Avatar of Starwinter
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    1. Starwinter 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently in New Orleans for the first time ever. Holy crap this city is wonderful.


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Hey everyone!

Finally got access to my computer again. Gonna get caught up with everything and I should have a post up in the next 24 :)

Good to have you back Brutal!
Like, all birds? Or just large birds?
I like handling birds, but on medicine I've learned that if I breath on them wrong, They basically die. I wanted ferrets forever but I had to clean a cage with multiple in there and the smell was miserable. I don't have a lot of herp experience, other than handling them during presentations.

I have a friend with an exotics license cause he does educational presentations and works with zoos so I'm super lucky and have gotten to work with a bunch of exotics. He ended up with 20 baby emus the other day that I helped him with, that was neat.

Clearly I spend all of my time either with animals, or with people who have animals.
I also have dogs. Basically I just like animals.
Admittedly though most cats scare the shit out of me. Dogs I understand, I train dogs. I get how their minds work. Cats, nope.
Had a 110 pound German shepherd grab the left side of my abdomen in his mouth. I had 3 punctures and then about a 6 inch gash from where I pulled him off of me. I muzzled him, gave him his shots, cleaned my wounds and finished another hour or so of work before going to urgent care.
A cat flipped out on me last week, I let go, and had to corral it into a trash bin, then dump it into its carrier and gave it back to it's owner like yup... Sedating this little hell beast before I touch it again. I don't understand cats. They grow about 8 extra limbs when they get pissed and I can't control them.
My cats are precious little angels sent from heaven above though.
<Snipped quote by Starwinter>

Kidnap it and make it yours. Unless you don't like cats, in which case, throw water at it.

Omg. That's awesome. I do like cats, I have 3.
This one is named Winston and he is wonderful.
Guys. I have a 24 pound cat at my work right now.
That's all.

P.S I'm gonna be catching up on the IC stuff probably tomorrow.
Haha thank you! I'm in the states, Florida to be exact. So it's 10:23PM here.

Happy birthday doll! I'm in Massachusetts (just south of boston, so basically real life Edenridge) so we are in the same time zone.

@AnaSilan Sunja
I'm thinking Nick would overcompensate for his characters antagonism of Decky and try and get Aisik to be party bro buddies with him

he's like that dog at the dog park that really wants to play with the dogs that want to be left alone to sniff and eat grass...

So I have an obscene amount of dogs. My oldest dog Chloe is not the brightest and doesn't know how to properly interact with other dogs. She was socialized properly and everything. Just never picked it up. So when other dogs are playing and having fun Chloe runs up to them, fur all up, growling, trying to get them to play. The other will literally stop what they are doing, stare at her, then continue playing without her.

Now I'm going to forever think of Chloe trying to play whenever Nick interacts with Emilia, and it is going to make me sad.

@Dirty Pretty Lies Nope that's fine doll. I won't really have time to post until the beginning of next week anyway.
@AnaSilan Sunja True, and thanks for that! But still, Kaitlin and Keisha are both counselors, so I want Lanie to do her own thing. XD I'll make her Edenridge private school's kindergarten teacher instead. ^.^

EDIT: Kait isn't a counselor. My bad. But Lanie working at the same school as Kaitlin is a disaster waiting to happen, so better to avoid that.

I'm playing OOC catchup so bad right now.

Personally I think that it would add some fun drama to have them working together.

Also, I'm ready to jump into a hotel bar drink fest whenever you are :)
Ok so I have a million different responses to type out but I'm on my phone headed to a work lecture so I will get to all those after. Anyway, @QueenOfTheBee we can chat about our characters through PM and I can help you started if you want :)
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