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1 yr ago
Current If it’s out of your hands, then it deserves freedom from your mind too.


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A satisfying answer, will keep a closer eye on this.
Just gonna casually slide in here ;)
I'll keep an eye on this, see where it goes.

Question: How do you plan to accomplish a satisfying narrative in the constraints of a tactical, squad based roleplay? I find that in these "tight knit" group style roleplays that available content for a post can be rather limiting, as you are guided by the movements and actions of the other characters around you, which, results in a reactionary style of roleplay, which is a poor format for storytelling for anyone other than the GM.
In Syben's Swamp 4 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
You should put this in the 1x1 forum, technically speaking.
In Syben's Swamp 4 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum

| Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8) | 17+ years of Roleplaying | Friendly Ghost |

| What You Can Expect |
| What You Can Expect |

• I write from [ Advanced ] to [ Novella ]. This means that, depending on the scene and how much story I have to tell, I'll generally write anywhere from a couple of paragraphs to a couple dozen pages. Collaboration and character interaction tend to make my posts trend on the shorter end, whereas solo scenes tend to run longer.

• I am an experienced [ World Builder ]. I find that every roleplay I do requires some level of foundational work, sometimes just a little, sometimes quite a lot. I like rich, immersive worlds, but I never to build the world in its entirety. I setup what is necessary to begin with, and then add as I go along.

• I am a [ Story Teller ]. I'm not a player and I don't coast along roleplays, hoping to be a part of a grand adventure. I am a story weaver, a plot driver, a writer of sheer focus and will. I have plans, plans within plans, plots within plans within plans. I have goals and the story I tell is the journey to those goals. These goals range from small, fun tidbits, to grandiose moments of revelation, to personal character arcs, positive or negative growth, background, side stories, interludes: I do it all.

[ "God-modding" ] and [ "One-liners" ] are useful, necessary tools. Let me explain:

God-modding is an excellent way to ensure the continuation of a scene without having to stop for every shrug, nod, or grunt from a character you don't necessarily control. It also helps prevent completely side-lining a character's presence in the post. This is best implemented under two circumstances: only once we are comfortable with the personality of each other's character and only in small ways, such as a shrug, nod, or simple reply. For more complex or detailed replies, we can simply ask what the character would do or how they will respond and insert that into the post. If something is ever wrong, or just not quite right, it can be edited easily enough.

One-liners happen in reality, and so they shouldn't be avoided just for the sake of avoidance. That being said, I'll never make you wait a week to get a one-line reply. In fact, one-liners are best used with minor god-modding or during collaborative dialogue which, ideally, would include a lot of rapid back-and-forth replies. I always strive to achieve as natural feeling dialogues as I can.

• I will always [ Communicate ]. I will never ghost you, ignore you, or abandon you. I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around, or desert you. If you ghost me, ignore me, or abandon me, don't expect my willingness to roleplay with you again to be easy to come by. I have good etiquette, I will always keep you up to date and in the loop. I expect the same from you. If you need a break, if life happens, if the mood simply isn't there, that's all good. I understand. I get it. I have no problems with it. The same happens to me. If I don't hear from you or you keep blowing me off over a long period of time, I'll move on.

• I prefer OOC communication and information keeping through [ Discord ] and writing the IC in [ Google Docs ]. I have a handful of good, if personal, reasons for these preferences, but, I may be swayed to concede and roleplay here on the forum or through PMs.
— Discord ID [ Syben#2323 ]

| What I Expect From You |
| What I Expect From You |

[ 18+ ] Even without the inclusion of any graphic smut, nine times out of ten my roleplays incorporate some form of heavy, traumatic, or otherwise adult themes. Of course, these themes are not strictly necessary and can be discussed on a per individual basis-I do enjoy the occasional happy-go-lucky, lighthearted adventure.

[ High Casual ] to [ Advanced ] writing ability. Honestly, the biggest difference between casual and advanced is effort, planning, and just a sprinkle of technique. You don't need particularly fancy prose or perfect grammar. You just need to be interesting and put in the work. Roleplaying is fun, but it does require work and I expect you to pull a share of it.

[ Collaboration ] is more than just writing together, it's working together. It's planning, it's brainstorming, it's sharing the work load of world building, and, most especially, it is communicating. I always want to know what you're thinking or how you feel about something, even if it's my character. This doesn't mean you have to give away all of your juicy secrets, unless strictly necessary for continuity or plot.

[ Participation ]. I don't want someone who is simply here to react to everything I am doing, waiting for something interesting to fall into their lap. I want someone who will help drive the story, various side plots, and character development. Roleplaying, for me, is the same as authoring a book. I am a storyteller and I want storytellers in return.

• Have the ability to play [ Multiple Characters ] . It is simply necessary for a good roleplay. I will divide my characters between main cast, supporting secondaries, and general NPCs of varying importance, usually in the form of a simple master list for continuity. That being said, not every character needs an IC post. I only write for other characters when necessary or relevant, and tend to stick to my primary character for regular posting. If I'm waiting for a reply and want to write, I may do some sort of scene of not totally insignificant importance with another character.

If you are not yet acquainted with Guild Policy, then I wholeheartedly recommend:
| Guidelines for Mature Roleplays: Revised Edition | Fundamental Rules of the Guild |

| The Fine Print |
| The Fine Print |

[ Romance ] is a plus, but not necessary, and certainly not necessary between main characters. In simple terms: I prefer [ F x F ] or [ F x M ] for the focus of primary characters. I tend to disproportionately choose a female character for my primary character(s).

— I am open to discussing [M x M].
— I am [ LGBTQ+ ] friendly.
— I don't know a lot about the [ Omegaverse ] but I'm always willing to try new things.
— On the [ Furry Scale ] I draw the line after [ Six ].

[ High Fantasy ], [ Apocalyptic ], and [ Sci Fi ] are my main genres, in that order, but I'm always open-minded to other possibilities.

• I do like [ Magic ], [ Supernatural Ability/Powers ], [ Non-human Races ], and things in that realm of thought. Again, these are just some of my top likes.

• I do not do [ Canons ] or [ Fandoms ], but I do take inspiration and straight up steal ideas from sources I enjoy.

• I also tend to stay away from [ Modern ], [ Western], [ Historical ], and [ Slice-of-Life ] settings. That's not to say that there may not be, for instance, slice-of-life moments in an RP, I just don't enjoy these genres as a primary focus
I am interested in #19 and #23. I write in advanced, so if you don't mind the occasional wall of text we can work out the details over PM.
Tentative interest in "Rage In The Machine", I'd like to discuss it further.

Discord: Syben#3751
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