings caused them to glide over into the forest and right into the trees. The pair would crash though branches, while Avalon would take the impact for them and branches would snap as soon as they met contact with the shield. Miyuki would crash into a tree and be used as a lever to send Asuka flying into the snow.

Miyuki would be up in a matter of moments, despite getting her spine rammed into a tree trunk, she didn’t feel any pain, nor had any scratches, or bruises. In fact the tree was mores damage then she was as it the dark pine splintered into two from the impact. She jumped to her feet and then spotting her sister laying in the snow, the Paladin immediately ran over shouting her name, though the shout was enough to stir Asuka from her snow nap. Asuka would roll over facing her sister.

”Aggh... I’m alright, just give me a few moments, the back pains are killing me... Asuka would pause before her face warped into a confused expression, before asking. ”This is still a game right?”

Miyuki paused and her face mimicked Asuka’s, standing dumbfounded. Asuka’s eyes widened and the World Champion jumped to her feet. Both of them frantically waved their arms around like two very enthusiastic fans at a concert, trying their best to access their menus in any possible way they could, but with no avail. They both leaned back against a tree trying to process the fact that they have just become their characters and have gotten Isekaied.

Eventually Miyuki spoke up, she was the older one, so she had to take responsibility. ”Alright, we need to calm down, let’s test things out first. Since we’re our avatars we should have the skills that they have, let’s try and see if we can use them.”

Asuka perked up at the mention of skills she looked at her older sister with a twinkle in her eyes and an unspoken ‘Can I go first’ on her lips. Miyuki simply nodded at her sister’s enthusiasm.

Asuka drew her sword, Excalibur a blacked blades weapon with bits of red butterflies like ornaments attached to it. Back when she was trying to use her Cloak of Black Feathers, she was able to active it by thought and speech, so if she had to hazard a guess...

Air Rend!

Asuka, took a swing with her sword... a translucent wave gathered around the tip of her sword as it pushed forward gathering until it gathered enough air becoming a pure white crescent. Like a tsunami, the crescent flowed over a dozen trees cutting them at the base and sending them flying upwards and the severed trees came thundering down, creating a cloud of sawdust and snow. The white crescent then quietly dissipated.

”That... Was... AWESOME!

The World Champion looked over to her sister, the gleam in her eyes had became stars, she was like a kid at Christmas, barely able to contain her excitement. Miyuki held in a laugh before walking over and patting her little sister on head. Though it was soon Asuka’s turn to chuckle as the cold finally got to the Paladin and she sneezed. Miyuki shot her sibling a annoyed look.

”Um, want to borrow my cloak?” Asuka offered, though Miyuki turned it down. ”It’s fine you keep it. We’re going to have to test out the item box anyway.

By thoughts and word Asuka explained it and Miyuki opened the item box. A hole seemed to have opened up in the world. A black void, with a purple border separating it from the rest of reality, it looked like something and evil Overlord would use and more than intermediating. Though she power through it and put her hand inside willing for an item called the Necklace of the Ice Giant. Whatever was inside the void she could feel it moving around, until something was placed in the palm of her hand. Pulling it out she was pleasantly surprised that she got was she was looking for, a pendant with three deep blue pearls embedded in a triangular formation set into a dark blue almost black circlular base. Miyuki immediately put the necklace around her neck and immediately felt the temperature becoming far more comfortable. Though.

”Hey, Asuka are you feeling ok? Miyuki asked to siblings in a concerned manner. ”Huh? What do you mean?” Asuka asked a bit confused. ”I mean what about your symptoms.” Asuka took a moment to hit the air, run around a bit, and take a few leaps. ”I feel fine, actually I feel better then I ever did!

Miyuki looked at her sibling before activating Greater Detect Aliments. Three Golden circles wrote themselves into reality before placing a stylized cross in the middle and sandwiching magical runes in between each layer. Both sisters held their breaths as the spell made a diagnosis.

”No response. You don’t have it.” Miyuki bursted out wide grin and Asuka did the same. The sisters did a silent celebration. It was blessing in disguise. They may have been sent to another world, but Asuka now had her entire life ahead of her. No more being held back by her body, no more being held back by the world. Asuka could find her own happiness and Miyuki was going to make sure it stayed that way, no matter what.

”Come on, let’s get out of here, we might have attract something with this mess.” Miyuki stated. ”Ah right, sorry...” Asuka apologized, rubbing the back of her head. Though Miyuki wasn’t really angry.

The Paladin summoned her Item box once again, pulling out a pendulum made of out of emerald with silver dragonfly wings wrapped around the base with three silver beads inscribed with vine like patterns at the end of the string. Miyuki held it between her finger before dropping it towards the ground.

”Fairy pendulum, find civilization!” Miyuki declares and the pendulum would follow her request. The pendulum would swing around side to side, sending out a small ripple every time, before doing three rotations and then suddenly stopping and as if it was manipulated by a invisible hand, the Magic item pointed at a downwards angle, pointing the pair to their intended destination, to which they followed.
@Quaint Quasar Since its my job as the official lore Nazi, I’m just going to have to point out (If Daisies have done it yet.) that in the game Yggdrasil, players are only allowed one character, not several. They would have to delete their old characters to make a new one.

Also, the correct term for magic user is Magic Caster.

Actually on second thought. I think might keep this character in reserve, I don’t know if I can handle 3 characters at once.

@BKburke You should look at Sebas’ Character Sheet, as well as D&D’s Dragonborn And Half dragons. As Overlord is based off D&D.
Yeah... I always interpreted Wild Magic as being the precursor of more modern Tier Magic, but I'm admittedly fuzzy on how that works out.

Skyrim is totally in my list of things that inspired this, if you couldn't tell. xD
I swear to Odin, I will turn into a puddle of giggles if someone makes an intelligent bear that can shout people death. #Dovahbear
I'll probably also deny that character on principle, but I will definitely laugh. ;3

You aren’t the only one Wild Magic is probably based a combination of D&D’s Sorcery class and Dragonshouts. As for the sentient bear... beastmem are a thing.

As for the Wild Magic and Tier Magic relationship. Basically Wild Magic is the natural magic of the New World while tier Magic is was introduced and given by the Six Gods using a world item and it’s intoduction to New World actually ended up weakening Wild Magic which is part of the reason the Platinum Dragon Lord doesn’t like Players. The main difference between Wild and Tier is actually their cost. Tier Magic primarily uses up Mana while Wild is fueled by souls a.k.a EXP.
@Nerdy Reference Ok, yeah the gun being from Yggdrasil does make sense since it’s not unheard of people having those weapons, like the Blue Rose’s leader having a Yggdrasil sword. Though he would still get looks, due to the fact that the New World isn’t even at the level of technology to produce muskets.

As for it being an equalizer it would probably bypass a player’s first defense of ignoring weaker magic weapons, but the second defense of negating any attack from people level 60 and under is still going to be in effect.

Though Wild Magic and weapons enchanted by it can bypass both defenses.

@BurningDaisies Also, I found the whole premise to be kinda funny since Wild Magic is unique to dragons, meaning there had to be a group of humans who went around clucking dragons and everyone is the GODDAMN DRAGONBORN!

Also if I remember Guns aren’t really a rarity, but simply added in a later update. Due to that fact Yggdrasil only allows for one character, means most older player just didn’t use it. Though I’m pretty sure the reason we don’t see too many guns is that the writer didn’t want to give too many people guns, since it would ruin fantasy vibe and only gave it to CZ, because it fit the character.

Editing notes: Ok, I had to edit Miyuki’s CS a bit, since I made a couple of mistakes.

1. I changed the class Aegis to Ajax, since I forgotten that Aegis is already a skill.

2. I changed the alignment from 100 to 500. Originally I wanted her alignment to actually reflect the character, but then I remembered that alignment to a Player Character is really just a stat and since she is playing a Human Paladin, there is absolutely no reason why that shouldn’t be maxed out.
@Taevith Ok, I know you’re new here, so I’ll give you a few pointers.

First and foremost, you’re going to need a plot hook. Something to tell us what’s going on with the story and the setting. Not many people know that Yuigoh even has a lore and even then we still have no idea how to fit our characters into the setting. Is this the Duel Terminal World, The Spirit World, The Shadow Realm? We need at least a bit of context.

Secondly, you should lower the restrictions a bit, now I’m not saying let people be Exodia or something, but at least get rid of the Level 4 rule, as it basically cuts off cards that don’t have lower level forms like X-saber Gottems. You shouldn’t be restricting character creation unless you have a good in story reason for it.

Lastly, at least have a set of rules and Character sheet, it helps people know what you’re looking for and helps them decide if it’s to their tastes.

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