Avatar of Sickle-cell
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 699 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Sickle-cell 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current How's about no?
7 yrs ago
When you go from walking around at 5am like a half shut knife to bouncing out your bed 10 minutes before the alarm goes off within a month of early starts at work. Self-improvement, ho!
7 yrs ago
Celebrating the one-month anniversary of my RP starting! 135 IC posts already and still growing. Also still accepting players, so hop on over if you are interested in gritty superheroes. All welcome!
7 yrs ago
How to know when your day as a home shopper will be busy - when your boss can't be arsed counting all the orders to pick so he logs the official total as 'mental' :-P
7 yrs ago
Best feelings as a GM #1 - Sitting at work cackling because a player has literally set up an amazing plot hook without realising it. *evil chuckle*


Well, where to begin?

I found my love of roleplays through a brief block of sessions of D&D when I screwed up enough and brought an class from an entirely different plane to join the main party. After following the plot to the end - which involved our dwarven pilot flying a gunship while simultaneously controlling 4 cannons by tying string around them - we ended up crashing through a portal onto a different plane. When attempting to formulate a plan, one of the PCs delivered a line that has stayed with me ever since.

"Ask the artificer, he's already done it once."

Since then, I've done a 3+ year RP between two players - using the FATE system - in which we created an entire city through creating mentally unstable characters and callus cold-blooded killers. One particularly nasty NPC came about by a sheer accident, when the melee-build character out-snarked the diplomat. Which was much more fun than it sounds. Had a bad experience with this site before, in which the GM didn't plan far enough ahead to include any NPCs whatsoever, and the other characters had no interest in Player-to-Player interactions outside of their own 2-man group. Needless to say, it died with incredible speed, which was a shame.

But I was tempted back by a friend to play a Pokemon RP despite having no knowledge whatsoever of the topic outside of Gen 1 stuff, and even that was years ago. Despite everything, I've not only been holding my own, but coming up with a completely separate sub-plot from the main plot, and making the GM's life a misery. (Sorry Zan!)

My writing style draws heavily from the likes of Worm and The Dresden Files, which means I can do a great deal of two things. Snark and Escalation. Outside of that, I like to think i'm a dynamic roleplayer, but I prefer sticking to High Fantasy sort of settings. Anything Slice of Life-y doesn't do it for me. Unless i'm slinging magic, psuedo-magic or demons (while snarking at whoever is unlucky enough to warrant it) I feel as though I could be doing something more entertaining with my time. When it comes to RP systems, I enjoy FATE or narrative based things.

My first RP which I am GMing on this site is themed around Dragon Age as carried on from the far superior (in my humble opinion) plot of the first game.

That's pretty much all there is to know about me that people would actually care about. I'll update it as I do with important changes or epic moments. Until then, feel free to PM me if you have questions or invites to stuff, and i'll respond as soon as I can. ^.^

Most Recent Posts

Alright. Fishing out one of my lesser known concepts for this one, but still just as kickass. Expect a cs within a day or two.
@POOHEAD189 Awesome! ^_^
@hagrodenI'll be around for a bit tonight if you can wait till then
Maybe 7pm GMT. You two can get started if you'd like. It's a tall building, the elevator will take a while :-P

Will respond tonight, on all other fronts. On break ATM, but I'll and useless with phone keyboard :-P
@Banana@PlatinumSkinkForgot to tag you cause this was only a quick response before I go look stuff out for work tomorrow. Oh well, fixed now =P
Gestalt opened her mouth to speak, but was immediately cut off by Praetor's booming voice. "Not possible. Gestalt's power only copies the active aspects of a power. If she were to take my ability, it was drive her insane the instant she used it." He looked over his shoulder at the girl. "Summoning the clones would work - her mind wouldn't cope with the mental overload that comes with filtering all of the incoming signals."

"I thought I made it clear that you were the only resources we can spare. Time is wasting. Life might get a tad more difficult for you if civilians start dying on your watch." The comment hung in the air, the implications perfectly clear. "Just a bit of friendly advice."

The young Ward turned to Knight with a smile. "I don't actually have any powers at the moment. I was hoping to borrow yours, if you wouldn't mind. I'll grab Septima's too, although I'd really rather not."

Her friend gave a cagey laugh. "Yea. Sorry about that. It's not exactly all butterflies and rainbows."

"Beggars can't be choosers," she said, touching Septima's bare shoulder. "I need skin-to-skin contact for my power to work, though, Knight. Would you mind taking your helmet off?"
@ProProTrump interacts with other powers. Gestalt's power doesn't specifically, so I figured it wasn't a trump power. Now that I think about it, though, there is a canon example rated as a trump, isn't there? :-P

Will change it when I have access to my computer again.
@PlatinumSkinkAbsorb is likely the wrong term. Will reword it. Yea, she essentially stores a copy, but it doesn't affect the owner in any way. ^.^
@Old AmsterdamIn hindsight, mentioning that may have been a mistake.
I was seconds away from posting when Lasrever chucked up an IC post.

Well, this battle should be suitably awesome now =P
The Consortium Corporate Headquarters: Alverton Building

Downtown Boston

21st January, 2011.
7:01 am


There is only so far deep breathing can get you in life.

That is precisely why the rhythmic clack clack of a Newton’s Cradle filled my office. Far too many upstarts had found their way into the city, lately. Knowing who was the cause of it all riled me far more than some freak of a Thinker. Faxing off an email to what would surely be a rather upset Happenstance, I spoke to my empty office once again.

“Remain outside, then. I’d much rather the cleaners didn’t come bursting in here to sweep the floors again, anyway. I’ll simply send the babysitters down to collect you when they arrive.” I allowed myself a smirk. It’s the little things that get you through the day. “A friendly word of advice, however. You may wish to hold your tongue around your betters - especially in Allston. I have better things to do than informing the higher-ups that one of their Thinkers had been turned into a fine, red mist.”


Gladius Base


21st January, 2011.
9:11 am


The reports coming in from the soldiers weren’t good. Our first squad had completely ballsed up their operation and brought a hive of aggravated Wonderland mooks crashing down around them. Now the number of bodies - dead or otherwise - littering the street continued to grow as both side refused to back down. I wanted as little backlash from this as possible, though. Sending Vulcan or Arms Race to clean up the mess would be the logical thing to do.

But I’d be fucked if I was giving Sickle-Cell any more reason to come knocking.

Instead, i began calling in a few favour from unaffiliated capes to bolster our ranks in the hopes of salvaging something out of the carnage before the Protectorate or PRT showed up and ruined all the fun.

Leaning against the table, I massaged the temples of my head. It wasn’t even sunrise and I already had a headache.

That’ll teach me to hire lackluster lackeys.

Protectorate Headquarters: The Zenith

Above Boston

21st January, 2011.
9:20 am


Anomaly appeared first, but I didn’t bother turning to greet her. From the full-wall window, I could see a plume of smoke drifting up from some of the smaller buildings. Christ knows what those idiots were doing down there. Muffled laughter echoed from just outside the door before it slid open to reveal Gestalt and Septima - both already in costume. They had continued to joke until the last second, and now looked awkwardly around the pristine room.

“Are you both quite finished?” I barked. “You aren’t here to mess around.”

The Ward’s eyes went wide. Gestalt shifted nervously from foot to foot, while Septima recovered slightly quicker. “Y...Yes, sir.”

Knight clunked through the door a half-second later.

“Good, you’re all here.” Turning from the window, the sun chose that exact moment to appear over the horizon. The room was suddenly turned into a bright orange fireball - light glaring off every possible surface - before the automatic shades kicked in and darkened the room. My hand swiped through the air and brought up a holographic screen currently showing a battle from a variety of different angles.

The fighting was relatively fierce, but both sides hand entrenched themselves behind vehicles or in alleyways, so neither side was making any advance. “A Wonderland drug run came under fire by a number of Gladius soldiers. Despite ostensibly having the element of surprise, Gladius dropped the ball and all-out war has kicked off in a contained block in the Dorchester district.”

“Since these animals have decided to pick rush-hour as the time for their little dominance conflict, the impact on the city is higher than normal. I want this situation to remain contained - and I want you to bring an end to it as fast as possible. Apprehend as many gangbangers in as you can. A VTOL is fueled and waiting in the hanger, and i’m requisitioning an PRT APC for support, with the usual armaments.”

“Knight,” I said, turning my attention to the young woman. “We can’t spare any more resources than this. You are in charge. Keep the Wards out of trouble.”

Swiping my hand through the air, the screen disappeared, and the room darkened somewhat. “Now, go,” I said, overriding the shades and letting the room be bathed in orange light once more.


Gladius Border Territory


21st January, 2011.
9:24 am

Gladius Captain

Nothing much had happened for several hours. We’d been firing a few rounds back and forward, rationing the ammo. One Wonderland goon had been killed and another badly injured, because the drugged up psychopaths continue to think that crowbars can deflect bullets.

Things were steadily getting out of hand, however. A number of Wonderland capes showed up and made life hell for us. Ball bearings came screaming through the cars we had been using for cover, piercing them like paper. That cut into our numbers bad enough, but then a group of rabid bloody human-things started tearing my fallen men to pieces. Askaryan and Freakshow.

A thunderous crack split the ground beneath our previous position, sending the first wave of clones skyward with pillars of earth rising from the ground. Once at full height, these began to settle back into the street. The man standing there wore a browny-leather jacket with a basic earth-coloured mask showing a large fissure. Next to him was a girl clad from head-to-toe in biker leathers; a large metal chain hanging from each arm. Independant capes. Curbstomp and… Sidestep, I think.

The car caught up in the fissure exploded, sending blazing-hot shards of shrapnel scattering across the street.

And then the fight really kicked off.

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