Avatar of Syben


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1 yr ago
Current If it’s out of your hands, then it deserves freedom from your mind too.


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Welcome to the guild! If you have questions feel free to PM me. :)
Welcome to the guild! If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

The Hook
If these key points don't catch your eye, then this roleplay likely isn't for you.
| Post-Apocalyptic |
The world isn't just over, it's completely changed. The climate is different, the continents are fractured, and nobody knows which way is up anymore. Our little slice of the world, "Epoch", is what remains of the North American continent.

| Supernatural |
Pretty much everything has been distorted into an unrecognizable state - Nothing exists as it once was. Reality warping events, nightmarish monsters, and a demographic of people who have been cursed with unnatural abilities - a people who can no longer die.

| Survival |
Epoch is a wasteland, and as such, it does not bode an easy life. Between losing livestock to the unholy beasts who wander the land, to dealing with the poisoning of natural water supplies, resources are hard to come by. Those who are discontent with life in a settlement find themselves at the mercy of the freezing temperatures and a myriad of phenomena that are difficult, if not impossible, to explain.

| Horror |
If carving an existence out of this nightmarescape wasn't difficult enough, let me expand upon the futility of life. Strange things happen in Epoch. Maddening, eldritch anomalies which seem to completely violate the established fundamental laws of the universe.

| Non-linear |
There are no guides to lead you through this world, only paths to choose from. You decide which path to follow, which story to weave, and what threads to pull. The world will react, it will scream and it will purr, for your choices will resonate across the land, for better or for worse. There is only one thing you need to know, the world must be fixed, whether this mean resolving the issues that plague Epoch, or erasing the final remnants of humankind, is your choice.
The Lore
Tales of our trials and tribulations.

- The Envenomed
Just a passerby - who intends not to be rude - but whom suggests that perhaps a little organization work on your interest check may see your labor bearing fruit. I, myself, did not get very far.
Courtesy bump.

I'll be sending you a PM with a few ideas, however, I expect nothing more than to perhaps be kept in mind should a spot open up.
In Syben's Swamp 6 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
If you are not yet acquainted with Guild Policy, then I wholeheartedly recommend:
| Guidelines for Mature Roleplays: Revised Edition | Fundamental Rules of the Guild |
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