Avatar of Sierra
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 639 (0.25 / day)
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    1. Sierra 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current For those wondering where I fucked off to ... the apple iphone 14 pre-order launch is this thursday and I work software dev for a cell carrier. Been a lil slammed.
2 yrs ago
As someone who once unironically used grey-on-black text .... don't. Its impossible to read on OLED screens, which include most modern phones.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Sometimes I feel like this site is a Thai buffet. I'm sure there's delicious things here, but for the life of my I can't find anything that really speaks to me right now.
2 yrs ago
When not prepping for my D&D table, I should spruce up some of my stuff here. Not all of my old content is the garbage I presumed it was. But some things I wrote we won't talk about ....
2 yrs ago
Reflections on characters past: "Adi really was a spoiled brat. How did I ever think her motivations were compelling?"


Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Most Recent Posts

@Kingfisher I see ...
Thank you for your time.
@Kingfisher I was finishing up work on my sheet and so I checked up on the page for any new info and I noticed a co-GM has appeared. Except I can't find this person saying anything in int check, or main thread, or on the guild at all for over 3 weeks ... Just thought that was a bit of an odd pick.
@Kingfisher I'm already neck deep in porting the lore associated with this character and I see no immediate contradictions to anything you just added, so any objections to me continuing to work on Panopticon Securities and some other referenced organizations (you know how mega corps are .... few thousand subsidiaries each)?

Also sculpters are Eldar confirmed? :P
And what if I beat you to the lore? :P

The character I would want to use has a fairly large amount of material integrated into her history to the point where its getting more and more difficult to actually adapt it. This is kinda my issue actually, since I'm basically caught between being able to have the setting/lore I want, and being able to tell the story that needs to be told.
@ShwiggityShwahAwesome! Those ideas are spectacular, I'll definitely add in a section for that kind of occupation, thank you.

Yes, satellites and space travel as well as more things on ground like medical science and vehicles are very advanced.

Judging from that im going to guess the parallels to Avatar (the movie rather than the S-tier cartoon series) are very intentional.
I've got some competing interests on the table, but I'll still bite.
Out of curiosity did this ever end up going anywhere? Though I was warded off by the semi-contradictory description of FTL I've maintained my lurk.
Gonna crash the party with an outlandish opinion. There is no such thing as a good character sheet. There are only varying degrees of bad. Why do I dare say such heresy? In no world can you condense the complexities of human emotion and psychology into something remotely digestible.

For every CS I write, there's usually 2-3x more words in a separate doc I refer to as a psych profile. This is haphazardly scribbled notes I used to keep track of the complexities of characters. As I've grown more complex and more believable with my characters I've taken to putting less and less into CSs because to me, nothing I write in the CS will be truly representative so I do my best to minimize misrepresentation. The art of a CS as I see it is about giving just enough information to allow the character to be fairly judged by the GM, while giving as little else as possible to avoid misrepresentation.

I kept this version extremely brief because there was no point being verbose and going into various minutia of things.

Best course of action is to just not use character sheets as a point of reference for a role player. Lurk their previous posts instead.

There are people on this site who know I take massive issue with what you're implying there, Lady A being among them.
You already know that my name cannot be in that hat.
I'm with @ayzrules on this one. Yall have no authority to make that kind of usurp and I'm rather disturbed it was even considered. Coming from slower moving RPs, 4 days is nothing. That said, @bloonewb that was a massive overstep on your part. I appreciate @eclecticwitch's more tempered approach to it.
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