Avatar of Steel Legion


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8 mos ago
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Yatzee!! 2 in a row!
9 mos ago
Australians dont have nike they have crikey!!
11 mos ago
I guess its true... the media really IS trying to cover up Sound of Freedom with Indiana Jones for some reason...
11 mos ago
Honestly Twilight, you just need to try and focus on what makes other people tick.
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Possibly thinking of a bubble themed hero.

What power level are we talking here?
Paolo Piacere

Primaris Psyker - Commander of Platoon 7 "Remnants"

When Paolo rounded the corner. There were torrents of lasfire hitting all round the hallway darting and splashing off surfaces. So he moved to one of the few sallyports on either side of a blast door along with the bulk of the naval armsmen, dinner guests and chefs from the nearby kitchen. All of whome were armed with lasrifles and weapons of some kind or another.

Before he could muster his thoughts into an action plan he heard a commotion and the small force of voidsmen that were the front line a ways down the hall, had collapsed to an attack of demonic entities. He felt a pang of guilt as he heard their terrified screams as they were cut apart by daemon blades. He knew that their souls would be damaged by such blades.

With the instincts of a commander he looked at the men around him. One of them, a waiter on the opposite side to him, looked ready to run. When he shook his head and began to turn and sprint off down the hallway trying to skip and jump over las bolts, Paolo extended one hand at him and the lascarbine with strap flew backwards like a kite into the air. The mans legs flew out from underneath him and he was stopped in his tracks and landed with a thump on his rear.

Then he heard a voice by his head:

"Sir i can see them"
The young Harakoni said before loosing a few shots down the opposite end of the hallway from his cut-down lasgun.
He turned to see the trooper
He was pointing at the waiter who was busy being shot in the back by cultists.
His eyes darted around the waiter and spotted the grenade clipped into his belt.
"I see them" he said quietly
Extending one arm with a flick of almost a super human speed the grenade flew out of the pocket and toward him.

"I DONT WANT TO DIE!" screamed the trooper
He looked back and the gangly daemons were already on top of them.
One flung his sword down at the young Harakoni with speed and intent,
The Harakoni went to block with his only weapon, his lasgun, and the blade swung straight threw it sundering it in two with a 'pop'.
"WITNESS YOUR DOOM-" screeched the Tzaangor
Which was cut short as about 4 harakoni issue combat knives, forks, carving knives and even a few other things unintended stuck into its ribcage and stayed there as though it was a pincushion.

You see,

Paolo was a student of the psychic arts,
Particularly with regard to warding incantations and most importantly; warding runes,
Some of which he had painstakingly collected and inscribed onto his combat knives...

The Daemon Tzaangor erupted in a volcanic like aurora of purple blue smoke,
There erupted shouts and curses from others around as they engaged their own daemons in melee,
Amongst the chanting, Paolo could hear one voice unlike the others,

It was a deep and guttural chant and, worst of all, most frighteningly, Paolo recognized some of the words,
It was a psychic chant,
Paolo dropped what he was doing and flung both his hands to his temples as he could feel the warp drawing and swelling near and around the reckless enemy psyker,
He shouted the words


And, much like how an implosion nullifies an explosion,
the expanding psychic energy disappeared with a "Phop" that made everyones ears de-compress,

The Tzaangors behavior changed to this,
Im interested. Im thinking i might play some sort of combat character. Maybe a martial artist.

Hi, i just wanted to clarify my comment considering we're both possibly going into the same rp.

Your boss sounds like a jerk.
Paolo Piacere

Primaris Psyker - Commander of Platoon 7 "Remnants"

The Rogue Trader spoke.

"Let us have a great banquet, shall we?"
"Our journey ahead will be difficult. We may face foes beyond the deepest nightmares, but we have done so before upon many worlds that were. And so, may we find great treasure and glory in our path! We shall return to Macragge, bearing the artifact, and be exalted by the Lord Primarchs."

"TO THE PRIMARCHS" came a chorus from those at the table. Including Paolo.

The dinner progressed cheerfully. When the Rogue Trader had arrived he and others had stood up and awaited him to be seated before doing so themselves. He had politely introduced himself to either man opposite him, one was a hologram of a tech priest and the other an abhuman from the Leagues of Votann. These men were not fools, they had immediately spotted the Scholastica psykana symbols on his robes and belt. He would not treat these men as novices, he would not teach them to suck eggs.

“Well that’s gotta be th’biggest strawber’I’ve ever seen!”

"Well, i would trust-not any psyker who could not reliably do this. If you would inspect it, it is perfectly healthy."

He stated after pouring himself another mug of recaf. He took no milk with it. Its steaming pool of brown-black liquid reflected his face back at him as he raised it and sipped silently. It was easly three times as strong a flavor as the standard hive or guard issue rations.


When the first impact shocks hit the ship Paolo stood up so fast his chair slipped back and toppled over. The veteran trooper stepped out of the shadows next to him. As everyone around started to run about to their positions at the doors or to the vox intercoms, Paulo calmly had a conversation with the trooper.

"What do we do sir?" Said the trooper
"Patch me through on your comm bead to relay a message." Paolo Said
"I cannot sir, the metal walls interfere with it"
"Did you bring your grenades?"
"The door guard took them off me sir" he said in a calm businesslike manner
"Quite right, Find his body and take them back, then return to me"
"Do you think they know how to use a fury-grenade?" countered the trooper
in the distance there started the popping of shotgun sounds and krack of lasgun fire
"You'll know by the sound, DISMISSED"

Paolo then placed the two fingers of his left hand on his temple.
Out of his ornate cumbersome belt four military standard combat knives unbuttoned their leather latches and spontaneously drew up into the air and floated in front of him at eye height.

"One, Two, Three, Four"

Then various carving knives and small forks from the room flew out toward him and took up an orderly orbit as a second layer slightly below the first one as though he was already aware of where they were in the room.

"Five, Six, Seven, Eight"

Stukov had run out the door by this point bellowing something.

The party made a general move towards the door along with the Captain. Those outside the door were already kraking off rounds. When Paolo walked beyond the door he caught sight of the cultists.
Paolo Piacere

Primaris Psyker - Commander of Platoon 7 "Remnants"

Paolo shuffled down the ship's corridor slowly. He had brought his cane today and was leaning heavily on it. The cluster headaches were particularly tumultuous today.
He was followed slowly by a single guard from his company who was slowly inching along with him. A fellow of the Harakoni Warhawks one of the ones he'd saved. "Are you well today sir?" He stated through his rebreather.

"Im managing" He stated matter of factly.
"Is there any thing i can do?" Said the veteran trooper.
"Well, my boy, your orders here is to be my minder... to blow my top off if i start to go" He said while raising two fingers to his temple with a rye smile
"Is that a possibility now?" Said the trooper in a matter-of-fact tone.
"I think not" said Paolo
"I'll be better when i get some recaff, how far is the officers' mess?"
The trooper looked about at the signage painted on the walls
"About 50 meters" he held up a knifehand pointing in the right direction
"Let us go then"


A little while later Paolo arrived at the designated location. He had allowed enough time for his foibles. He was ushered in and sat down at a long wooden table. So far he was the only one there. He ordered the batman to bring a thermos of recaff post-haste, even before the meal had begun. He wasnt going to hobnob with his superiors with a crippling headache.

The recaff was brought and a large mug was poured. He weakly brought it to his lips and took a sip.
He plucked a strawberry from a waiting display and sat down. He looked down at the strawberry and his eyes began to narrow. The small strawberry cupped in his hand began to change color, his eyes focused and little sparks chased up and down it as though it was fizzing. The strawberry began to swell and redden, it began to enhance, and began to grow in size. When it was finally the size of an apple his eyes ceased narrowing. He rested it on his silver plate and closed his eyes, silently he began a quick meditation and recitation of the proper warding incantations, so as not to get rusty.

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