Avatar of Shoryu
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 902 (0.24 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Shoryu 10 yrs ago
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@Shoryu Sounds good. I'll be looking forward to Monday then :D

And er, should I move Fiirnmir over to the characters tab? Or are you reserving it as your own personal pent house suite? :P

Yeah go ahead and post him there ;3 And feel free to post before monday too XD... it was mostly a stretched deadline because I keep getting interrupted everytime I say I'm going to do something, then end up too tired to think straight till the next morning when I 'actually' do the things XD but still >3> I'm not going to enforce any kind of specific order of posts for now, since we're all technically apart from the looks of it :D

Still being indecisive about background stuff but I'll stop being a lazy butt in the morning.

I know the feeling! some things just don't wanna click properly.

Character Sheet
JENSEN! Get back to your own cyberpunk universe!...

Heh, I kid >3> although, just to clarify, the 50/100 I had in my sheet was a 'roll' I did to chance my ideas for how much augmentation to go with XD

Expect him to complain, a lot, about everything.

hoo boy! We're gettin eldritch up in here! XD

And awww, That's fine, we'll keep a space open for ya ;3

That's a hilarious NPC you made up there XD

At last! I edited the last little bits of the OOC post and added a couple technology examples, and I shall drop my CS so people can mercilessly judge it!... and I shall be making the first post tonight, within a couple of hours I'd say. There's no hurry for eveyrone else yet, but I'm hoping everyone who 'can' [since there's 2 who've expressed delays happening] will have a CS done before the weekend's over, and if it hasn't already been done over the weekend, everyone's first posts on monday.

Also, I noticed a couple haven't posted in the OOC yet, hopefully anyone who lost interest will tell me ^.^

Character Sheet

She actually seems pretty cool so far >3> I dig her :D

I'll put out my CS sometime a little later today, and edit in the last little bits of the OOC I missed yesterday... Then I think I'll Do the first post either friday or saturday >3> To make sure it's all setup for when everyone else is ready to start as well :D
@Shoryu I'm glad you like him. Equally, I can't wait to start playing him. I've got about a thousand potential scenarios that I want to explore with this guy, and I'm already planning my opening posts. Should be megga epix.

Speaking of epix. As my sheet states, players should speak to me before stumbling on a shard of the crown, or the staff's gemstone. That way I can keep the situation controlled and reasonable. That should stop every character suddenly stumbling upon new found powers in their first posts :D

Also, if anyone else is starting in the corporate district, lemme know if you want to coordinate anything. Whilst I didn't plan on him meeting and greeting with anyone until after his "transformation", I'd like to leave room for other possibilities. Briefly meeting Fiirnmir in his original form might somehow benefit another character's development arc or something. But that's just food for thought.

I'm turning in, I'll catch up with you guys in about 8 hours. Laters! :D

Well, mine isn't starting in the corporate district, but he's pretty close xD in the high class district right outside of it, but he's gonna be pretty quick on getting the hell away from the city center. xD

Big is fine XD you can always use more hiders to compact it ;3

now lesse here >3>

dance cards? XD

Regardless, he seems like an entertaining character to have around! freaky as hell after his 'melding' too, so he oughta fit right in :D I also don't mind at all for there to be fancy little artifacts and such scattered around the city to be stumbled upon.... NB4 I roll a critical success for a loot search and someone finds one before we've really gotten deep into the RP XD


I have some great ideas coming to me for my character. Including some sweet secrets which I will only be sharing with our illustrious GM to start with.

And speaking of our Illustrious GM, @Shoryu too many city section hiders say The Party District.

oh you're right! oops, fixed it XD also, hurrah for ideas! :D

I am making a tank tread motorcycle riding gang member, her shitty club owning boss and maybe some fellow mooks as a mini faction like deal. got her history mostly down, just need to make up my mind on her appearance and secret and she should be good to post.

oh hey, sounds like an interesting idea.
Reserved for Character group Summaries and other stuff that'll become relevant after a while XD

Character Sheet!


I decided to just go ahead and post it... the last little bit that's missing is the descriptions for the inner-most districts, but they've got images, and it'll probably be a while before we go back that way anyway >w>...

My brain just feels dead right now, I think it's a sugar crash XD So I'll have to fill that bit in after dinner, and I decided to give you the rest right now so you don't have to wait another hour or two!
Reserved for Environmental Updates

Current Environmental Status:... Dust... and smoke... everywhere...

No, seriously, The whole city has been blanketed in a thick layer of Dust and smoke, breathing isn't Impossible but it's going to be extremely hard, risky too... A Quality gas-mask or other environmental protection is highly recommended if one wishes to avoid suffering from inhaling dust and smaller bits of glass or metal debris. quality visual range is between 5 and 50 feet so soon after the event depending on how far from ground zero someone is, and if history was ever any indication it's going to be a few days before it settles down to 'clear view' again.

The whole city is kindof sweltering from the massive fires still carrying on in some places, some aerial vehicles are still making the journey back towards the ground, and many bits of debris from larger explosions are still falling from the sky here and there... with the occasional body mixed in.

The World-net has gone Silent, inaccessible, though short range and web-repeating transmissions are still functional, there's no telling how many people can actually respond.

There also appears to be some kind of EMP like effect still at work, though it is noticeably wearing off, the larger and more complex things will take a bit longer to start working again, but smaller electronics appear to be regaining their functionality already.
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