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Just the neighbourhood kangaroo checking in!

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|| Emberdust || Deputy || She-Cat ||

Emberdust is a very sturdy, reliable sort of cat. She has a horrible habit of shouldering everyone's troubles and often overworks herself in an effort to help everyone. She takes her deputy position very seriously. Emberdust tends to bottle up her own feelings and is a very private about it. She's fiercely loyal and consistently selfless. Emberdust is a strong fighter, with quick reflexes and powerful attacks. She can be aggressive in battle but is, otherwise, reserved and friendly.

|| None || Leapstep || N/A ||
Awesome! :D Is the deputy position still open, by chance?
Hi there! I was wondering if this was still open? I haven't done a Warriors RP in forever. :)
Bump ;;;;;
Bumpity! Still holding up hope. ;;
Fandom in question: Hetalia.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a relatively far stretch, but this craving has been gnawing at me for days and days, so I'm going to throw this line out there and hope for the very best!

Before we get to the plot though, here are pairings that I'm willing to play. The one(s) in bold are the one(s) where I have the greatest want for:

Russia x Fem!Canada
Prussia x Hungary
England x Fem!USA (or USA x Fem!England)
England x Seychelles
Spain x Fem!Romano
Spain x Belgium
USA x Vietnam
France x Joan D'Arc (Human)
Japan x Taiwan
Germany x Fem!N.Italy

So, basically, hetero-pairings. I'm willing to try other hetero-pairings, so just let me know if you've got a specific craving! And, if you're still interested at this point, Iloveyou;;

Alright, I had a plot in mind but, if you've got any ideas of your own, I'd love to hear them!

Essentially, it's fairly post-apocalyptic. A massive meteor of some sort has struck the moon out of its usual orbit so that it's now far closer to Earth than usual. This, of course, causes huge environmental catastrophes. From floods to tsunamis to hurricanes, all of them have been far bigger than anything the world had ever seen before. Some nations don't make it. Some drown. Some straight up disappear. Communication systems go down. Places with electricity was sparse and few in number. A lot of people have died. Basically, our pair of countries chance on amazing luck and happen to meet each other. There hasn't been a world conference meeting ever since the incident, and we don't know who's dead and who's alive. So, we have to team up to search for the rest of our friends.

It's a pretty loose plot idea so far, but I'm sure we can make it into something together! Of course, I'm willing to try other ideas, but I prefer to have a more serious sort of roleplay. Nothing like 2P!Hetalia, but just something more grim and more realistic compared to canon adventures.

I can write anywhere between a paragraph and a page, if I'm given enough material. I have no limits except for excessive gore, abuse and torture. I'm pretty easy to get along with, so I'll just be crossing my fingers and hoping for someone who'll take interest! ><
Hello everyone! So, I'm fairly new to the site but not at all new to Roleplaying as a whole. I've been at it for several years now with my roots stemming from terribly embarrassing Pokemon RPs, heheh. Anyway, it's been a while since I've roleplayed as I've been occupied with life, but now I've come to find some time on my hands and would like to get back into the gig!

Expectations (Nothing much, don't worry!)

  • I really, really enjoy detailed post! seriously, you can describe everything to the finest detail and I will absolutely love it. I don't like setting too much of a standard but I like posts to be, at least, two paragraphs. I understand that action heavy posts will be shorter than most, so if those are about a paragraph in length, that's okay! I'm not picky, but I really am not fond of one-liners. Typically, I will try to match your post length.

  • I prefer to conduct the roleplay over Private Messages. :)

  • My only restrictions are excessive gore, torture and abuse. However, if you have any restrictions at all (whether it be pertaining to sex or whatsoever), please let me know! I don't mind at all. It's important we communicate, otherwise I will just assume that there are no restrictions.

  • I love to play fandoms! However, I only do OCs, sorry. :c However, the one and only exception to this rule is for Hetalia.

  • Not going to lie, I always expect some form of romance in all my roleplays. I can't help it, haha! If that isn't your cup of tea, it may be negotiated if you happen to have a real delicious plot. I'm open to it, but will need prior notice! :D

  • Speaking of romance, I only do MxF. Sorry! I can't relate to MxM or FxF well enough to play it at a good quality. ;;

  • And that's it for the boring stuff. On to some plots and pairings!



    Boss x Secretary
    Celebrity x Normal Person [Not necessarily a fan]
    Werewolf x Human
    Internet Friend x Internet Friend
    Pirate x Pirate
    Pirate x Captive
    Inventor x Invention
    Scientist x Subject
    Artist x Subject
    Cheesy summer romance.
    Cheesy winter romance.
    Cheesy vacation romance.
    I like cheese.

    (Sorry! I'm currently filled for fandoms!)

    Hope to hear from you! :D
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