Avatar of SlashInfinite
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Current yes hello it's time for my annual return
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Godspeed, Elizabeth o7
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"Mother, I crave violence." // "Son, it's Tuesday."
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I wonder if stubbing your toe is the real life equivalent of rolling a natural 1 on dexterity?
3 yrs ago
If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favour and watch Arcane. I'm suffering from serious post-series depression from it


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Eliana was woken by a magnificent symphony of birds chirping their morning song. The girl gently pulled the covers towards her, as her body shivered beneath the sheets. While she could feel the rays of the sun dawning upon her face, she could still not see it. Her mind wandered to the days when she would angrily mutter at the sun blinding her in the morning. But not this morning, no, today she missed it more than she had missed most things. With a silent sigh her arm moved towards the other side of the bed, finding it awfully empty. She looked around whilst steadily running a hand through her hair.

“Sekaia?” Ellie moved around in the bed as she spoke, awaiting the cocky boy to answer her soon enough. Yet there was no response. Eliana repeated herself, sitting frozen in place. He would not just leave her like that, would he? Surely there would be an explanation. Surely. The girl thought to herself with hope. Ever since Lowburg she had had such an awful fear of being left alone, especially after the loss of her sight.
Still, she ventured beyond the bed, carefully finding her ground. Again and again she repeated herself, with no answer in the now lonely room. Eliana searched for her satchel along the window, something she took her great time doing. Paranoia was slowly beginning to overwhelm her in her place. Every creek or whisper from the rooms next to theirs could cause her to jump, or at least that was what she felt. Once she finally got hold of the satchel she clung unto it and stumbled her way back to the bed.

Minutes and perhaps hours had passed, and it wasn’t until the door was opened that Eliana woke up again. She quickly rose up, peering around to no avail.
“Sekaia?” she asked as her heart began beating quicker and quicker. There was no response, nothing besides the footsteps that approached her. The girl stared towards the sounds intently. Her hands dug into the satchel, but something charged at her before she could. Something forcefully grabbed held her mouth closed as she tried to wrestle out of the grip that was keeping her locked down. Her breath became uncontrolled and swift. The person jumped on top of her, sitting on top of her stomach as it kept her down and let it’s weight keep her down. Gripped by panic she tried her best to scream for help, but the hand kept it closed, only allowing muffled sounds to escape her. She tried to scoot her way out of the lockdown, but was ultimately kept in her place.

The person finally loosened the grip, as he began a hysterical laughter. He rolled off of her and continued his warm laughter, leaving Eliana stunned in her place. It took her a moment to gather herself. She frowned heavily and rolled in the direction of the laughter, rolling on top of the man and growling angrily at him.

“What’s wrong with you?! You scared the living shit out of me!” Eliana almost shouted as she threw her hands in the direction of his face, but Sekaia simply continued his laughter, which almost got worse. “Aha-… ! Oh by the name of the One, I made Eliana Metilius curse, that has to be a first!” He seemed unphased by the sloppy punches that were thrown his way, as Ellie rolled off him with a frown.

“You’re a sorry excuse of a friend.” She angrily huffed as she went off the bed again, gathering her things with a silent anger. Sekaia sighed to himself, jumping off the bed with a skip.



“Ellie?” Sekaia tried again.


“What?” She finally answered with a cold tone.

Sekaia carefully stepped towards her, daring an embrace from behind. Though she didn’t break it, she simply stood in her place. “I just thought, that, with what’s going on right now, and with how I found you, that maybe…” He pondered for a second. “Maybe it wasn’t so bad to enjoy being alive, given that we might not be next winter, or even next full-moon, or tomorrow.” Eliana sighed at that.

“So you scared a blind girl that had been close to dying less than a month ago.” The girl was anything but forgiving.

“You were afraid.” Sekaia stated, letting go of her, to which she scoffed.

“Of course I was afraid. Being assaulted with no vision.”

“But you made it through, didn’t you? Conquered your fear and came unharmed across the bridge, no?” Sekaia began gathering his own things, listening intently.

“That’s your excuse? I’ve met brigands that came up with better explanations to assault.” Eliana made her way past him, frowning.

Sekaia watched her carefully wander outside the room, muttering to himself.

“Perhaps you’ll thank me someday.”
The streets of Takanori had been so silent, and so eerie the last few months. It felt like a flood was about to overrun the riverbank of a peaceful forest. The population, who had mysteriously been armed, had already forced several nobles to their knees. Still, the Shuenaii family had not been a target for the rioting and anger of the citizens yet. It was most likely due to their size and importance, and the fact that the family had quite an important role to the Dynasty. The household stood tall and prideful still, even as the servants of the House were as wary as ever. Something was brewing in the streets.

Mikasa stared emptily into the mirror in front of her. Once again her hair had been neatly braided, and Naria Hayashi had found a pretty silk robe for her. She grazed her shoulder with a melancholic sigh following it. Her mother had barely allowed her to carry her swords since the encounters back at the Dorochai Pass, almost a year ago. The fort had fallen, sadly followed by others. No, her mother had decided that the Shuenaii family could not fight two wars at once – and right now, the family needed to be prepared for whatever their enemies within the city wanted. Mikasa’s big brother, Johven, had already expressed his opinion to the House. He did not doubt who had sparked the inevitable riots. No, he knew. Her mother had already spoken of preparing for a full-out civil war, and Liandra Shuenaii was not a woman to jump to conclusions.

Naria had come for Mikasa and guided her along throughout the household. They passed a room filled with a couple of men, including her brother Johven. They muttered about yet another battle, but apparently it had come to a stalemate. The young Lady Mikasa folded her hands as they wandered on. A war fought with swords was no challenge, but a war fought with words and politics was something else to her. The two of them entered a large room, with a long table in the middle of it. Behind it, Liandra turned around.

“Miss Hayashi, if you would. I need to speak with my daughter on my own.” Mikasa’s mother nodded towards the young Naria as she held her posture high and proud. The young woman nodded and curtsied kindly before she left.

“Of course, Queen Liandra.”

Elena Lockslin

Elena sat back at the house, rubbing her forehead with her elbows planted firmly in a wooden table. The day had been a mix of feelings, from being nervous beyond reason to being offered a place with the King’s Diviners. It was a position which was usually only offered to a portion of utmost loyal and powerful mages. However, it wasn’t uncommon that the King recruited some to take the infamous oath, in times of need. Elena supposed it was just that – times of need. She sat by herself in the empty house, looking around with a sigh. Sometimes it got lonely there, but only sometimes. She had been so used to living there on her own, that it bothered her less and less as the days went on.

The young magi had taken the liberty of pouring her a glass of the reddest of wines, sipping from it to calm her nerves. Time passed on, and just as she was about to slip into a slumber her door was opened with quite the noise. Into the houses stormed a middle-aged man, dressed in fine leather. His eyes darted around the room until his eyes set upon the young woman about to go into a deep slumber. He frowned slightly, shaking his head at her. Talder Cobswin approached Elena with light steps, sitting down on the only other chair in the kitchen, looking at her with folded hands.

“Well? Are you going to explain why I’ve just been informed that the King has offered you to take up the Diviners Oath?” Talder spoke with his rugged, yet noble voice. His speech did not indicate anger, but it was simply calm with a familiar mysterious undertone to it, one that always kept Elena on her toes. The girl looked up at him, letting out another sigh, which seemed to amuse Talder.

“I can barely keep track of what has conspired myself. This morning I was chasing Kate Iles through the canals, and now the King wants me to join the order.” Elena rubbed her forehead, smiling a faint smile as she spoke again. “I suppose I should have informed you before anything else.” The sentence caused Talder to smirk heavily, grinning afterwards.

“I suppose I would appreciate my –apprentice- telling me about such events, indeed. Nonetheless, I cannot be mad with you. A spot within that order is more than sought after! This will certainly further your position in the world, young Lockslin!” Talder clasped his hands together with a firm nod and a broad smile. “When will the ceremony take place?” He asked, eyebrow rose with curiosity.


Talder blinked in surprise, furrowing his brows.

“Tomorrow? They usually make the offer months in advance. It’s not a simple choice, after all. Tomorrow, you say?” Cobswin rubbed his bearded chin, pondering on the situation.

“His Majesty wanted me to chase down Iles as quickly as I could.” Elena muttered, with much less excitement now. Talder had stood up, turning around and looking down at her. He eyed the girl for a bit, before nodding in understanding. “I’m sorry Elena. I know you considered her a friend. But she’s a traitor now. And anyone with her is a traitor. For the good of the kingdom you must not let your feelings deceive you.” He leaned down, looking into her eyes. “Remember what raised you and who cared for you. Not some Rebellion, but the court of the King.”

The following day had been a rush. Elena had found the nicest robe she had, and headed towards the Astral Hall. Her heart was beating as a drum the closer she came to the hall. She had spent all morning doing her hair, making it into a long single braid. It was important to look the part for the day. The Astral Hall was located next to the Tower. It was a single hall (as the name might have indicated), which had been decorated with a map of the night sky carved into the celling, with beautiful rubies and other gems that made for a beautiful artwork. It was used for major meetings, important events and anything else the mages deemed fit. To add, it was the place for the Diviner ceremony. It was fairly simple. Repeat the words of the ‘sacred’ oath, and have a magical sigil almost burned into your skin. It bore the sigil of the current King, and was both a source of energy and a declaration of ones allegiance. The sigil would normally be of a black colour, but would glow if one were to draw power from it. At least that was the official explanation.

Within the Hall a group of people awaited Elena. Prestige members of the Order, standing in a threatening circle with a spot in the middle for the newcomers. The windows had been covered dark, and candles were lit around the room. Along the floor there was lines of blue, lighting the room up in a beautiful and mesmerising sense. Elena approached with careful steps, hands folded in front of her lap. She took her place in the middle, greeting the mages with a dip of her head and a curtsey, the best she could.

A man, standing in the middle of the group returned the gesture with a nod. He held up his hands, before speaking;
“Greetings to thee, Elena Lockslin, daughter of bakers, and sorceress of Lempea.” His voice filled the entire room, almost as if it was magically enhanced. Perhaps it was?

“You stand before us, in these honourable and sacred halls. Before you, thousands of mages have stood, and where you stand, we have all stood. Before you lay a path; a path of glory and a life of service to the Crown. Do you, Elena Lockslin, accept the position you have been given, and understand, to the fullest, what will be asked of you, and what will be granted you?” The man finished, looking to Elena for an answer. It was much like when the bride at a wedding was asked to say yes. No one really expected a ‘no’, but it was a formality.

Elena took in a last breath, before answering.

“I accept, both burden and gift of the Crown, the one true crown and king.” The reply was of course the one everyone gave; she had rehearsed it all morning with Cobswin. Saying a single word wrong would be an embarrassment of unimaginable magnificence.

“Very well.” He answered. “Repeat after me.”

“I, Elena Lockslin, hereby declare my lifelong servitude to the Diviners of the Crown.”
Carefully she repeated. “I, Elena Lockslin, hereby declare my lifelong servitude… to the Diviners of the Crown.”

“Extend your hand, please.” The man demanded, blue flame lighting in his hand.
And so she did. Elena pulled up her sleeve, holding out her entire arm. The flame was brought closer, and she could feel the magical heat warming, as it got closer.

And thus a surging pain went through her, leaving as quickly as it came.
Not gonna say I got super carried away and wrote a wall of text...

But I got super carried away and wrote a wall of text :C
Luna E. Prior

@Riffus Maximus

Luna observed Viktor’s miniature galaxy before her. She smiled at the creation, quickly being fascinated by the look of it. With a small and unnoticeable mutter her sigil began glowing briefly again as she looked at the galaxy. The small gesture quickly stopped again, as she placed her hand on a page, leaving a similar glowing sigil, which faded with a quick mutter. The girl listened intently as the passionate boy spoke. He spoke of the possibility of creation of parallel realities, which caused Luna to ponder on the subject instantly. She tilted her head, before nodding in a hidden excitement. Just as Luna was about to comment, Allen approached. She returned the greeting with a smile, nodding in agreement to what he said.

”Believe me, Viktor, I can easily get carried away with talking as well. No need to apologize, silly. What you can do is most fascinating, I must admit.” Luna offered a smile and standing up from the bench, to fit with her company.

"I haven't see you for a while, Viktor. I thought you had left the university." Luna grinned slightly at that, nodding.

”I must agree with Allen. You seem to disappear every now and then. I almost thought it was for good this time.” Luna grimaced, only being able to imagine how the Weaver’s magic worked, and how difficult it would be to master it. And even though he disappeared every now and then, he seemed to have –somewhat- control of it otherwise. Somewhat.
Allen spoke of the incident they had all just witnessed. It was rather unusual for Xinhua to have reacted the way she did. Actually, Luna had never seen her like that. The girl usually kept a calm posture and was rather patient. But well, everyone has a limit, after all.

Luna kept the notebook embraced against her chest as the conversations went on. She never noticed, but passively her posture always became protective whenever she was holding that very notebook. Even if it simply contained notes and various sketches, from magical related drawings to drawings she had done when she was younger. While she had not looked at the first few pages for years now, she could collect a portion of it having been dedicated to a diary. The Chronomancer had done her best to keep it out of Viola’s hands and knowledge. Much as she liked the girl she was not about to show her the content of that book. Not yet, at least.

”It’s always so exciting when a new year starts. Imagine all these new students, and what they can do! I suppose we’ll see some of it if the Monteiro brothers throw as many parties as they did last year.” Luna giggled gently at the memory of the former year’s parties with the twins. The Monteiro Twins were notorious for throwing parties at random times, and never failed to deliver. ”Nonetheless you two, I go make sure Karen isn’t too much besides herself. I’ll see you tomorrow, I guess.” Luna nodded and curtsied before the two, book still held close by her arms. And she strolled off with a smile.
Mikasa scoffed heavily at Meldarion. She did not doubt that his actions were to ensure a western victory in the long run, and of course she was reluctant to follow his ‘advice’. But as much as she –hated- it, she knew he was right. There was little she could do here, especially in her state. Her body was aching in more than one way, and she was still recovering from the wound she suffered the night before. Mikasa gave Meldarion an empty stare, before she went to pick up her swords, sheathing them in the scabbards. With limping steps the woman approach the Half Breed again, standing less than a feet away from him. Once she spoke, her voice was hushed, but had a truthful undertone hidden behind it.

“My nation would have taken you in, you know. These Westerners… they have no respect for others, let alone another country. They’re ruthless. And they’ll rather see Heroshida burned to the ground before leaving us alone. We would have cared for you, half-breed or not. Just… remember that. Remember that when you’re tearing villages apart and watching families and children get slaughtered.” Her last words were as heavy as words could come, and her eyes stared directly into his, a mix of defeat and sorrow in her gaze. The noblewoman lowered her gaze, breaking the eye contact. From a little pocket by her hip she fished out a small sigil, representing a white dove, bowing its head. Reluctantly she went to grab Meldarion’s hand, gentle as she was. She placed the sigil in his hand, folding his fingers with hers. Her gaze went back up to him again.

“If you regret, or if you and your friend truly want peace. Show it to any soldier that bears that mark, and you’ll be taken to the House Shuenaii. If you’ve studied any of the Heroshidan history, you’ll know who they are.” Mikasa muttered, on the brink of regret. Abruptly she turned away, walking towards the exit, which Meldarion had mysteriously and worryingly known about. Before heading out she turned her head, looking towards him. She opened her mouth as if she was about to speak, but instead furrowed her brows and halted herself. Instead, she went through the tunnel, into the darkness.

I'll get around to posting tomorrow! :]
Sorry I haven't posted yet! Been super busy with homework these last days, but I'll hope to get a post done tomorrow!
Luna E. Prior

@Riffus Maximus

“Making fire rain down in a class wasn’t exactly the result I was hoping to achieve this morning.” Allen answered, cracking a smile on Luna’s lips. She nodded in agreement to herself, as she grabbed another peanut. The conversations went on, and Xinhua called forth a thunderous weather as she left. The Mess Hall was as panicked as it had been since the initial brawls had broken out. Luna was rather cautious herself, keeping a wary eye on potential unpleasant lightning strikes. No one seemed to get hurt luckily, as Xinhua took her leave. Viola went on to approach Meruin, wanting to make a contract with the girl. Viola and her contracts were … special, certainly. It was something Luna had managed to stay out of, for the good reason of worrying about the fine print.

“Viola, I hope you’re not intending on summoning anything that’ll want to cause a shamble in our room, no? Or mess up my notes for that matter. It would be most distressing.” Luna’s British accent shun through, as she smirked at Viola with a playful grin. She had never been fond of dueling herself, mostly due to the fact that Chronomancy was difficult to fight with, if you did not have intentions of mortally wounding, or killing the person. It was very much possible. Luna’s teacher, Eleanor McKinly, had handed her several papers, which discussed the issue. She had read about one Mathieu Chéreau whom had perfected the art. Both wonderful and terrible stories of what he had managed to do. He had once conjured a bolt of chronomatic energy, which had simply hit its target, and forced their age a hundred years forward in time, making them a sad piece of rotten meat on the spot. It had brought shivers when Luna first read it, but it was impressive nonetheless. One just had to get creative.

Lee was on the way to chase down Xinhua, but stopped for a hug for the newly returned Viktor. "Don't go disappearing again. You need to be the voice of reason in this group." Luna could not help but grin at that, waving towards Lee with a smile as she took her leave. While she considered herself a fairly reasonable person, she could not disagree with Lee. While the situation had dulled down – somewhat at least – it never was bad to be cautious of another similar outburst. Life at the University never was dull, far from it, actually.

Luna tip-toed for a few seconds, before she nodded to herself. “Nonetheless, I’ll get some fresh air. Got a little heated in here, afterall.” Luna giggled gently, shaking her head briefly. “Oh, feel free to tag along! Company is always good.” Luna smiled towards each individual in the group, before she turned on her heels and strolled outside. Once there she dusted her dress off again, and promptly made sure her hair had not become messy during the thunder. She took a seat on a bench outside, pulling out a small notebook. Within it was notes and sketches, of everything between heaven and earth.

On that note, I'll get writing :]
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