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Current There's a big old heat wave spreading out down here. If I'm slow with responses, it'll be because I'm melting.
2 yrs ago
Just finished Soma, and wow, what a bleak ending. Like, jesus.
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Does anyone even read these?


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I can't triforce

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It'd probably be hard to get a letter to a specific person in the nomadic lands so I'll get Abraham to come with someone else. Probably Alice because they has a fixed address he can actually get to.
Seems like we're starting in Gwangju, anyone have a good reason for meeting there? Maybe we got an old base here or a tavern everyone used to go to
Mougin considered the offer for a moment. And then another moment. And then another half moment.
"Ok." He said.
He, who has never been exposed to alcohol, has no idea why people would want to go drinking together. Surely one could drink water whenever they wanted? But it appeared to be a social activity, so why not? It was a good opportunity to learn about human customs.

The minotaur lumbered over to join the burly workers. He wasn't as uncomfortable as he used to be, partially because he was more used to the city, and partially because these men were closer in size to him than other humans. It was almost like being with his brothers.
Here, I think I'm done. Feel free to tell me if I missed something.

@Quartz Approved, you can move it over to the character section, also you can just make up your relationship with her.

@spin the wheel I'm not accepting anymore magic users right now

How about a half-orc stealth archer?
Still room in here? I've been looking for an excuse to use illusion grandpa again
Boy? Jeremy wasn't a boy, was he? He was 15. 15 glorious years on earth, probably a brief moment in the lives of those dinosaurs that called themselves adults. But he was 15! In his reckoning, Jeremy was 3 years past the time when he should be called a boy, and in 3 years more he would become a man. Yes, he was short for his age (and he hadn't grown that much since he was 12, now that he thought about it), but surely he deserved some recognition for survivng another quarter of his life?

Wait, that wasn't the important thing here.

Jeremy pondered his response. He tried to meet the girl's eyes, but quickly looked away. He wasn't used to this, and she looked really mad for some reason. He hoped it wasn't his fault, and if it was, he didn't meant to do it. But what was he doing here, then? Nothing, really. He wasn't here for any particular reason. If he saw someone dishiveled in the street he would usually make some half-hearted excuse in his mind and leave them alone, but he didn't today was because he felt like it. It was just something he should do. And he had bought her a drink purely out of gentlemanly concern. It didn't have anything at all to do with the pretty girl and her wet shirt. Absolutely not.

The boy coughed to himself to clear his head. This was no time for such thoughts. Jeremy was a gentleman, a gentleman! He had to say something, otherwise she may think his intentions were... impure.
"Well, I was just passing by and thought you needed some help." He said, taking another sip of the drink.
The sweet, goopy soda assaulted his tongue, tiny bubbles struggling against the over-sugared 'liquid'. Was it getting worse? He didn't think that was possible.
"I just... I'm kind of wondering how you ended up like that. I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I guess..."

Jeremy didn't seem to realise that the way he was avoiding eye contact with the girl very obviously put the purity of his intentions into question.

I'm looking to be a jack of all trades, or maybe a hitter. Got a couple of cyberpunk characters I've been itching to try.
Humans were quite a wayward bunch. That wasn't quite the right word for it, but Mougin didn't know how else to put it. He had presented the 'case' in a straightforward manner, and believed that the question of crime and criminal were rather obvious. But apparently not. It seemed that there were several holes in the 'case', and he wanted to solve these unexpectedly close-to-home issues, he would have to fill these holes. It seemed to be human nature to twist and stretch every situation they experienced, to better suit their goals.

Things were simpler at home. He did consider going back to hopefully fix things back in his homeland, but that probably wasn't a wise idea. The children were from several different tribes, which implied a unified and complicated operation - two words that were the antithesis of the tribes living on Numgam. The tribes largely kept to themselves, as widespread as the land itself was. To remove an operation of this type required a level of cooperation that was beyond the tribes. Perhaps one with the charisma of one of their legendary leaders could do it. But that was charisma that Mougin didn't have, and besides, it would take some time to return to Numgam. Sending a letter was faster, but there were few on the continent who could read. No options, and no time. He would have to do what he could from the city.

With that in mind, Mougin decided to explore the city. It had been roughly a week since the incident, and he had found out some things he should probably have known a long time ago. He had since gained an 'ID', as it was known, and had been back to the strange bank keeper to deposit his savings. The proceeds for his 'account' came from his continued stint of work on the docks.

After some exploration into the city, Mougin found out some more pertinent facts. The Law protected all humans in the city, to varying degrees. Vagabonds enjoyed the least amount of protection, as they weren't exactly considered part of the city. Strange, considering they could still live and find work there. Nonetheless, some of the city's laws still applied to them. It was because of 'Human rights', as he was told, and whether it applied to non-humans or not seemed to be a topic of debate in other countries.

Second up on the list was those with IDs, like himself. Having passed some kind of threat assessment, the city itself vouched for their identity and they were allowed a higher degree of privilege compared to vagabonds. The relative ease of entry made it so that the privileges themselves weren't a significant step higher than normal, but it was significant. Some higher end traders refused him entry until he showed his ID.

Last on the list was the citizenry, who enjoyed the greatest protection the city could offer. Citizenship was a long, drawn out affair which could take years for outsiders to achieve, if the information he had gleaned was accurate. But in return, citizens enjoyed the greatest privilege. They were allowed in all places of the city and were protected the most by the Law. Most citizens lived closer to the center of Tempum city, and security was generally better there - there were generally more officers patrolling the area, and it was generally cleaner. Generally speaking, the farther out you went, the less you saw of the Law, though not for lack of trying. But that was where his explorations had stopped.

Mougin breathed deep and rose from the floor. He had still been using the hostel, since it was adequate for his purposes. Furthermore, he found out it was situated close to the edge of Tempum city, and was thus more useful for his goal. If he was to gather more evidence against Mr. Silum, who skirted around the Law, he should be looking for areas outside of its reach. It was time for him to truly explore the shadowed streets of Tempum city.

The minotaur exited the hostel and took breathed in the evening air. It was the day before the 'weekend', a 2 day period where he didn't have to work. The perfect time for him to explore. Mougin sauntered out and made his way towards the most infamous street in Tempum city, hoping he could find something to work with.
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