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Having some personal issue. If I am due for something, know I do not wish to ghost. My sincere apology nevertheless

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My vote goes to "My Wish"

HP 400/400 SP 300/300 MP 0/0

It took Klein quite a while to find the cursed tree, especially when all trees look just the same. But, after five minutes of playing the game of "is this you?", Klein was able to locate the cursed tree. It is honestly much shorter compared to the previous one, and it felt like it could be uprooted just by a strong wind. Still, judging from the way it lures him in, shouldn't this one is more dangerous?

"Look. I'm here to test out a theory. What would happen if I introduce something un-natural to this land? Something that should never exist from the local fauna?" Unarmed and determined to stay that way, Klein attempted to give a shot at diplomacy as he slowly approached the cursed tree ahead.

"So. To test my theory out, I'm currently trying to test it out on your species. I understand that it would provide no immediate benefit to you..." Klein gestured at the size of the tree. It's too large for Klein to transport it without damaging the branch and roots through the journey. "But it would provide huge benefits for your 'children'. Just think about it."

HP 400/400 SP 300/300 MP 0/0

In Thunderstruck Grove, where screaming noises echoes in the background and the lightning flashes inside the heavy clouds, Klein was slowly making his way out of this place. The battle was not very challenging except for the final part where he was almost executed if it was not because of his passive. Usually, Klein would have gone for another hour or two of farming, now that he knows how to defeat these trees. But, he just wanted to see what would happen if he plants the demonic tree down in the goblin area? Like... He is just curious about what would happen next. Like, would the tree wither due to it is not supposed to be there? Is he going to get an error code as the developers never envision such a thing being done? Or the tree would become a new invasive species?

With these thoughts in mind, Klein begins to search for another demonic tree, preferably a weaker one so he could beat it close to death then carry it back. He can't kill it because it would dissipate into pieces of equipment and that is not what Klein needs. With a gleeful look and a beaming smile slowly spreading on his face, the humanoid beefcake search for his next target, determine to find the answer to his question.

"Any demonic tree nearby? Please speak up..." And with that, Klein continues to venture into the mist.

HP 350/350 SP 34/300 MP 0/0

Ooh... So that is why there was a person in the tree. That makes so much sense. Klein nods as the area around him slow contract to his size. Soon, he will be pressed and dried up like those bugs in a collection books. And, truth be told, he wasn't very angry about his angry. Just thoroughly surprised at this miniboss. Perhaps he will rage again when he lost this boss, but now he knew it, Klein is just going to be a bitch and go online to search. He understands that he is not the first to play this game, the ample amount of reviews being upload on the past few days already show how hot this game is.

Still, just because he had accept his death here doesn't mean Klein won't without a fight. Klein crouch and proceed to hit at the ground (or the tree roots between his feet?) He can only tell apart what are his feet and what is ground by touch. Even then, the fact that he need to touch to determine his previous cut before swinging another axe also slow down his progress significantly. He doesn't know how much time he had left, but the pressure on his head is growing.
@Phoenix347Hi, after watching the Iron Orphan, I think I got a gist of what mecha is. So, would you mind rolling me a mecha lottery ticket, please?
@Phoenix347Is there any prerequisite knowledge about the Gundam series needed? I have no idea about the series but just want to try to get a hang of thing.

HP 350/350 SP 87/300 MP 0/0

With the tree being uprooted, the fight should have been over. And yet, the fact that there is no level up notification suggest otherwise. It took Klein quite a while to realize connect the thing in the tree stump was a human spine. Seems like the man grew in the tree? Creepy. Not the kind that would make Klein forcefully log out, just something that would give him goosebumps at night.

So, with his cleaver raise, the man is back at his work to kill this "haunted" tree. If Klein is correct, he just chopped the other half with his cleaver. This should be no different. Cleave the remaining half out and ... That should be it, right? Like, uprooting the tree stump or just removing the spine from the stump should be enough right. While his mind wandering around to search for clues of how to end this, the cleaver still performs its duty wonderfully. Raise, hack, and pull out. The whooshing sound replacing the Thunderstruck Grove constant scream and murmur of the wind for a short while. The sound of earth moving as the tree roots closing in. How strangely beautiful in its own way.
@The Ghost Note Is the cat pain emote still there?still open?


HP 350/350 SP 128/300 MP 0/0

With another swing and his cleaver half way from chopping off the tree branch, Klein couldn't help but to ask if he has over committed in this. His Sp was draining because of some reason he can't tell. Perhaps it is because of the sap that is spewing from the cut, or the flower petals touching his skin. Nevertheless, Klein wonders what would happen if his SP went to 0? Is he gonna be unable to move, reduce movement, or just outright dead? Still, with the branch closing in on him, Klein decided to hurry his pace.

One.holy shite .Two I'm gonna die here.

One.Aren't I?.Two

After a few swing to cut the majority of the branch down, Klein lowered his stance to the ground before attempting to uproot the tree. With the majority of its root out from the ground, it should be a much easier task. And of course he would chop the other roots that are still secured into the ground, he aren't dumb enough to rip a tree's roots with bare hand yet.


HP 350/350 SP 240/300 MP 0/0

Oh my god, ohmygod, ohmygodohmygodohmygod,...

Klein's scream echoes the areas as something caught his ankle, sending him to kiss the ground beneath. And while most people would instantly turn back to check the obstruction, Klein was momentarily paralyzed by his fear of ghosts. The ghost, with its long and overgrowth hair covering its face, had just caught his ankle. He could feel its unhuman like temperature washing over his back. Its long fingernails hover behind his skull, waiting for him to turn his head. Meaningless words, throat-cutting screams now blasted into his ears. Sadako is here. She wants to kill him. And holy moly, he was afraid. Like any moment now, she would instantly jumpscare him. He would peer into those void eyes, experiencing her scream as she got thrown into that well. The sadistic laughter of those that left her there.

He will taste the suffering. The Severed. The Rend.

But Klein will not see this horror. He will not die like those idiots in the Ring.

So, with all his might, Klein refuses to turn his head and stick his body as close to the ground as possible. That is until he realizes how slow the "spirit" is pulling him backward. Perhaps because he is too heavy? But the spirits shouldn't be impeded by his weight. Like shouldn't it has supernatural strength because... you know? Supernatural activity? And while it pulling is certainly not slow, for a person with double the human's average speed, it sure feels so. Carefully peeking through the space between his palms, Klein quickly realizes his predicament. He was caught by some sort of a haunted tree? Like it is not that scary... He was scared two minutes ago, even prepared to die for seeing his killer... It is like when you had so much anticipation and the result was lackadaisical. Like he expected more? Like the Ring. Or Freddie. Or the Thing. Maybe Sadako? But now, he can only felt somewhat enraged and embarrassed for his previous reaction.

Raising his cleaver above the head, Klein decided to free himself from the root before giving a better look at his opponent. The haunted tree is taller than his head, with dead branches now overgrown with pink petals that lid up a small area where they stand. Its roots, some smaller and some larger than the one he just cut, writhe like tentacles.

"Miniboss?" Klein asked before closing the distance between him and the tree trunk. It would be wiser now to start chopping the tree down before it is able to free most of its roots. So, with his Brutal Cleaver raised and 60 points worth of Sp being drained, Splitter was activated.

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